Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Unnecessary Roughness On Lindsey Graham

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Unnecessary Roughness On Lindsey Graham

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Unnecessary Roughness On Lindsey Graham

Do you ever find yourself in a place where you WANT to defend someone that you just don’t care for? I find Senator Lindsey Graham to be a quivering jelly fish, not unlike Senator Mitch McConnell. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Tasmanian Devil in the Republican Party. Neither of them is the type of person I want to have a Dewar’s with. But, Marjorie Taylor Greene is only a second term Congresscritter, while though Lindsey Graham may be a long term Senator/grifter, he served in the U.S. Air Force for 33 years and retired as a Colonel. I am going to have to side with Senator Graham on this one. Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks she is outspoken like President Trump. She’s not. She’s a boor who needs to learn to shut her piehole.

Now that we have established the players and the game, what am I defending Lindsey Graham about? If you haven’t heard about the arrest of Airman 1st Class (E3) Jack Teixeira for disseminating classified documents, Nina has the write up here. Airman Teixeira didn’t obtain these documents because he feared lives were endangered by horrific U.S. policy or to show waste, fraud, or abuse. Mr. Teixeira obtained the documents because he is immature, was bored during the pandemic, and wanted to show off for the friends in his gamer group. He is not a hero of the Republic. He is a stupid child who needs to spend some time breaking rocks in the hot sun (song reference).

Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks this child is a hero. Help me, Jesus. Marj tweeted her support:

“Jake Teixeira is white, male, christian, and antiwar. That makes him an enemy to the Biden regime,” the Georgia congresswoman wrote in a tweet the day Teixeira was arrested by FBI agents at his family home in Massachusetts.
Greene added, “He told the truth about troops being on the ground in Ukraine and a lot more. Ask yourself who is the real enemy?”

Even if the child took the docs for patriotic reasons, it’s still a crime. We cannot violate rules and laws, even to save the Republic, unless we are willing to accept the consequences, as Senator/Colonel Graham pointed out to Miss Greene:

Graham said during the Sunday interview that what people like Greene are “suggesting will destroy America’s ability to defend itself.”
“That it’s okay to release classified information based on your political views. That the ends justify the means. It is not okay,” the South Carolina senator said.
Graham continued, “There is no justification for this. And for any member of Congress to suggest it’s okay to leak classified information because you agree with the cause is terribly irresponsible and puts America in serious danger.”

In this clip, Senator Graham begins speaking at about 1:40:

Lindsey for the win. That’s when Marjorie Taylor Greene committed unnecessary roughness. MTG tweeted out a doctored photo of Lindsey Graham holding a Bud Light with Dylan Mulvaney’s picture on it. The implications were clear.

Because the Mediaite people are awful, they went where even MTG was not stupid enough to go:

Greene’s invocation of the Mulvaney Bud Light cans might not be terribly surprising, given her frequent attacks on transgenderism. On the other hand, since Greene chose this manner of retaliating against Graham, it is possible she sought to dig up recurring insults about Graham that have to do with sexuality.
For years, Graham’s critics have insinuated that Graham is a bachelor because he’s gay. The notion is often perpetuated by Graham’s opponents on the Left, but it’s not exclusive to them.

Ima pray for them. Because a man or woman chooses not to marry, he/she must be Gay? Oof, these people are useless. You want to say that to General Mattis who married only after he was retired? And, repeat after me, “It’s none of my damn business.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to remember her place. She is not Donald Trump. She’s not smart enough to play 3-D Chess. We know Trump. We don’t know MTG. She needs to shut her piehole, stay off of the Twitter machine and mind her betters.

Featured Image: Donkey Hotey/ Commons/Donkey Hotey/ Commons

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  • Mad Celt says:

    Anything that hurts the Military Industrial Complex is a noble act. Some of us don’t worship the military.

  • Scott says:

    Good post Toni, MTG was out of line here for sure.

    I will take exception with our last line though.. ” mind her betters.” is a leftist mindset.. lets not fall into such elitist ideas..

  • Lloyd says:

    We need MTG….She keeps the opposition on their heels!

  • Partially agree. The second example is over the top and ham-handed. Unworthy of someone with her intelligence.

    However, BOTH of them should be roundly criticized for pre-judgement. The airman is certainly not a “hero” in any way, shape, or form – but he may just be a convenient patsy and scapegoat.

    They should BOTH be asking pointed questions of the Biden Maladministration as to how he accessed the information (a fair bit of which he wouldn’t be able to AT ALL from the Pentagon), how he moved it out of there – and who else in the government was involved. The “lone wolf” narrative being spun by the White House and their propaganda outlets is already unraveling. A cover up is looking more and more likely.

  • Taylor says:

    MTG is a nut case and I do not give her any slack because she is a Republican. I recall her “Jewish space lasers” comment from a while back as well as her support of Vladimir Putin. We can do better than MTG.

    • It is the people’s House. If you are one of her constituents, you are definitely in a minority here.

      In any case, she should be WELL down the “boot list” of House Republicans for anyone actually a conservative (or libertarian). Plenty of Uniparty members to concentrate on getting rid of first.

      • Taylor says:

        She is not a Conservative or Libertarian, she is a neo-reactionary. I would cut her no slack for her boorishness and terrible judgement. She is not much better than Trump’s dinner buddy, Nick Fuentes.

  • iowaan says:

    Why does Vice President or Senator Joe Biden get a pass on removing classified documents from a SCIF and storing them in unsecured areas that could have been accessed by Chinese (or whoever else pays Joe’s fee) spies?

    Until Graham does something (not just talk) about that his comments are worthless posing.

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