IRS Whistleblower Speaks: Hunter Got Kid-Glove Treatment

IRS Whistleblower Speaks: Hunter Got Kid-Glove Treatment

IRS Whistleblower Speaks: Hunter Got Kid-Glove Treatment

Surprisingly, the media is not burying the IRS whistleblower testimony regarding the Hunter Biden tax investigation. Gary Shapley, the IRS whistleblower himself, gave an interview to CBS News which aired last night.

Shapley has been unerringly consistent in his testimony to Congress, and when repeating the story to the press. In his opinion, Hunter Biden got preferential treatment by the IRS, US Attorney David Weiss told him and other witnesses that he was not being allowed to charge Hunter Biden in different jurisdictions, and someone is lying about the investigation. The interview by CBS News touches on all of those allegations.

“We have to make sure as a special agent for IRS Criminal Investigation that we treat every single person exactly the same,” said Gary Shapley, a 14-year veteran of the agency, who spoke exclusively to CBS News chief investigative correspondent Jim Axelrod on Tuesday. “And that just simply didn’t happen here.”

Shapley said the five-year investigation uncovered conduct that he says could have resulted in additional charges.”

“Based on my experience, if this was a small business owner or any other non-connected individual, they would have been charged with felony counts,” Shapley said.”

Now THAT is a completely uncontroversial and provable statement. How many rich and famous people have we seen slapped with jail time over tax charges over the years?

But because Hunter’s last name is Biden, he wrote off his hookers and sex club memberships on his taxes, and the IRS decided that they weren’t going to charge him for that?

Shapley told CBS News that Hunter Biden wrote off as business expenses the money he paid for “prostitutes, sex club memberships, travel for the prostitutes, hotel rooms for purported drug dealers, no show employees.” Hunter has admitted to the drug use in his memoir “Beautiful Things,” published by an imprint of Simon & Schuster, a division of CBS News’ parent company.”

Hunter Biden’s criminal attorney, Christopher Clark, did not respond to a request for comment regarding Shapley’s allegations. But in an earlier statement, issued at the time the plea arrangement was announced, he said “as his attorney through this entire matter, I can say that any suggestion the investigation was not thorough, or cut corners, or cut my client any slack, is preposterous and deeply irresponsible.”

CBS News, following up with the IRS whistleblower, committing an actual act of journalism??? Is the media finally getting annoyed with covering for Hunter? Well, even if they are, some of the details are definitely getting massaged. For example, CBS says that “In 2021, Hunter Biden repaid more than $2 million in past-due taxes after receiving a loan from one of his private attorneys.” The truth is a little spicier than that.

Kevin Morris, an entertainment attorney and novelist who earned a fortune representing the co-creators of “South Park” and won a Tony Award as the co-producer of “The Book of Mormon,” footed Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes totaling over $2 million — more than twice what was previously reported, a source familiar with conversations between the two told The Post.”

Morris, whom Hunter Biden’s friends call his latest “sugar brother,” has also been funding the 52-year-old’s lifestyle in Los Angeles — including his rent and living expenses, the source said.”

The attorney has also been advising the president’s son on how to structure his art sales, according to the source.”

When The Post attempted to contact Morris at his Malibu residence to ask about his dealings with Hunter Biden, his wife slammed the door in the reporter’s face and refused to answer questions.”

Good grief. How does Hunter Biden attract people who are willing to “loan” him millions of dollars??? His art sales aren’t exactly raking in the cash, and he just pled poverty in order to continue being a deadbeat dad and reduced his child support payments by three-quarters! What in God’s name could Hunter Biden offer a guy like Kevin Morris – except his own name, and the access that goes with it?

But back to Shapley’s interview. He told CBS that he was stopped from pursuing any leads that could have gone to Joe Biden.

Shapley, who is still a supervisory special agent with the IRS, says he was prevented from pursuing any leads that involved President Joe Biden, including the now-infamous 2017 email from James Gilliar, a business associate of Hunter Biden’s, which bore the subject line “Expectations” and outlined a “provisional agreement” for “equity” in a deal with a Chinese energy company.”

Two of Hunter Biden’s former business partners who received the message told CBS News that a line in the email — “10 held by H for the big guy?” — was shorthand for 10% held by Hunter Biden for his father.”

Shapley told CBS News that his efforts to look further into money trails that involved “dad” or “the big guy” were blocked by a senior prosecutor working for Weiss.”

“I would say that they limited certain investigative leads that could have potentially provided information on the president of the United States,” Shapley said.”

He has been very clear what US Attorney David Weiss told him and other witnesses regarding not being able to charge Hunter Biden.

Shapley says he provided lawmakers with contemporaneous e-mail correspondence he wrote after an October 7, 2022 meeting, where he says the U.S. attorney communicated the opposite. “Weiss stated that he is not the deciding person on whether charges are filed,” Shapley wrote to his supervisor.”

“There were really earth-shaking statements made by David Weiss that really brought to light some of my previous concerns. And the first one was that he is not the deciding person on whether or not charges are filed,” Shapley said. “It was just shocking to me.”

Shapley’s lawyer, in fact, named names and pointed out the contemporaneous evidence.

Which means that either David Weiss lied to all six witnesses during that meeting on October 7, 2022, or Attorney General Merrick Garland, and David Weiss, are lying now when Garland says Weiss was independent, and Weiss says that he made the final decision.

… three weeks ago in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee, Weiss asserted that he was granted “ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters Friday that Weiss had “complete authority to make all decisions on his own” and required no permission from Justice Department headquarters to bring charges.”

“Mr. Weiss was appointed by President Trump. As the U.S. attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during the previous administration, [he] would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to,” Garland said, reiterating sworn statements he has made to Congress.”

Shapley, however, told CBS News: “I documented exactly what happened. And it doesn’t seem to match what the attorney general or the U.S. attorney are saying today.”

Law professor Jonathan Turley agrees that someone must be lying. Shockingly, though buried in paragraph 21 of their story, the New York Times has apparently confirmed that the liar is… Merrick Garland.

Did Weiss regret his candor with Shapley and the others, and is now trying to cover his own ass – and Merrick Garland’s? Is it too much to hope that the media is finally getting enticed by this story, if both CBS News and the New York Times are covering it? If Hunter Biden was the son of a Republican president, this IRS whistleblower interview would be top-shelf front page news from here to impeachment.

And impeachment is where this may be headed. Not for Joe Biden (at least not yet), but for Merrick Garland. And the press is much less invested in protecting Garland. They would be more than happy to make Garland the fall guy and ignore Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp demands and Joe Biden’s ten percent “for the big guy.” This story might be too juicy to ignore, but it sure would ease the leftist media’s minds if they could blame someone other than a Biden.

Featured image via saturnism on Openverse, cropped, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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