Biden Begs Qatar And Egypt: Please Tell Hamas To Release The Hostages

Biden Begs Qatar And Egypt: Please Tell Hamas To Release The Hostages

Biden Begs Qatar And Egypt: Please Tell Hamas To Release The Hostages

On the heels of threatening Israel once again for daring to defend themselves, Biden is now begging Qatar and Egypt to get Hamas to release the hostages.

President Biden sent messages to the leaders of Egypt and Qatar urging them to increase pressure on Hamas to make a deal with Israel that would result in a temporary cease-fire in Gaza and the release of hostages held there, a senior administration official said on Friday.

The messages to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt and Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the emir of Qatar, came as American and Israeli negotiators converge in Cairo this weekend for the next round of talks aimed at defusing the war that has consumed the Middle East for nearly six months.

Egypt and Qatar have been the middlemen for negotiations with Hamas and Israel since the October 7 terrorist attack happened. What is notable however, is that every time some of the hostages were released, easily double the amount of Palestinians (terrorists among them) were released. Hamas has continually demanded a lop-sided exchange that keeps them in the drivers seat. Hence the stalled talks. 

What is instructive about this is that Biden already had a supposedly on-point and pithy call with Prime Minister Netanyahu yesterday. Which led to the announcement that Israel would reopen the Erez Gate to let aid through. 

Hamas, however, has been saying NOPE to everything. Currently, that we know of, there are 134 hostages remaining. Some of them very young children. Others are elderly, with some in desperate need of medicines that the International Red Cross has shamefully refused to help with. 

So now, while lecturing Israel, Biden sends a letter begging for help with Hamas. 

The current proposal being negotiated could lead to a six-week ceasefire in Gaza and the release of 40 hostages — female soldiers and other women, men over the age of 50 and men in critical medical conditions.

In return, Israel would release roughly 700 Palestinian prisoners, including about 100 who are serving life sentences for killing Israelis.

You can darned well bet that the families of those 100 terrorists mentioned have made bank due to Palestine’s charter that includes pay for slay when anyone commits an act of terrorism. 

There are other problems with the involvement of Qatar and Egypt in these negotiations. 

For months, US lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, and family members of some of the hostages, have called on Biden to turn the screws on the international community in an effort to get more hostages out of Gaza.

“We are concerned that Qatar is not fully utilizing its leverage to seek further concessions from Hamas,” Sens. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) wrote in a letter to Biden last December.

The senators noted that “Qatar maintains close ties with Hamas” and has “outsized access and influence with the group.”

Ernst and Rosen called on Biden to “make clear to Qatar that the United States is closely watching ongoing hostage negotiations and convey that Qatar’s inability to deliver on its commitments regarding the safe return of all remaining hostages will significantly impact bilateral relations.”

Yes, about that. Hamas has offices in Qatar and many of the leaders actually live in Qatar while directing their terrorist activities from their cushy and very high-dollar abodes. Meanwhile, Egypt has kept its borders mostly closed to anyone fleeing Gaza once Israel started their understandable retaliation for October 7. 

The thing is, will Qatar and Egypt play? Or are they busy being very worried about what Iran is planning to do next given Israel obliterated (VERY good riddance!) one of their October 7 masterminds? 

Yes, it looks like the region is getting a bit sportier and the temperature is climbing. 

So, we have Iran flexing muscles while Biden begs Qatar and Egypt for help with Hamas. What could possibly go wrong? Oh I don’t know, Hamas broke the ceasefire that Egypt brokered in 2021, who is to say that won’t happen again? Especially when one remembers that Hamas is funded in large part by none other than…Iran. 

Thus, while Iran is flexing and Hamas has rejected multiple proposals, including the most recent one, we find out that Biden is now having to BEG Qatar and Egypt to get Hamas to agree to something…ANYTHING and right now pretty please. Did he issue the same ask four months ago?

Yes, he did. Hamas has rejected everything. Wouldn’t rational heads then assume that Egypt and Qatar’s negotiators have very little influence over Hamas? I would. 

The optics are really bad on this. Joe Biden and his handlers made a huge thing out of lecturing Israel for all their wrongdoings. But now, less than 24 hours later, the same Administration is on record going hat in hand to ask Egypt and Qatar to PLEASE get Hamas to agree to SOMETHING so that the remaining hostages, children among them, can be released. 

Stellar optics guys. Amazing. 

Feature Photo Credit: Biden on call with Egypt and Qatar in February via official  White House Facebook page, cropped and modified

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  • Cameron says:

    They won’t be released and no country will lean on Hamas.

  • Chad King says:

    It would be great if we had a president with the will and wisdom of Ronald Reagan. He could channel Michael Corleone from Godfather II and simply tell Hamas: “here’s my offer. Nothing. You need to release all of the hostages and surrender all of your personnel to Israel for judgment. I’d also appreciate it if you would use some of the billions stolen by your leaders to reimburse Israel for the costs it has incurred in kicking your butt.”

    He could also mention to Iran. “That’s a nice Kargh Island you have there. It would be a shame if anything happened to it. Get your people out of the Middle East now.”

    Instead we have Brandon, following his instincts and trying to get Israel to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. There will be no peace for Israel until the Palestinians (who strongly support Hamas) are totally defeated. As Schumer threatened the Supreme Court–“You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.” Time for payback for Hamas and Iran.

  • Dietrich says:

    Joe you ignorant slut, the hostages are either dead or have been so horribly abused in their captivity that their release is impossible.

  • Scott says:

    The one thing I will continue to fault Israel for is giving in to international pressure, and not going full on scorched earth on the palis as soon as they could mobilize their forces. If they had, it would have given the terrorists and their allies less time to start the BS narratives, protests, and fake videos.. Sadly, with the overwhelming support for Ham-Ass in that area, and the complete “hate Israel” indoctrination given to children starting nearly at birth, there really are no innocents, and the IDF should operate accordingly.

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