A.I. Mitch McConnell Freezes, “Fine” After Reboot

A.I. Mitch McConnell Freezes, “Fine” After Reboot

A.I. Mitch McConnell Freezes, “Fine” After Reboot

Mitch McConnell is famous on both side of the aisle and across this great land for being a RINO (Republican in Name Only). After today, he will be known as A.I. Mitch. During a press conference, the operating system for the device formerly known as Mitch, it froze. He was taken to his office, clerks did a system reboot and he later told reporters that he was fine. Look folks, it’s either that or the famous Senate Minority Leader from Kentucky had a medical emergency live on television. Did you watch? What did you think? If you didn’t see it, read on.

What a news day, right? The House had a hearing on UFO’s, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was grilled in another House hearing, and the Hunter Biden plea deal blew up. Fortunately, all of the Swamp Creatures will slither out in a couple of weeks and we should get a respite while they vacay.

I am not a fan of Mitch McConnell’s, but this is very painful to watch and you can see it coming on at the very beginning of the video. This is only two minutes, please watch it:

McConnell is beginning his weekly press conference and surrounded by his RINO leaders-in-training: John Thune, John Barrasso, Joni Earnst, Steve Daines and Shelley Moore Capito. His eyes are blank at the start. The pause is quite prolonged. I measured 35 seconds. Thune begins speaking, but toward the end of this segment, A.I. Mitch shuffles off to his office for the reboot. He returns to say, “I’m fine”. Isn’t it helpful that the Vice President, Kamala Harris, explained that A.I. is a fancy thing for two words, Artificial Intelligence. Because of our genius Veep, I can explain what I saw as a glitch in the matrix, not a medical emergency.

Actually, A.I. wasn’t my first thought, this was:

Remember that McConnell, who is 81, had that fall at the hotel in March and was hospitalized and rehabbed after that:

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell was released from the hospital Monday and will check into an inpatient rehab facility as he recovers from a concussion and a minor rib fracture from a fall last week, his office said.
Doctors determined the 81-year-old US senator suffered the fracture while treating him for a concussion after he tripped and fell at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in DC Wednesday, according to a spokesperson.
“Leader McConnell’s concussion recovery is proceeding well and the Leader was discharged from the hospital today,” McConnell spokesman David Popp said in a statement. “At the advice of his physician, the next step will be a period of physical therapy at an inpatient rehabilitation facility before he returns home.”
McConnell could be in rehab for a week or two, a senior Senate Republican aide said.
“That decision (on a rehab timeline) will be made by the leader’s physicians and the therapists,” the aide told Reuters. “It is very common to undergo physical therapy to regain strength after a hospital stay, and this ranges anywhere from a week to two weeks.”

Falls, concussions, broken ribs, and strokes or medical emergencies can happen at any age, but at 81 they are extremely dangerous as anyone who has had aged parents knows. And, sorry but A.I. Mitch is not fine. Just like with Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi, if they had any family member who liked, let alone loved, them, they would have the “talk”.

Naturally, X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter, was atwitter.

It does make him too old, doof. We all know it. But, it’s not the age, it’s the genetics and circumstances. That Iowa guy, Chuck Grassley is 412 89 and he is sharp and does push-ups. These people.

Watching Barrasso escort A.I. Mitch back to his office for a reboot is sad too.

Whether you call him Senator McConnell, the Turtle, Cocaine Mitch or now, A.I. Mitch, let’s hope someone likes him enough to pry his arthritic fingers off of the levers of power. Not looking forward the Minority Leader Thune, though.

Donkey Hotey/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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