Protesters Create Chaos at the White House

Protesters Create Chaos at the White House

Protesters Create Chaos at the White House

Pro-Palestinian protesters are ramping up the violence and have even taken their rage to the White House, as happened on Saturday night.

They swarmed outside the Peoples’ House, shouting “F_ck Joe Biden!” — and not like the cheeky “Let’s go Brandon” chant from college kids a couple of years ago. The crowd also waved flags that read, “Genocide Joe has got 2Go,” and held posters showing Biden and Israeli Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu with the caption “War Criminals.” Plus, they set off smoke bombs and littered “dead” baby dolls outside the WH fence.

Classy. Just the kind of stunts to effectively bring people to your side.

The mob also chanted their stock shibboleths, “Free free Palestine!” and “Ceasefire now!” But they added a new mantra to their repertoire: “Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around.”

Perhaps these boneheads don’t realize that when Houthi terrorists force shipping giants such as Maersk to route their ships around Africa and the Cape of Good Hope, rather than through the Suez Canal, it disrupts global supply chains and drives up prices. Perhaps even for items they purchase. But critical thought is not a feature of these anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters, is it.

What was particularly frightening was that the mob damaged the security fence standing outside the White House, according to a Secret Service statement.

Meanwhile, Secret Service agents in riot gear stood behind the fence.

Not only that, but some White House staffers had to be relocated for their safety. Clearly these protesters were getting out of hand.

Meanwhile, DC Police Chief Pamela Smith released a weak tea statement:

The right to peacefully protest is one of the cornerstones of our democracy, and the Metropolitan Police Department has long supported those who visit our city to demonstrate safely. However, violence, destructive behavior, and criminal activities are not tolerated… We are supporting our partners at the United States Park Police as they investigate and hold those found responsible accountable for their actions.

Riiiight. So how many arrests took place? Not one.


Who’s Behind These Riots, er, Protests?

Ask PBS News Hour and they’ll tell you that these protests are somehow organic. Because that’s what the “experts” tell them.

According to experts who spoke to the PBS NewsHour, this swell of protest is the result of a number of factors, including growing pro-Palestinian sentiment among younger people, the mounting civilian toll in Gaza from Israel’s military response, and more people being drawn into activism through issues like reproductive rights, Black Lives Matter and concerns about democracy.

How about we just follow the money?

The Free Press reporter Francesca Block, whom I referenced last Thursday, traces funding for the protests back to American multimillionaire Neville Roy Singham. Singham made his millions by founding and later selling an IT firm called Thoughtworks. His wife is Jodie Evans, and if her name rings a bell it’s because she’s a co-founder of the far-left anti-war group Code Pink. Together these two America-hating sleaze bags have been the main funders of a Marxist group called “The People’s Forum” since 2017.

And what has The People’s Forum been up to recently? You guessed it — organizing pro-Palestinian protests ever since the October 7 massacre. For example, on October 8 they galvanized protesters in NYC’s Times Square to “stand with the people of Palestine, who have the right to resist apartheid, occupation & oppression.” The People’s Forum also instigated the “Shut It Down for Palestine” protests on November 4.

Not only do the Singhams fund pro-Palestinian protests, they’re also China sympathizers with ties to at least four Chinese propaganda news sites.

As Sen. Marco Rubio wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland about the lovely Singham couple:

It appears that organizations tied to Neville Roy Singham, a U.S. citizen, have been receiving direction from the CCP. Mr. Singham is the founder of Thoughtworks, a Chicago-based software consultancy, and for many years, promoted far-left causes. Mr. Singham reportedly created a dark money system that allows him to send funds to a number of far-left organizations.

Has Merrick Garland looked into these two and their pernicious pursuits? Your guess is as good as mine.


What To Do About the Protesters?

We certainly are no fans of Joe Biden here at our little blog, but I think we all agree that when protesters come close to breeching security fences, then Houston, there’s a problem.

My husband, being an increasingly cranky curmudgeon about these idiots, suggests the use of a water cannon.


That would be effective, especially in the winter in the northern blue cities where this sort tend to congregate.

Ryan McBeth, a 10-year Army vet turned cybersecurity specialist, has an idea. Let’s send them into the hands of the people they love so much! McBeth is also willing to put up some money to help in the cause.

Yeah, somehow I don’t think Ryan Dawson or his ilk will be taking McBeth up on his offer anytime soon.

Or how about this: We prosecute these dirtbags to the fullest extent of the law. If they’re threatening the president, if they’re damaging the security apparatus outside his residency — or even blocking traffic for us regular folks — then for heaven’s sake arrest and prosecute them. It’s way beyond time to clamp down on these clowns.


Featured image: “Election Day: Security fencing” by vpickering is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Cropped.

Written by

Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • Lloyd says:

    And yet…they will be treated with kid go\loves; far different from the Jan 6 crew. Two tier system of justice…you bet!

  • Chris says:

    The Fox’s fox’s release statement that fox’s are ok. Got it.

  • Mad Celt says:

    Mostly peaceful protest, I take it?

  • NTSOG says:

    “My husband, being an increasingly cranky curmudgeon about these idiots, suggests the use of a water cannon.”

    I am all for water cannons. Most of the rioters would likely benefit from a good bath.

  • Cameron says:

    Shame we won’t go full metal Pinochet on these people. It would make the survivors behave.

  • Scott says:

    Until there is justice for those persecuted for Jan 6th, and these unwashed scum face real consequences ( Singham should get a federal proctology exam, there’s no question they could find plenty of crimes if they actually look), I have no sympathy for the white house, or the Capitol / Metropolitan police, who on Jan 6th and in the “testimony” since then have proven themselves to be liars and cowards.

    “reap what ye sow”….

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