Harvard’s Claudine Gay Out As President – Win For Sanity

Harvard’s Claudine Gay Out As President – Win For Sanity

Harvard’s Claudine Gay Out As President – Win For Sanity

In the end even Obama couldn’t save her. The news is out that Harvard’s President Claudine Gay will resign at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Not, mind you, because suddenly Harvard believes Jewish genocide is bad. No, she is out because her intellectual dishonesty and academic theft was finally too much. Does the Harvard Corporation care? Probably not, the rot is that thorough.

The Harvard Crimson campus newspaper reported the news of Gay’s resignation:

Harvard President Claudine Gay will resign Tuesday afternoon, bringing an end to the shortest presidency in the University’s history, according to a person with knowledge of the decision.

It is not clear who will be appointed to serve as interim president.

University spokesperson Jonathan L. Swain declined to comment on Gay’s decision to step down.

Gay’s resignation — just six months and two days into the presidency — comes amid growing allegations of plagiarism and lasting doubts over her ability to respond to antisemitism on campus after her disastrous congressional testimony Dec. 5.

Gay weathered scandal after scandal over her brief tenure, facing national backlash for her administration’s response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and allegations of plagiarism in her scholarly work.

Veritas (Truth) in what? From 1643, the motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesaie. “Truth for Christ and Church”. Harvard dumped Christ and Church. Now, it’s just truth. Some “truthy” thing out there somewhere. And, that’s how they got Claudine Gay as President for six months and two days. Let’s put that in context, shall we?

We the great unwashed of flyover country watched that testimony with our mouths open and minds reeling. We know what truth and genocide mean. We don’t need context for those.

Last month, Barack Obama helped Claudine Gay keep her job amid the plagiarism scandal. Gay is not only a “woman of color” but also an elitist through and through. Phillips Exeter Academy, Princeton, Stanford and Harvard. She is part of the super-protected class.

Harvard Super Donor Bill Ackman posited last week that even the resignation of Claudine Gay won’t save Harvard:

Bill Ackman, founder and CEO of hedge fund management company Pershing Square Holdings, said on Saturday that despite mounting calls for Harvard President Claudine Gay to resign, it won’t save the university’s reputation.

Calls for Gay to step down come after the university faced criticism for their response to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. As of Saturday, at least 1,200 people have been killed in Israel, the Associated Press reported, citing the Israeli government. More than 20,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, the AP said.

Here is Gay’s resignation and it ain’t her fault:

The poison of DEI and academic rot. She doesn’t uphold rigor in anything.

The governing body, The Harvard Corporation, released their own letter:

The Harvard Corporations condemns the alleged attacks on Claudine Gay in the strongest possible terms while discussing Jewish genocide in “context” and throwing Gay’s plagiarism behind the curtain. Academic integrity, bah.

It was the threatened withdrawal of money by Bill Ackman and others that forced the Harvard Corporation’s hand, but that won’t stop the rot at Harvard.

Claudine Gay is staying on as faculty at Harvard. Even with 50 credible accusations of plagiarism. When will the Harvard Corporation resign.

Featured Image: Screen grab from CSPAN/cropped/Public Domain

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  • NTSOG says:

    Two down, one to go!

  • Cameron says:

    They got rid of Gay. Now to get rid of L, B and T.

    I’ll denounce myself later.

  • Taylor says:

    I think it was more her palgiarism rather than her pathetic performance in fornt of Congress whichdid her in.

  • Wfjag says:

    It’s only a “Win For Sanity” if her replacement is an improvement.

    A replacement whose qualifications are based on merit and accomplishments is very different from another one chosen on the basis of the current vogue criteria of intersectionality, preferred skin color, and allegiance to DEI. It’s too early to declare a victory — only that one who shouldn’t have been chosen in the first place was removed after very publicly embarrassing exposures of her lack of moral standards to denounce barbarity and so provide leadership at a flagship institution, coupled with evidence of extensive academic dishonesty in a very limited publication and research record.

    • NTSOG says:

      “… It’s only a “Win For Sanity” if her replacement is an improvement.”

      I’m betting they will just re-arrange the proverbial deck chairs as there will be too many people involved with too much to lose if they abandon their woke religious beliefs by appointing a strong, competent and honest person. They would also have to tackle the radical student mobs who would wreck the joint so as to hold on to their fantasies and power.

  • Reader says:

    C’mon, seriously. Change??
    No, just a better back stopped one next time.

    They aren’t going to just fold!

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