Biden Team Hid Their Israel Backstabbing From The Public

Biden Team Hid Their Israel Backstabbing From The Public

Biden Team Hid Their Israel Backstabbing From The Public

Joe Biden has been playing both sides on Israel for a while now. The White House just didn’t want to tell the public about it.

In the wake of the literal arms embargo that Biden is currently instituting against Israel (for which he should be impeached, according to Democrat rules), we are now learning about a phone call that Biden placed to Prime Minister Netanyahu back in February, in which he threatened to not support Israel’s continuation of the war if the IDF went into Rafah. Huh. A phone call. Was it “perfect”? Apparently not, because the New York Times is reporting that the Biden White House deliberately HID that part of the phone call by NOT including it in the official readout.

President Biden laid it out for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel long before letting the public know. In a conversation bristling with tension on Feb. 11, the president warned the prime minister against a major assault on the Gaza city of Rafah — and suggested that continued U.S. support would depend on how Israel proceeded.

It was an extraordinary moment. For the first time, the president who had so strongly backed Israel’s war against Hamas was essentially threatening to change course. The White House, however, kept the threat secret, making no mention of it in the official statement it released about the call. And indeed, the private warning, perhaps too subtle, fell on deaf ears.

Your eyes do not deceive you. Joe Biden was already threatening Benjamin Netanyahu that unless Israel did what HE wanted, then there would be no “U.S. support” – back in FEBRUARY. And just why did President Brandon feel like he had the right to dictate how Israel should conduct their war?

Mr. Biden’s journey to this moment of confrontation has been a long and tortured one, the culmination of a seven-month evolution — from a president who was so appalled by the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Oct. 7 that he pledged “rock solid and unwavering” support for Israel to an angry and exasperated president who has finally had it with an Israeli leadership that he believes is not listening to him.

“He has just gotten to a point where enough is enough,” said former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, a onetime Republican senator from Nebraska and a friend of Mr. Biden’s from their days together in Congress and President Barack Obama’s administration. “I think he felt he had to say something. He had to do something. He had to show some sign that he wasn’t going to continue this.”

I’m sorry, say what now? Joe Biden is having a temper tantrum because he thinks the Israeli government – a UNITY government, mind you – is not listening to HIM??? Biden, who former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates once said had “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”? Biden, the same guy who was proclaiming his support for Israel on Holocaust Rememberance Day, while withholding arms so Israel can eliminate an existential threat? THAT GUY – who is currently issuing waivers so that he can sell arms to Qatar and Lebanon – is all pissy that the Israeli government isn’t listening to HIM?

But back to that little detail of “not putting the threat in the official readout of the call.” Here is what the official readout says:

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke this morning with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. The President reaffirmed our shared goal to see Hamas defeated and to ensure the long-term security of Israel and its people. The President and the Prime Minister discussed ongoing efforts to secure the release of all remaining hostages held by Hamas. The President emphasized the need to capitalize on progress made in the negotiations to secure the release of all hostages as soon as possible. He also called for urgent and specific steps to increase the throughput and consistency of humanitarian assistance to innocent Palestinian civilians. And he reaffirmed his view that a military operation in Rafah should not proceed without a credible and executable plan for ensuring the safety of and support for the more than one million people sheltering there. The two leaders agreed to remain in close contact.

This was FEBRUARY 11th. Does anyone else remember what happened on February 11th? Oh, that’s right – Israel ignored the Biden administration and went into Rafah, using intelligence sources, and got TWO HOSTAGES OUT. No hostages, despite the tons of aid going into Gaza, have come out since then. Reportedly, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has somewhere around 15 to 20 hostages with him as human shields to protect him from being droned out of existence. Hamas now just wants to hand over dead bodies and call it good.

And here is Joe Biden, blithely claiming that we leave no one behind.

This meat puppet of a president is a callous, venal, wretched old man. He will literally say or do anything in order to stay in power. He will backstab a democratic ally and hug a terrorist if he thinks it will win him votes. He will conceal a threat to a fellow democracy by hiding it from the official readout, and then shed crocodile tears about how many Jews died during the Holocaust. He will deny precision weapons that would enable Israel to NOT hit civilians, and ignore the fact that there are still Americans being held hostage in Gaza. Donald Trump was impeached for less than this.

The media is far less concerned about these things nowadays, huh?

In the meantime, the House is putting forward impeachment charges.

Just do it. Impeach this senile old bastard now. Make the Democrats defend acquitting him. Let’s go, Brandon.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Chuck Hagel is a RINO POS, and can F*#K right off along with the Pedo in Charge.. Israel needs to quit worryign about a world that hates them, and take care of the rats in palestine ( there are NO civilians there) with some canned sunshine..
    And yes, Biden, according to the rules that the dims established needs to be impeached, but the spineless repubs will never make it happen..

    Ooh, and while we’re encouraging the wiping out of rag head terrorists, we should include Dearbornistan and the “reps” from that part of the world Omar should face jail time for immigration fraud and incest, and then be sent back to the shithole she came from, along with all of her supporters. But openly supporting terrorist, their citizenship should become forfeit…

    • Sorry, but you are wrong there, Scott.

      Not a one of the monsters that were executed after World War 2 ever DIRECTLY killed a single Jew. Neither has anyone in the Biden Junta or the Dearborn terrorist nest.

      It is time for war crimes tribunals – and gallows.

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