Trans Activist Wants A Uterus Just So He Can Have An Abortion

Trans Activist Wants A Uterus Just So He Can Have An Abortion

Trans Activist Wants A Uterus Just So He Can Have An Abortion

The left’s obsession with killing babies is so extreme that they don’t have a problem with trotting out a trans activist to tell you how he wants a uterus just so he can have an abortion. The latest whack job of the trans ideology from the left is a man who pretends to be a woman and says he wants to have a uterus transplanted into his body and proceed to have as much gay sex as possible, so he can have an abortion.

Every time you think the crazy can’t be turned up any louder, the sun again rises with another lunatic spewing grotesque levels of sci-fi fantasy that you’d think you might be watching an episode of Twilight Zone. Wait, I take that back. I don’t want to insult the Twilight Zone.

It’s already been all over the internet, and I realize I am more than likely giving this nut job pleasure by writing about him. However, as much as it displeases me, we must keep bringing this up, shining the light on this sort of mad sci-fi horror.

While the activist seems to be reading from a script that was clearly written to evoke a reaction, his statement highlights the complete disregard the left holds for the sanctity of human life. It also highlights the reality that, as the trans craze continues to advance, we may see men getting the reproductive organs of women transplanted into their bodies simply to fulfill a desire to try and get an abortion. – Savanah Hernandez, The Post Millennial

Trust me, I know you want to roll your eyes and laugh at this assclown buffoon, but we need to stop chalking this up to crazy hot air, crazy talk. These people are dead ass serious, and the medical community is getting on board with this too.

Take a look at those people in that video. That’s what humans are going to look like in the near future. And that video is only a year old. The person with the long hair middle part? Her name is FayWhat?! But I am getting off-topic, sort of.

Uterus transplants have been done successfully in ….. WOMEN.

The first ever live birth from a uterus transplant took place in Sweden, in 2014. Fast forward less than a decade, and uterus transplants seem set to become a mainstream procedure in the near future, with an estimated 90 uterus transplants carried out around the world as of end-2021, resulting in the birth of some 50 children. – EuroNews

So what’s stopping healthcare professionals from extending this to men? Well, I am not a doctor or a scientist, but my guess would be their chromosomes, genitalia, build, and biological makeup, to name a few. But maybe I am using old-speak.

Ya’ll, this is serious. Or it is becoming more serious. Since boarding up the psych wards in America, our mental health problems are being pranced out as normal behavior now. Is it not?

I will forego all the talk about men pretending to be women to invade real women’s spaces and sports and now their biological capabilities. We are way beyond that. This is so grotesque that I hope you are in as much utter disbelief as I am that this is even an inkling of thought by the medical community.

But Is It Possible?

Of course not, but I am not a doctor or scientist. I would like to think it is NOT possible. Then again, did we ever think heart or face transplants would be possible? But those are for the good. So while we are changing words and terms and phrases into things like gender-affirming care, you can damn well be sure to be on the lookout in our future for when men can actually have babies. Or abort them.

The article from Euro News is dated February 2023; I’ll pull some quotes.

Stephen Wilkinson and Nicola Williams have been studying the ethical implications of human reproduction for several years at the University of Lancaster in the UK.

It’s still early days for uterus transplants in general, they told Euronews Next, and more research is needed before the procedure becomes mainstream.

“There are definitely equality-based reasons for considering uterus transplants in transgender women,” added Williams, who is a lecturer in the ethics of human reproduction in the same department.

“But there are also hormonal and anatomical considerations that mean that it won’t be possible to just directly translate this procedure into the transgender population”.

“And so in order to ensure that the procedure is safe and effective, a lot of studies will need to take place in computer, animal, and cadaveric models”.

I need to make a note to change my donor status on my driver’s license. I will no longer be donating my body to science after I die. Nope.

Also, animal testing? I wonder how PETA feels about that?

And lastly, let us not forget that Joe Biden proclaimed that Transgender Shape The Soul Of Our Nation.

Featured Image: original graphic by Victory Girls’ Darleen Click

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