Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

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Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

It’s that time again Ladies and Gentlemen! Grab your Mimosa, Bloody Mary, or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

My how January just blew by with hurricane force winds. Suddenly it’s the last weekend of the first month of 2024, and let me tell you we’ve only just begun on the bandwagon of political craziness.

TikTok Climate Influencers For The Win!

As Toni wrote on Friday, the Biden Administration’s EPA in their very finite wisdom, have decided that our exports LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) with is 10x cleaner than Russia’s should be paused due to climate change crap. Well folks, it’s worse than that. You see, this decision was influenced by the very best of SCIENCE! Well, no, not really. 

“We see CP2 as stopping the first fraction of the largest LNG build out to date,” said Alex Haraus, a 25-year-old Colorado social media influencer who has led a TikTok and Instagram campaign aimed at urging young voters to demand that Mr. Biden reject the project. His posts have received about 7 million views on TikTok and Instagram.

Among those who saw the posts were Ali Zaidi and John Podesta, senior advisers to Mr. Biden on climate policy.

Europe, in order to keep the lights on, desperately needs good clean LNG right now. Instead, the Biden Administration is listening to granola-eating vegan hemp wearing 25 yr olds who have exactly zero background in actual science. 

Erasing Native Americans To Appease…Native Americans?

Yes, that’s correct. Let’s have the NYC Museum of Natural History just wipe Native Americans from their halls and walls in order to appease the politically correct: 

History lovers slammed the American Museum of Natural History for shuttering all its Native American-related displays Friday, with one disappointed historophile saying the now-empty major exhibition halls and display cabinets show “history being made secret.”

“People come here to learn and see the displays,” Dan Shoop, 60, told The Post as he wandered the eerily abandoned halls dedicated to the Eastern Woodlands and the Great Plains.

“If it’s not on public display, it robs the people of a chance to learn about a culture of great historic importance to this country.”


“The halls we are closing are artifacts of an era when museums such as ours did not respect the values, perspectives and indeed shared humanity of Indigenous peoples,” Decatur wrote in the missive obtained by The Post.

Evidently, items such as dolls, teepees, paintings, clothing, and canoes shall be returned to their original tribes…if those tribes still exist. Some do not. These are the very same people who removed the Teddy Roosevelt statue from in front of the museum. Disappearing history in order to appease the few ensures our future generations learn nothing. 

Propoganda …FAIL

Just guess what’s wrong with this? Anyone want to give them a clue?

That ratio is quite something!

Eric Swalwell Attempts To Channel Mission Impossible

Yes, not only will he ignore which party is responsible for the crime stats, he wants us to believe he PRACTICES for these scenarios? Uh huh… NO.

This Fiddler On The Roof Remake Is Quite Something!

Believe me, I didn’t have liking and even applauding Fetterman on my late 2023 NOR my 2024 bingo card either! But the dude has been incredibly solid and steadfast on behalf of Israel from day one, and for that he gets a major round of applause from me. 

The Toy Story Store Is Dead

Thanks to the Democrat way in San Francisco, which has turned much of the famed downtown area into cesspits of drugs and crime, the iconic toy store that inspired Woody and Buzz Lightyear is closing permanently.

An iconic San Francisco toy store famed for inspiring the Toy Story movies has been forced to close after 86 years due to the city’s rampant crime and homelessness epidemic.

Jeffrey’s Toys shared the news this week that it would be permanently closing its doors, citing a crimewave that had left it ‘struggling for a number of years’.

The store’s attorney named the ‘perils and violence of the downtown environment’ as the main factor driving the decision, alongside ‘inflation, the decrease in consumer spending and the demise of retail across the world’.

After 86 years, it took less than four to drive Jeffrey’s Toys and many others out of business and out of San Francisco. 

Co-owner Matthew Luhn, who runs the store with his dad and stepmother, told SFGate weeks before closure that they were desperate to stay in business, ‘but we need a healthier relationship with the city.’

‘We’re putting our money in, we’re putting our hard work in, and we’re putting our love into it. But, in the relationship we have with the city, that’s not being returned.’

Your Sunday Smile

In honor of Toy Story, a song of friendship. May it brighten your day and your week!

Until next time! CHEERS!

Feature Photo: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    I never like hearing about businesses having to shutter and get out of town. I’m not even going to respond with the normal question of “How did they vote?”

    The situation in SF, Seattle and other places needs an approach that only the least squeamish would implement. And since it won’t happen, things like this will continue.

    • Skillyboo says:

      Dems will cite, when all the businesses have moved out, the lower crime rate statistics and call whatever it is they do a success.

  • GWB says:

    The halls we are closing are artifacts of an era when museums such as ours did not respect the values, perspectives and indeed shared humanity of Indigenous peoples
    You have exactly ZERO (0) authority to run a museum. You should be buried up to your neck in the desert, near an ant hill.

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