Biden Ignores 32 Dead Americans In Israel

Biden Ignores 32 Dead Americans In Israel

Biden Ignores 32 Dead Americans In Israel

There are, that we know of, 32 Americans who were killed by Hamas terrorists on October 7. What does Joe Biden do in his Oval Office speech last night? Barely mention them while demanding MORE MONEY for Ukraine and Israel, in that order.

As he got started on his grandfatherly chat from the Oval Office, my daughter took one look at Joe and immediately said he’s starting to look more and more like Jeff Dunham’s Walter. 

You know, she’s right. 

Joe’s speech, full transcript here, completely glossed over and gave short shrift to the 32 Americans who were killed by the Hamas terrorists and those still held hostage. Oh sure, he said he’s working to bring them home safely, but did he say anything while in Israel? No. 

In fact, his speech devoted less than five minutes to Israel before he pivoted to Ukraine. He feels everyone’s pain you see. So someone will have to pay the price for what they’ve done. 

“History has taught us, when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction. They keep going, and the cost and the threats to America and the world keep rising,” Biden said.

Terrorists will pay a price for what they’ve done? WHEN? It certainly won’t happen with Joe opening the spigot back to Gaza, pressuring Israel to start rolling in humanitarian aid by truck, and the UN along with others also sending money! That’s rewarding terrorism, not stopping it. 

What is galling about all of this is that major pivot to Ukraine while blatantly ignoring the hostages and 32 Americans who were killed by Hamas. Joe is demanding MORE MONEY NOW and he wants another $60 billion for Ukraine and the rest to Israel. Pretty lopsided if you ask me. We’ve already funded Ukraine to the tune of nearly $75 billion and he wants to send nearly that much to them again, while essentially giving Israel pennies. 

But that’s totally ok guys. You see, what Israel is dealing with is completely the same as what Ukraine has been dealing with for nearly two years

Biden said Hamas’ murder of hundreds residents of communities near Gaza, including at least 32 Americans, and its abduction of about 200 hostages brought to Gaza “echoes nearly 20 months of war, tragedy and brutality inflicted on the people of Ukraine.”

An unknown number of US citizens are among the hostages, with 11 Americans still missing, and Hamas has threatened to murder hostages on camera in response to Israel’s anticipated military response.

REALLY Joe? Are you serious right now? The two situations are hardly the same. Again, what is infuriating is that Joe is trying to both sides everything right now.

Yes, while hundreds of Israelis try to find out if their family members, held hostage by Hamas are even alive, Joe once again pitches the atrocious “two state solution.” Joe, along with his handlers and the complicit media are completely tone-deaf, horribly naive and cruel. 

Furthermore, as this speech shows, empathy was NEVER Joe’s strong suit. 

“As I told the families of Americans being held captive by Hamas, we’re pursuing every avenue to bring their loved ones home,” Biden said in the Oval Office.

“Sadly, the Jewish people know perhaps better than anyone that there is no limit to the depravity of people when they want to inflict pain on others. In Israel, I saw people who are strong, determined, resilient and also angry and shocked and in deep, deep pain.”

However, Biden added, “we can’t ignore the humanity of innocent Palestinians.”

Yes Joe, yes we absolutely can ignore those living in Gaza. They CHOSE the government and terrorists within their midst. They’ve not only done nothing to kick them to the curb, they encourage it due to their hatred of Israel which has been imprinted upon all of them since birth. 

Joe barely mentioned the 32 Americans held hostage while advocating for MORE MONEY. Infuriately he’s hardly expressed concern over the fact that at least one of the 203 hostages is a Holocaust survivor! 

And Joe goes there with another bout of both sides, and then essentially said that Israel shouldn’t retaliate. 

While he said that Americans should not “forget who we are,” he also warned that the government of Israel should not “be blinded by rage.”

The message – tinged with hard-learned lessons from life in the United States after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks – echoed thoughts Biden shared with Israelis while in Tel Aviv the day before.

“I caution this: While you feel that rage, don’t be consumed by it,” Biden told his audience, a collection of Israelis and Americans.

Oh, I see. It’s totally fine for Ukraine to retaliate, but Israel shouldn’t. Israel has been very clear about what they need to do and accomplish since October 7. Ukraine has yet to articulate a game plan. Yet Joe, is demanding more money for Ukraine, while giving Israel the Potemkin shaft and glossing over the fact that 32 Americans were killed by terrorists. 

Feature Photo Credit: Joe Biden at a meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu on September 20, 2023, official White House photo by Cameron Smith, cropped, official United States government photo in the public domain

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