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History has a habit of repeating itself. That’s especially true when it comes to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her loving fans hecklers. The latest example occurred Thursday at a town hall meeting in Queens. While AOC tried to drone on and on about the virtues of the Green New Deal and other oh-so-socialist policies, several people in the audience had other ideas. One of them, Jonathan David Rinaldi, not only claimed he was challenging AOC for her congressional seat, but he also wanted to know why she wouldn’t debate him. Cue the histrionics from her supporters and the smirk from the socialist savior wannabe.
Before anyone starts feeling sorry for AOC, remember exactly who we’re talking about. This is the former bartender who ran for office promising to serve the best interests of her constituents but who then worked tirelessly to run Amazon out of NY. This is the same congresswoman who whined because she couldn’t afford rent in DC. This is also the same AOC who, early into her term let everyone know she needed a vacation for some “self-care” because the job was soooo hard and whine whine whine. She also made sure to have media presence around when she berated border patrol agents while touring one of the facilities set up to deal with the illegal–sorry, undocumented–immigrants.
And yet NY decided to send her back to DC.
Now, it’s possible some of those voting for her thought sending her to DC was the best option because it got her out of NY. the only problem is that left her to vote on legislation. So a win-win situation quickly became a lose-lose situation.
Something at least some residents of her district have realized. How many other politicians seem to have as many hecklers as she does (other than Trump)?
Back in May 2023, another of her events was disrupted by hecklers. Once again, immigration was a major concern for those speaking up. Another point of contention was AOC’s belief the Biden Administration should do away with the debt limit as well as her failure to stop financial support to Ukraine.
As for AOC herself, she doesn’t seem to take the concerns of her constituents seriously. As noted in the write-up of Thursday’s event, she was “smiling” as Rinaldi was ejected by security. She basked in the shouts of “AOC!” instead of considering he might be raising some valid points, points she should consider. Points like open borders and meeting her political opponent in a debate.
Of course, she probably knew she had little to no chance of actually winning a debate.
So why does the district continue to elect her? Why hasn’t she been subject to a recall vote?
Those are questions only the voters in the district, and the DNC, can answer. I find myself hoping one of the commenters on the video above has it right. For the first time, there is real discontent in the district, discontent aimed directly at her and her policies. I hope her primary opponent is at least halfway competent and offers the district a viable option, one that will actually be concerned about the district and this country.
The ball is in the court of the voters of her district. Here’s hoping they hit it out of the park for once and don’t whiff–like they did when they first elected her.
Featured image: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez caricature by Donkeyhotey. Creative Commons 2.0 license.
They’ll re-elect her. NY is a broken state and they’re just fine with Donkey Chompers because they’re too scared that voting for anyone else makes them raysis, sexis, -insert phobic here.
[…] Victory Girls Blog wonders if NYC is finally wising up to AOC […]
Nah. She’ll win again easily, for reasons Cameron cited. This is a leftwing country now, and we have to come to terms with that and take appropriate measures once the oppression becomes intolerable.
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