Trump Grouses “Leave My Children Alone”

Trump Grouses “Leave My Children Alone”

Trump Grouses “Leave My Children Alone”

Former President Donald Trump has offended our sensibilities again. In the middle of the night, when all decent folk are tucked up in their beds, Trump groused on social media to “Leave my children alone.” The rage was aimed at New York Attorney General Letitia James and the trial judge Arthur Engoron. Two of the most utterly despicable human beings in the state of New York. They are the anti-Pied Pipers of New York. Rather than leading rats out of New York, they attract vermin and cockroaches. Everybody knows how horrid they are but they are persecuting Donald Trump and for many reasons the elites don’t care. They will get paid back for their silence.

If you haven’t seen the social media post, here it is:

Rather mild, isn’t it?? It’s all true too. President Theordore Roosevelt might very well approve. And, I want a pugnacious President. I voted for both Bushes, John McCain and Mitt Romney. I must redeem myself. And, Lord knows Trump offends the toffee noses like Romney.

If you have gotten this far and you don’t know about NYAG Letitia James and Judge Arthur Engoron trying to shake down Trump for millions and stop Trump from doing business in NY State, our Deanna has written the primer up and you can read it here. This week and next week, Trump and three of his five children are due to testify. This is so much bovine scat. Donald Trump and his businesses have had what amounts to a daily colonoscopy for about two decades. So now James and Engoron are just making it up. The Trump Organization is a closely held private business, so calling the family is uber destructive, but then
the Left really hates close families.

That is why Trump said to “Leave my family alone.” You or I would say the same doggone thing. Donald, Jr. testified before Congress about Russian Collusion a bunch of times in 2019. That was harassment but the President didn’t complain. This is persecution.

The very Reverend Al Sharpton spoke condescendingly of the Trump kids on MSNBC:

Sharpton went out of his way to laud the always respectful, charming, and diplomatic Trump kids, especially before the Trump political era began. But Sharpton warned that all of the Trump kids want is their father’s approval, and in a court of law, that could get them in trouble.”

“Very deferential, very nice,” he said of the Trump kids. “Wanted to talk, awkward chit chat. When they got political, it was a little more guarded. A little more. ‘Well, I saw Dad did a tweet against you, but, you know, you were really, really not enemies. We just disagree,’” he said, adding “was a little more trying to play diplomatic.”

“I think the biggest challenge for Donald Junior is that they have always played to the audience of one, their father,” he continued. And when he gets on the stand, he’s played to an audience of one, a judge. If he gets on the stand and plays the role of his audience of his father, he could get himself in a lot of trouble.”

What if, stick with me here, the Trump offspring were just trying to be polite to a grifting, old tax dodger who has never built anything.

Many posters on X are shaking with rage that Trump is calling his children “children”. If they belong to you, they are children when they are 112 years old. They are not children in that sense of the word. There is no comparison between the Trump offspring and Hunter Biden:

Oh, stuff it. The Left saves their most poisonous venom for Ivanka. Because she is a girl? Because they perceive her as weak? Because she is beautiful? From Heather Digby Parton of Salon:

It’s likely that Donald Trump Jr. will testify that he really didn’t know much of anything about the company, and to be fair that’s probably true. He’s not the “smart one.” It actually appears that Eric Trump, despite his dunderhead reputation, was far more involved in running the place. He took the Fifth more than 500 times during his pre-trial deposition and also testified, “I pour concrete. I manage properties. I don’t focus on appraisals. It’s just not what I do in my day-to-day responsibilities.” But other testimony by Trump Organization employees has suggested he was highly involved and James has documents to prove it. And, please: There’s no evidence to suggest that Eric spent much time with the concrete mixer. That’s just ridiculous, even if the Trumps like to pretend that because they are in real estate they do construction work instead of sitting behind desks wearing nice suits like the pampered Richie Riches they’ve always been.

But what about Ivanka, you ask? Where is she in all this? Well, Trump’s favorite got lucky once again when the courts decided she wasn’t a party to this case because her main involvement in Trump’s schemes took place outside the statute of limitations. At first, it looked like she could skip all this unpleasantness, but James has now called her as a witness and Engoron agreed that her testimony was relevant. (Ivanka’s lawyers have until the end of the day on Wednesday to appeal that decision.)

Jealous. Digby is jealous. Ivanka is beautiful, smart and well-mannered. Drives the Left effing crazy. This circus is laid at the door of Judge Engeron and AG James. The Judge could stop this farce at any minute.

For my fellow Conservatives, I get that you don’t like Trump. But you also ought to defend him. To paraphrase King Louis IV, apres lui, le deluge. He may not be decent but he is all we have.

Featured Image: mccauleys-corner/ Commons

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  • John Shepherd says:

    I will defend Trump when it is justified as it is in this case however, the claim that “he is all we have” is only Trump nonsense. Let us compare Trump’s actions in Israel’s fight for survival to Ron DeDantis. Trump offers a robust defense of Israel while attacking PM Netenahyu for disloyalty because he did the diplomatic thing and congratulated Biden. DeSantis brings Americans home and sends supplies to Israel. Talk versus action. Donald Trump is a symptom of America’s political distinction. Mean tweets and memes are preferred to leadership and action.

  • Taylor says:

    Trump is tiresome and looks it and he sucks the oxygen out of the room. Nikki Hayley, Ron DeSantis, and Tim Scott are far suprior candidates and people than he is.

  • Travis says:

    By the way Miss Williams it was Louis XIV not Louis IV who is alleged (and probably is apocryphal) to have said “after me the deluge” but to say that Trump “is all we have” is frankly absurd and if it was the case then we are truly doomed. He is not the “indispensible man” or the Messiah and is already a three time loser (2018, 2020, and 2022) and unelectable in a national election even against a zombie such as Joe Biden.

  • SteveOReno, a Moron at AoSHQ says:

    Travis, you are a moron. And not the good kind….

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