Salon Wonders: What The Hell Country Is This?

Salon Wonders: What The Hell Country Is This?

Salon Wonders: What The Hell Country Is This?

Salon writers salivated when Donald Trump’s mugshot was dropped. Liberals celebrated the photo. Some liberals, like Heather Digby Parton of Salon mused, “what the hell country is this?”

I can’t help but ask myself: What would I have thought if I’d seen these stories 10 years ago? I’m always shaken by what it looks like from that perspective. It’s not as if shocking events hadn’t taken place in the decade before that.”-Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Go on, Heather:

On Thursday I read headlines that former President Donald Trump was turning himself in to be arrested for the fourth time, two of those arrests stemming from his attempt to overturn the election in 2020, another for stealing classified documents and yet another for illegally paying hush money to a porn star with whom he’d had an affair. Other headlines tell me that the first Republican presidential primary debate was held without the frontrunner in attendance — that frontrunner being Donald Trump, the man with the four felony indictments. Today that seems like just another day in American politics. In 2013, I would have laughed at the sheer absurdity of the entire premise. But ever since Trump won the Republican nomination in 2016, nothing has ever been normal in American politics — and it’s getting weirder every day.”-Heather Digby Parton, Salon

I guess Trump shouldn’t have indicted himself. They (the left) had nothing to do with this.

I’m sure it looks “weird” from Heather’s left-coast Santa Monica view. In all honesty, did she think it was “weird” at all when the governor of her state went out for a fancy dinner whilst telling everyone else to lock down? Did she think it was “weird” when the same governor of her state allowed for the ease of child trafficking? How’s about things getting “weird” with all of the fentanyl coming across the southern border through Tijuana? Can’t be bothered to count all of that as “weird”, now, can we?

Heather drones on about the GOP Debates. Never did she ever think she would hear such “chilling” things from Ron DeSantis about “invading Mexico and summarily executing people ‘stone cold dead’ along the border”.

So (brr) chilling. Let’s rewind what DeSantis actually said:

It doesn’t take long for Heather Digby Parton to circle back to Trump-and the shocking conversation held between Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson on X.

I have to refer back to myself in 2013, when I would have been stunned to see those two men casually discussing possible civil war and heightened political violence the way Republicans once talked about tort reform or capital gains taxes. Like a lot of Americans, I’ve grown numb to that now. I don’t even want to think about what I might see if I could look 10 years further down the road from here.”-Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Civil war and heightened political violence. We will return to this in just a touch.

The petty leftist trolls like Digby’s colleague, Amanda Marcotte, wrote up meaningless ratings of the Trump mugshots. Our very own Toni highlighted Joy Reid’s response over the mug shot just the other day.

Yet Heather Digby Parton still muses about “whatthehell happened” to this country? Allow me to enlighten…

The liberal elite happened to this country.

Back in 2011, after living in Japan for four years, my Marine husband retired. We dropped anchor here in Seattle. At the time, our son was getting ready to begin Kindergarten in the public school system. Obama was president. School lunches, thanks to Michelle Obama, sucked. This was the worst of things then.

Flash forward to 2023. To be completely honest, a crappy looking lunch plate and uttering the aimless “we’re going to college” chants have nothing on what is plaguing our schools currently. I never would have thought I would see what I am now seeing in our classrooms.

What the hell happened?

Flash forward to 2023. Back in 2011, we complained about Barack and Michelle’s multiple vacations and shopping trips. We complained about Barack’s condescending tone, his utter narcissism and his cognitive dissonance. I never would have thought we would have a sitting president who can barely string together a sentence. I never would have thought we would have a sitting president who made a career of corruption with his family that has been largely overlooked. I never would have thought that we would have a sitting president who would have “no comment” to a tragedy because he is “on vacation”.

Barack Obama and the Democrats paved the way for this. Obama is no pussycat though. He smiles, raking in his millions, as he rests his feet on a recliner in one of his mansions while the nation he absolutely despises and hates, unravels.

I never would have thought, in 2016, that we would become so fractured and divided after the results of one election. I never would have thought I would hear former college friends say that they could not ever speak to me ever again because of the way I cast my vote that day, but, here we are.

I never would have thought, in 2020, we would become even more divided by a sickness, both literally and figuratively. I never would have thought we would be forced to cover our faces, get shamed to get a jab in the arm and watch on, as our cities burned to the ground by people spitting in the faces of law enforcement and burning them to the ground in the name of “justice”. I never would have thought our children would be deprived of vital social interaction with their peers and education for over a year’s time in some cases. I never would have thought we would see these kids return back to school after all of this-depressed, confused, insecure and insanely behind the curve academically. I never would have thought the remedy to all of this for these kids would be changing pronouns and Drag Queen Story Hours.

So Digby and Salon readers, spare me the “what the hell happened” to this country horse$hit. Look in the mirror when you ask “what the hell” happened. It’s YOU.

And, if you have to ask, “what the hell country is this?”, here is your answer:

It’s America, you delusional, democrat dimwits. An America you guys have been responsible for creating because of your utter hate and disdain that resulted in years-long temper tantrums of epic proportions. You are nothing but spoiled, rotten, overgrown children.

The left, to include Digby, who now say they are “numb”, hope that we also grow numb to their takeover. We can’t afford to. Not now. Here’s to hoping 2024 looks different. The real question should be to the Salon crew: Whatthehell kind of Americans are you? There’s that mirror, mirror, once again.

Featured Image: Gay Street, Knoxville, Tennessee by Toni S. Williams/cropped/All Rights Reserved

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  • Royalidiot says:

    Unfortunately, this country has a long history of having to learn important lessons by the hardest way possible. Usually, it involves the issue(s) showing up literally at their front door, back door or car door in order for them to “get” it. The migrant issue in NYC is a prime example. Add an economy that could make food a luxury by next year, the ability of this Administration to throw gobs upon gobs of cash to whatever cause except that of helping the citizens of this country in dire need and the seeds of political unrest could very well come to everybody’s front door….

  • Boat Guy says:

    The unrest has come to our doors, we bear and bear it more and more; and we will…until we won’t. We bear it because we know how horrible it will be when we cannot bear it any longer, and the supreme irony is that it will be much more horrible for the left than for us. They have long misunderstood our forbearance as assent and our reluctance as a lack of will. When they cross that line; and they will, the righteous anger of true America will be the whirlwind they have created.
    We are most fortunate that we have our Founders blueprint to reassemble our Republic after the Second American Revolution; they had to build from scratch, all we’ll have to do is bury our honored dead and build pyres for the traitors.

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