Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Can you believe this is the last Sunday of April? One third of 2024 is now in the rear-view mirror. Holy canelé! I gotta stop blinking. Here, dears, start passing the flutes and let’s toast to spring, offer up prayers and good thoughts for our family, friends and nation. It’s been another crazy-makin’ week — did you know Biden’s mere walk across the White House lawn to get on or off the helicopter is now done with enough chaperones to shield his shuffle from cameras? How, or why, are the Democrats working to inflict Brandon on us for another four years? Take that as a rhetorical question, friends, while you grab a plate and tuck into brunch. Let’s get to it. À votre santé!


American Campus chic

Personally, I’m struck by the resemblance to this guy (IYKYK):


They do it for our own good, of course

I mean, we certainly can’t trust people to defend themselves. So let’s not upset them finding out when someone actually engages in self-defense with the icky tool of three letters.

According to a report from Law Enforcement Today, recent revelations have exposed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for allegedly suppressing data on defensive gun use (DGU). This action has ignited debates over the transparency and potential politicization of the agency’s research on gun policy and public health. (snip)

Documents obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests revealed that individuals such as Mark Bryant of the Gun Violence Archive, Devin Hughes of GVPedia, and Po Murray engaged with top CDC officials. They were introduced by the White House and Senator Dick Durbin’s office and pressed the CDC to downplay DGU frequencies, which range from estimates of 60,000 to 2.5 million annually in the U.S.

Mark Bryant was particularly outspoken, vehemently opposing the highest estimates of DGU. He was quoted in correspondence saying, “that statistic needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again. It is highly misleading, used out of context, and holds zero value even as an outlier in honest discussions surrounding DGUs.”

Despite initial reluctance, the CDC ultimately removed references to DGUs from its publications

Come on, dears. You know the line; let’s say it together. “Truth is not a Leftwing value.”

Remember that the next time some “progressive” bureaucrat or one of their crony corporatists pipes up about the need to suppress ::::cough::: misinformation :::cough::::.



Black is white, up is down

And a member of the Left’s privileged class du jour can do no wrong.


Luxury beliefs are dangerous

This is all about her and the superior morals she can publicly lord over the hoi polloi.

A French actress [Audrey Lamy] whose residence in the south of France was burgled while she was away filming opted not to file a police complaint against the perpetrators after learning the suspects were illegal immigrants. (snip)

when three suspects of Italian-Bosnian origin were apprehended on suspicion of carrying out the burglary, as well as 15 others over three months back in 2022, the 43-year-old actress was said to have been “touched in the heart” and chose not to press charges.

More like Audrey is touched in the head. Fifteen other households burgled by these criminals and there’s no place in her heart for them. This is what weaponized compassion looks like.


Listen and they tell you exactly who they are

We at Victory Girls have been covering the public convulsions of Jewhate across American university and college campuses. It’s repugnant; however, more infuriating is Lamestream media’s insistence on calling these pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

“Pro-Palestinian” is this season’s “Fiery, but mostly peaceful” description for murderous intent and thuggish behavior.

Out: Che t-shirts
In: keffiyehs


I laughed and I’m not sorry


Sunday prayer request

Please keep our men and women in uniform in your daily prayers, because this administration is more interested in DEI and Trans issues than in military preparedness.

No quick fix is in the offing for the USS Boxer, the amphibious assault ship that experienced mechanical problems in early April, forcing it to return to San Diego 10 days after deploying to the Indo-Pacific.

“As inspections and assessments are continuing, a decision on the most efficient way to execute repairs in still being determined,” the Navy said in an emailed statement to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

The 843-foot ship, which carries Marine amphibious forces and a variety of aircraft, is currently docked at Naval Station San Diego. The ship’s latest problem was first reported by the US Naval Institute.

The USS Boxer deployed out of San Diego on April 1st headed to Indo-Pacific theater but had to turn around and return to San Diego for repairs. Yet the piers large enough to handle the Boxer are already occupied by other ships being repaired.

What in the name of John Paul Jones is going on here? There are heads at the Pentagon that should be rolling right now. We already have too few ships and several are under repair?

Dears, this is personal for me. I have a grandson on that ship and his twin is on another ship overseas which has been having its own repair issues. This is unacceptable. I know it’s early, but I think this calls for a gin martini – double – with three olives.


Your Sunday smile

Dears, we really need more people like this.

ST. PAUL, Minn. (FOX 9) – Kadir Tolla says he was on his way to visit a couple of clients in St. Paul when he came across a crash, moments after it happened.

“I saw a car on fire. Then I said somebody is probably in there,” Tolla told FOX 9.

The Minnesota State Patrol says a Honda ran off the road on I-94 near Snelling Avenue, hit a light pole and burst into flames around 6:30 p.m. on Thursday.

Tolla was one of several Good Samaritans who pulled over and ran to help.

That could have easily turned into a tragedy. God bless each one of those angels who rushed to help. I will say, though, in advice to you, dear friends. Keep an emergency kit in your trunk — something you can put together on your own. Include in it a fire extinguisher and a device, such as an auto hammer/seat belt cutter. I do. Thankfully, I’ve never had to use it but I’d hate to be without it in this kind of situation.


Oh no! Look at the time. As always, it has flown too fast when we’re together. Do seize the rest of the day for yourself. Spend time with your family, your friends or even with a good book. See you next week. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • Cameron says:

    The CDC got spanked 11 years ago with regards to defensive gun use. Basically, Obama demanded that the restriction against them using firearms in their stats be removed. The resulting study was buried harder than the Epstein client list almost 24 hours later.

    These creatures will never give up and we shouldn’t either.

    God bless each one of those angels who rushed to help.

    I’m willing to believe that he kept the flames at bay long enough to get that person out of the car.

  • Scott says:

    Looks like the Mayor needs to get some combatives training for his security staff.

  • GWB says:

    Keep an emergency kit in your trunk — something you can put together on your own. Include in it a fire extinguisher and a device, such as an auto hammer/seat belt cutter.
    Also include a fire blanket. Not the kind for snuffing a pan fire in your kitchen, but a BIG one you can wrap around someone and get them clear of a burning vehicle. If all else fails, a wool blanket (which I also keep in my emergency kit) will do in a pinch.

    Here’s an example of a bigger one. Look for ones that are at least 60 inches in one dimension.

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