Hezbollah Attacks Israel, Will Anyone Wake Joe This Time?

Hezbollah Attacks Israel, Will Anyone Wake Joe This Time?

Hezbollah Attacks Israel, Will Anyone Wake Joe This Time?

Hezbollah doesn’t want to be left out, it seems. The Iran-backed terror group decided to launch rockets into Israel from Lebanon, which means this will be a war on two fronts for Israel.

This time, though, they had an idea that it was coming, thanks to both Hezbollah and Iran doing their whole “rah rah, sis boom bah, death to Israel” routine, as Nina covered here. Hezbollah decided to put an exclamation point on their statements with artillery fire.

Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets and shells on Sunday at three Israeli positions in the disputed area and Israel’s military fired back using armed drones at the Lebanese areas.

Israel and Hezbollah are archenemies and have fought several wars in the past, the most recent a 34-day conflict in 2006 that left 1,200 dead in Lebanon and 160 in Israeli. Tensions have been simmering along Israel’s northern border for months.

Always looking for a way to excuse terrorists, the Associated Press tried their best to spin this attack by calling the Golan Heights “a disputed area.”

Yes, never forget that the AP had ZERO problem sharing office space with Hamas in Gaza for YEARS. Meanwhile, the IDF sounds as if they expected this attack in the north – Hezbollah isn’t dumb, they are looking to inflict damage while they think Israel is distracted with Hamas – and have responded in kind.

Now, is anyone going to wake up Joe Biden to tell him that Hezbollah is attacking Israel, or is the White House staff just going to let him sleep? Remember that Hillary Clinton once campaigned on who would be answering that “3 am phone call” when something happened that needed the president’s immediate attention? Well, apparently Biden either slept through that call, or the White House staff made a decision that they simply couldn’t wake the old man up, even as Hamas was getting across the Israeli border, murdering civilians, and taking hostages. After all, if we wake him up early, that means his medication schedule is off, which means he’s going to be cranky, which means an early naptime, and it IS Saturday and he’s probably going to be complaining that it’s the weekend and he wants to go play at the beach… nah, just let Grandpa sleep in. We’ll tell him about the war when he wakes up.

And you can hear Biden say it in his own words, about 44 seconds into his statement on Saturday condemning the attacks. He got up at 7:30 or 8 am, and found out that the war started while he was sleeping.

My God. We either have a president who slept through all his alarms, or we have a White House staff who is treating the president of the United States like a toddler whose naps and snack times must be carefully managed. Either option is pretty awful.

And now, Hezbollah has decided to strike. Is Joe Biden going to get to sleep in on Sunday morning, or is someone shaking him awake to try and rouse him? It’s not too much to ask that the president be woken up when a terrorist attack happens on an ally, who is already fighting a war that has seen brutal and vile attacks on civilians. It’s a fair question to ask if the president was informed before he got up at “7:30, 8 am” that Hamas had fired rockets and invaded Israel.

Again, Joe Biden’s age is a legitimate issue when it comes to the performance of his job. Bad things can happen 24 hours a day, and in different time zones. The government has people who monitor this stuff, who then call up the White House, who are then supposed to inform the president. It is unacceptable for the White House staff, or Jill, or even Joe himself, to hang a “do not disturb” sign on his bedroom door like a hotel. We are told constantly that it’s totally okay for him to spend large amounts of time on the beach in Delaware, because he never stops being president and the right people can get a hold of him if something happens. But apparently, that comes with the caveat that he has to be allowed his beauty sleep after his last pudding cup and before his Cream of Wheat.

Right now, I would lay good money on Peter Doocy asking Karine Jean-Pierre about this on Monday.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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