Nikki Haley Isn’t Horrible

Nikki Haley Isn’t Horrible

Nikki Haley Isn’t Horrible

Nikki Haley isn’t horrible, but I won’t vote for her in the primaries. She’s not my cuppa tea. Former governor for South Carolina, Nikki Haley, hopes to be the first woman President of the United States.

As much as I’d like to be the party that elects the first woman President, Nikki Haley is a hard pass for me. Does she have a chance to win the Republican primary? I guess anything is possible.

It seems the media is trying to give her a big bump these days.

While Nikki Haley doesn’t like to trample all over Trump because she wants to win his base, does it also mean she’s not that different from him? She worked closely with him as his United Nations Ambassador.

Vivek Ramaswamy also doesn’t like to smack talk about Trump either. But he has a totally different plan to bring back America to its glory days. I don’t see anything new in Nikki’s ideology for America. She’s more of the elite establishment swamper. And she literally talks through her teeth. Have you ever noticed she doesn’t open her mouth when she talks?

But I digress.

The people at News Nation seem to think Nikki is making a surge.

This article in USA Today desperately wants you to look at how hard Haley works to get in front of the everyday Americans. They say that Vivek only got a bump in the polls because of the airtime he received from the blowback of the first primary debate. Uh, he also has a good ground game, folks.

While Haley has only seen a modest bump in the national primary polls following the debate, she is rising more quickly in early primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire. That’s because, unlike Trump, she’s putting in the time and going to the fairs and events that are integral to the process. The more people get to know her, the more they like her. USA Today

Although I will say it right now, I think I am over Vivek. I like the guy, but he’s not ready. Maybe he’d make a great Press Secretary or Chief of Staff. Oh, if only we had a fantasy football-like league for positioning politicians into office.

I’ll admit, Haley does have more experience, obviously, in politics. She knows the players. She’s been there. Done that. And wants to keep doing it as our President.

In June, Victory Girl Deanna asked if Haley did a good job of standing out. Nikki Haley is not making any missteps in her public appearances, such as the town hall that Deanna wrote about. And I don’t foresee her making any future missteps in the media. She’s polished. She knows what to say. But for the love of God, keep the woman card out of your mouth, Nikki, in the next debate. Please.

The Media

The media seems to focus on Nikki’s stance on abortion and how it might be the game changer for her to keep moving up in the polls. Her stance on abortion is broad-reaching. Unfortunately, I don’t think most conservative voters have abortion as their top priority right now.

Have you been watching the news? Yes, abortion is a critical issue for Republicans. But take a look around and read some of the mainstream media headlines: people seem to care more about Russell Brand’s promiscuity from 20 years ago but only to keep their minds off inflated prices, lawlessness in the streets, the invasion from other countries with men pouring across our borders, and the U.S. seems to care more about Ukraine than our own country. I don’t think abortion is in the forefront of most Americans minds. I could be wrong.

Alabama holds its Republican primaries in March of 2024. Nikki Haley will for sure still be around by then. I don’t see her dropping out anytime soon. She’s not a horrible candidate, but she’s not my first pick. If, by some weird phenomenon, she does become the candidate, I won’t stay home, and I won’t do a write-in. I’ll hold the proverbial nose and do my GOP duty.

Feature Image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Mad Celt says:

    I do not think women have any business in politics. Not that I dislike or hate women but they are, by nature, nurturers and tend to be too soft hearted to make the harsh decisions which must be made. They cave too easily and as St. Paul indicated are easily led astray.

    • Kim Hirsch says:

      Margaret Thatcher. Golda Meir. Benazir Bhutto. Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Queen Elizabeth I and II.

      Shall I go on?

      • Hate_me says:

        Boadicea, Cathryn the Great (didn’t just get that moniker because of the horse), Ching Shih (look her up), Hoelun Ehke, Mata Hari… the list goes on.

        Lots of very influential women in political history. Sure, they are likely more remembered simply for being female in a typically male profession – but their sex is hardly the only reason.

      • S'Naut Right says:

        They’re giants in politics and history. I thank God we had them. Naming all of them would fill the kiddie pool to the brim. Then… Pelosi, AOC, Snow, Murkowski, Boxer, Abrams, Lee, Albright, Clinton, Feinstein, Hobbs, Grisham, Hoschul, Ohmar, Tlaib, Kagan, Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Kotek, Lightfoot, Pugh, Warren.

  • The main stream media headlines are not an indicator in any way of what people are concerned about. They are what the Party WANTS people to be concerned about, while ignoring the horrors that the Party has perpetrated upon them.

    This used to work, once upon a time – but has lost most of its power these days.

  • croy goins says:

    nikki haley would be a door mat for the democrat party. Remember how fast she attacked the citizens of South Carolina when a white butcher murdered nine blacks. Nikki spent all her time attacking the confederate flag and people who are proud of their heritage, good and bad. Just another Romney.

    • GWB says:

      Yes, she is a “squish” on top of being an establishment pick.

      Honestly, we need folks like DeSantis – who have the experience and can show they’ve been doing the Constitutional work with the right attitude for a while. We need lots of folks like DeSantis, so we can pick and choose, and even grow more as we go along. With just one or two (if you lump DeSantis and Trump together in a “We’ll fight” club) you’re really asking for heroics. And those stop working when the slog gets long and deep.

  • Olguy says:

    Her type …are the problem.
    Card Carrying Uniparty Girl.


  • Hate_me says:

    No candidate is going to check every block.

    I disagree with Ms. Haley on many points in her career (the same for Messr. Trump, DeSantis, etc.), but there are many points on which I do agree and she deserves the chance to validate my trust more than most other candidates. Anyone, including Pence, is better than Kandahar Joe (a very low bar, and I’d hate to see Pence behind the Resolute Desk).

    Between her and Mr. Ramaswamy, I’d prefer either as VP under Trump 2.0 over any other candidate than seeing either as President.

    As potential POTUS, Ms. Haley trumps Mr. Ramaswamy, for me, purely because Vivek is too narrowly focused on the economic element of foreign policy.

  • John Shephers says:

    The Democrats have been eating our lunch on the abortion issue. A woman partially neutralizes that. That makes Haley a smart choice. She is not my first choice but if Trump and DeDantis end in mutual assured dextruction then I am leaning towards her as the next choice.

    A side note: hardcore Trump supporters have this fixation with Vivek. He is a fraud. He went to Harvard law school on Soros money and lied about the reason. He made 7 digits at his hedge fund job the same he got the money. He also lied about his company’s work supporting Ohio’s Covid task force. He paid a wikipedia editor to omit that from his page.

    Side note 2: Let’s hope that the Democrats did not learn their lesson if Trump makes it back to the White House. Trump is ready to makes deals with the Democrats. Populists like to talk uniparty. Trump is uniparty by virtue of allegiance to no Party.

    • GWB says:

      I don’t think the Dems have been “eating our lunch” on the abortion issue. Only the diehards are out there screeching about it. It might drive turnout among those diehards, but not much over what the possibility of Trump will drive.

      Here’s the thing about the abortion issue: it gives a perfect entry for a conservative/constitutionalist to talk about what matters: things the national gov’t does that it shouldn’t. Talk about getting the power closer to the people, and leaving other states alone. That actually reverberates with all except the totalitarians.

  • Joe R. says:

    Broke UN shi7.

    • John Shepherd says:

      Statewide losses in Wisconsin and Michigan say otherwise, as does the underperforming Republicans in the 2022 midterms. Why do you think Trump has moved left on abortion rights?

  • Taylor says:

    I would vote for her and fellow South Carolinian Tim Scott glady over Donald Trump. The Republican primary voters are hell bent on losing in November, 2024. It is like watching a Greek Tragedy knowing that it will end in disaster and you are powerless to stop it.

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