Climate Loons Desecrate U.S. Constitution In The Name Of Love

Climate Loons Desecrate U.S. Constitution In The Name Of Love

Climate Loons Desecrate U.S. Constitution In The Name Of Love

Desecrating and vandalizing works of art and our U.S. Constitution is done in the name of love according to the childish climate loons masquerading as activists.

Yesterday, two miscreants went into the National Archives to gin up support for dragging civilization back into the dark ages. 

The National Archives closed its galleries to the public on Wednesday after two apparent climate activists dumped red powder on the protective encasement surrounding the U.S. Constitution.

According to the National Archives and Records Administration, the incident occurred around 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Security immediately detained the individuals, and officials are investigating the incident.

However, when you view the videos of the incident, security was exceptionally slow to move. The childish climate loons had plenty of time to spread the red powder and spout their talking points. 

As you can see from the above, security slow-walked their response. Oh, but that’s ok. What they did means there will be consequences. 

One of the men declared that he is “determined to foment a rebellion.” Ford Fischer / News2Share
DC’s Metropolitan Police Department arrested both individuals and the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia will handle the case, a spokesperson for the National Archives and Record Administration told The Post.

“It will be treated as a federal crime,” they added, noting that the perpetrators indicated that the pink substance was powdered paint.

Which, as with the case of the other children throwing red paint on a Degas statue at the National Gallery of Art, means years of jail time, just like all the January 6 defendants? Not hardly. 

You see, because THESE children fit the climate narratives and decided desecrating the U.S. Constitution is perfect for their agenda, the consequences will be minimal. It’s all done in the name of LOVE you see. 

Colleen Shogan, archivist of the United States, issued a statement condemning the protest, and the National Archives closed its galleries for the rest of the day.

“The National Archives Rotunda is the sanctuary for our nation’s founding documents. They are here for all Americans to view and understand the principles of our nation,” Shogan said in the statement. “We take such vandalism very seriously and we will insist that the perpetrators be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Here’s the deal. The National Archives had to be EVACUATED because of the red powder those children tossed about. How many times have federal buildings been evacuated because of suspicious powder issues? It’s not only a federal crime to desecrate and/or vandalize federal property, it’s kind of a really big crime to put people in danger from unknown potentially life-threatening substances. 

Aren’t they just so darned cute??!! Yeah, no. 

These loons, in the name of love, want a “livable climate.”

One without the use of oil, gas, or coal. It’s all wind and solar all the time baby! Commute by walking and via bicycles! E-bikes and electric cars are acceptable as well. Uh huh, these climate activist toddlers are living in such a bubble that they can’t see the forest, nor the trees.

Turns out, this same crew was responsible for other idiotic protests just a day or so prior. 

All of this vandalism and desecration, as some of their group ALSO did to Botticelli’s Venus this week, is done out of LOVE for our climate and environment.

When will there be actual REAL consequences for this destruction and vandalism? Just arresting Donald Sepeda and Jackson Green, and then letting them skate on no bail and no jail time isn’t enough. 

Furthermore, given that we’ve had media involved in prior incidents (Washington Post for one), and said WaPo buried this current story way down in their DC Metro section, this tells me that the media is ok with THIS kind of vandalism and desecration. Meanwhile, there ARE people getting fed up with this asinine nonsense. 

There’s going to come a time when these climate loons, operating out of LOVE, will go to far. And that’s on them.

We can only be thankful that the U.S. Constitution was protected in a sealed case.

Feature Photo Credit: Constitution vintage flag via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Cameron says:

    Every ten years there is some crisis that is going to KILL US ALL! unless we ACT NOW!! And so far, not one prediction has come true.

    Long past time for us to stop being nice to these people. They want to identify as speed bumps, I have no moral issue with them being treated like that.

  • CDC says:

    Now that the psychological shock and awe attack on U.S. citizenry has led to apathy, how long before the already leaking dam breaks and it is everyone for themselves for survival. If this were not a government sanctioned event the red powder loons would not be breathing now.

  • Scott says:

    Bean bag rounds and CS gas until they move… or as Cameron said, they can play speedbump..

  • draigh says:

    “Childish climate loons” sounds like anyone who believes in “Sudden Climate Change!” It’s the weather, stoopid!

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