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When Herr Barry appointed John Kerry (that traitor) to serve under him as Secretary of State, I was more than a smidgeon infuriated and given to hopes that the earth would open up and swallow them both whole. Such lovely dreams…..
And now, Teh Wun has taken a page straight from the Tome de Traitor and flipped it by deciding to send more troops to Iraq, you know, because Al Qaeda is so decimated that it’s growing.
What was it he said in 2011 about bringing troops home and ending all that war stuff? Yep, he sure is good at this flippity-flop stuff, by golly.
In addition to that little prevarication, it would seem that His Royal Amnesiac has forgotten the THREE DOZEN times he promised Americans they could keep their insurance plans if they liked them and stated he never said that.
Silly us, we just never hear him correctly. It must be we who are aurally challenged as he would never attempt a linguistic limbo around promises made to the American people, would he?
Seriously, the Personal Pronoun in Chief (PPOTUS) has got to be one of the most pathological people I have ever witnessed. Lie after lie after “misspeaking” and there are still people who lap his spoiled socialist manna from the flaking gold-plated bowl he sets before them.
If those two examples weren’t bad enough, throw in the IRS scandal, the spying on allies scandal, and another homage to his disdain for the military, Benghazi. It’s no wonder that his approval ratings have tanked; and fallen to 39%.
Are people perhaps waking up to the fact that if his lips are moving, he’s lying? Will they start holding his feet to the fire? I do hope so.
Dance, Barry, dance.
I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you…….