Super Tuesday Fallout

Super Tuesday Fallout

Super Tuesday Fallout

For the past week, we’ve been bombarded on all sides by the liberal media hooting and hollering about how Super Tuesday would set the stage for Donald Trump’s defeat in November. Many said Joe Biden’s win in South Carolina was an aberration and Bernie Sanders would march to a decisive victory on Super Tuesday, setting up a showdown between the socialist and the billionaire. It sounded good, at least to the Bernie bots. But reality, at least as of midnight Central time, told a different tale. And, amid it all, Hillary Clinton had to poke her head in and try to steal the thunder from the candidates actually running for office.

Super Tuesday Early Results:

Biden’s campaign proved you don’t need to spend Sanders-level money, much less Bloomberg-level money to win delegates.

At 10 pm Central, with most of the polls closed and many of the state’s already having their races called, Biden led not only in the number of states “won” but in the delegate count.According to CNN, Biden had 173 pledged delegates to 114 for Sanders, 26 for Buttigieg, and 9 votes for Warren. At the same time, after calling Massachusetts for Biden, NBC news projected the electoral votes for the candidates to stand at 215 for Biden, 126 for Sanders and a whopping 9 for Bloomberg.

With California and Texas either uncounted or still being tallied, the state results were lining to be as follows:

Biden winning Minnesota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia, North Carolina, and Massachusetts.  He was leading in Maine.

Sanders was projected to have won Utah, Colorado and Vermont. He was projected to be leading in Texas but the vote was, at the time, too close to really call.

Warren had no wins and Bloomberg won American Samoa.

The Talking Heads:

Of course, the talking heads had to get into the thick of things and try to prove just how smart or witty or something they were. I’ll admit, I could only listen in small doses. I love the ability to think rationally and form my own opinions too much to expose myself to the drivel that comes from most of the main stream media these days. I swear listening to it too long or too hard can cause you to lose IQ points, especially when they start taking politics.

Over on CBS, they had Mayor Bill de Blasio, a former presidential candidate, giving his take on the vote. Now, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Big Brother Billy is a big fan of Bernie Sanders. His bias in favor of the Elder Statesman Socialist should surprise no one. Nor should his insistence that Biden’s lead was temporary at best. Bernie, you see, will be surging back to the forefront.

Listening to de Blasio, one had to wonder what role in a Sanders White House he was trying out for. He repeated Bernie’s claim that 56 of the last 60 polls prove Sanders is the only Democrat who can beat Trump in the eyes of the voters. Now, just like Sanders, he never said who took the polls, who answered the polls, how the questions were phrased or anything else. It was just, “Bernie got more responses and so he must be the candidate.” When asked why that wasn’t being seen in the votes last night, de Blasio deflected and dodged, as he does so often. You see, the polls were proof! Now it was up to them and to the media to get the word out.

Hmmm, hasn’t Sanders been touting that line about the polls for weeks now? If the candidate himself can’t get the word out, who can?

Just before I switched over to another channel, de Blasio proclaimed Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are the “two great progressive leaders of the country”. He went on to say they should pool their support. Oh please, please, please, let them to that. A ticket of Sanders and Warren would be so much fun to watch being beaten about the head and shoulders in the general election. Talk about a ticket sure to alienate the majority of the country without really trying.

Over on ABC, little Georgie Stephanopoulos once again tried to convince the world he is a serious political reporter. He and his cadre were discussing Mike Bloomberg’s candidacy. To say he was doing poorly is putting it mildly. Bloomberg spent more than half a billion dollars of his own money and all he had to show for it were the few delegates he received for winning in American Samoa.

Half a billion dollars. The mind boggles.

The discussion then turned to what Bloomberg would do now. After all, there is no way he could claim any sort of real victory based on the numbers coming in. Would he leave the field of battle? If he did, would he throw his monetary support behind the candidate who wins the Democratic nomination or would he immediately throw his support behind Biden? If he did, would he use his money against Sanders, trying to force Bernie from the race or would he go after Trump right away? Inquiring minds want to know.

But the real question, and one Georgie took his time getting to, is if Bloomberg and his money would become “the biggest super pac” for the Democratic Party. Hmmm, how will the party of “free stuff for everyone” and “the rich are evil” justify taking money from a millionaire who tried to buy the election?

Super Tuesday Questions Left To Answer:

The first question is “what will the final numbers show?”. 

Even if Bernie manages to pull out wins in California and Texas, the weakness in his candidacy has been laid out there for the world to see. If you can’t soundly trounce a man who forgets what state he’s in, forgets the name of the Constitution and all the other gaffes we’ve seen come from Biden can’t put together a solid win, there is something wrong. We know what it is–his political beliefs. Sanders isn’t fooling anyone who takes a moment to really consider what he wants to do. We know what he stands for.

Most of all, we remember TANSTAAFL.

The second question is simple. What do the results mean for Biden? 

His immediate reaction is to realize he screwed up royally by not investing more in some states than he did. When he can give Bernie a run for his money in areas without spending more than a few dollars as opposed to Bernie’s hundreds of thousands, a solid investment very well may have given him solid wins.

His second reaction should be to try to pull his head out of his ass–not possible, in my opinion–and start driving home what makes him different from Sanders. At the same time, he needs to keep the DNC happy. If he does, the same fix that was in for Hillary in 2016 will be there for him by the time the Democratic National Convention rolls around.

The third question is what will Warren and Bloomberg do now?

Neither had anything close to a good night. In Massachusetts, Warren split the ultra-liberal vote with Sanders. If she had not been in the race, he very well may have easily won the state. She was a poor fourth, or lower, in most of the other races. Other than ego, why would she remain in the race?

Then there’s little Mikey Bloomberg. Will he become 2020’s Ross Perot?

Other questions include what will Biden do to reward Buttigieg and Klobuchar for dropping out ahead of yesterday’s primaries and backing him. Who will he choose to be his running mate if he secures the nomination? Will one of them become his Hillary Clinton?

And what about Beto? Monday, Biden basically said Beto would become his gun czar, ready and willing to come take our guns. As a Texan, let me tell you that went over just about as well as Bloomberg correcting a reporter on the pronunciation of Texas.

In other words, we were not amused. So please, Mr. Biden, announce Beto’s appointment before the November election. I guarantee it will lose you the great Lone Star State.

And Then There Was Hillary:

You know, I could almost feel sorry for the Democratic Party. They have to deal with Hillary. She simply refuses to go the way of other failed politicians. She is still so bitter over losing the 2016 election that she can’t let it go. It’s not enough she had to write a book about it. Or that she she’s spent the last three years talking about it every time she can, even when it’s neither the time nor the place for it. Last night, she somehow managed to get herself a spot on the ABC News. Not to talk so much about the election this year but about how she’d been robbed.

Oh, and how she is so often “misunderstood”.

It Really Is Sad

It’s sad how deluded these candidates–and Clinton–are. They either believe the bullshit coming from their mouths or they think we are foolish enough to believe it. Add to that the huge dose of TDS they all suffer and, let’s face it, our country is in for a world of hurt if they find a way to win the election. They claim to love this country and what it stands for. What they mean is they love the vision of the country they hold, one where our core values are not only undercut but destroyed. One where our freedoms are ended or curtailed. One where they become the more equal among equals while we become the serfs, good only to keep them in the manner they’ve become accustomed.

As yourselves why these men and women, all of whom are worth more than the vast majority of us, are not giving up their multiple homes and private jets. Why they have no problem having armed security when they pledge they will take away our guns. Why they will forgive the debts of so many others when we have worked hard to pay our debts.

Whether you like Trump or not, it comes down to one simple question: do you want to see this country not just continue but return to the promise it held in the eyes of our Founding Fathers? If you do, then you will work hard to make sure the Dems not only lose the White House but the House of Representatives as well. You will work to expand the Republican majority in the Senate. This isn’t just a fight over ideology. It is a fight for our continued existence as free men and women, living in a country where are rights are not only guaranteed but celebrated.

Stand up, sound off and be heard. Do not go gently unto the night. Do not let them take what few rights we still enjoy.

Updated to add:  Bloomberg has announced he is withdrawing from the race. VG will have more on this shortly.–ASG

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Featured image by amberzen from Pixabay

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  • Charles N. Steele says:

    By the time I reached the discussion of Hilliary, I realized (once again) what a bizarre group of weirdos this is; even worse, there are millions of fools who voted for them. You conclude: “Do not let them take what few rights we still enjoy.”

    Yes. And more important, we need to be on the offensive. We reverse the progressive/leftist trend and make sure reason and freedom dominate.

    • Amanda Green says:

      Absolutely. It is especially important that we take the offensive when you consider the media’s role in the election so far. Not only is it predominantly anti-Trump, it has shown a very real bias in favor of Sanders over the other Democratic candidates. It is interesting to see stories beginning to crop up this morning about how it failed to sway voters in so many of the Super Tuesday vote. How will those media outlets respond? Will they double down behind Bernie or start backing Biden? Either way, we need to counter the propaganda being distributed by the MSM and, as you said, take the offensive to take back our country.

  • Danny says:

    Brokered convention = Hillary on the ticket

  • windbag says:

    I’m still expecting Hillary to swoop in to save the day at the brokered convention. The testimony she’s being forced to give might put a damper on that, but never count her out. She’s obsessed.

    As with most elections, I’m far more interested in the down ticket races. I’m very concerned that we might lose NC Congressional District 11 to the Democrats. Mark Meadows said he wouldn’t run. Twelve people ran and now there’s a runoff. The district was reorganized and now will include Asheville, which is loony left. Now we have to waste precious time fighting each other instead of focusing on November.

    NC is a purple state. The US is a purple nation. We can’t take anything for granted anymore.

    • Amanda Green says:

      Regarding Hillary, she at least seems to be trying to position herself for that eventuality. That was driven home last night with her interview and with how she is posturing her new podcast or whatever it is.

      I, too, am worried about the down ticket races. We have to not only maintain control of the Senate but we need to retake the House. As important, or more so, are the state and local elections. That is where we really need to get folks involved.

  • Scott says:

    As I’ve seen it said before, “they wouldn’t try so hard to take our guns,if they weren’t planning to do something that we’d want to shoot them for”…That’s the whole reason the Founders wrote the Second Amendment, because they knew that sooner or later, someone would want power bad enough that they’d try to deny that fundamental God given right! (The Constitution / Second doesn’t give us the right, it just reiterates it.)

    • Amanda Green says:

      Yep. That why I had to wonder at the idiocy of announcing his association with Beto the way he did. Not to mention where he did. There are few places where the 2A is respected more than here in Texas. That’s a lesson Beto refuses to learn.

    • “they wouldn’t try so hard to take our guns,if they weren’t planning to do something that we’d want to shoot them for”

      That is absolutely true, and the point needs to be hammered home to the many people who simply think the left is merely absurd.

  • Joe in PNG says:

    It’s becoming clear that despite his cult like social media following, Bernie doesn’t have much appeal outside his hardcore base. Vermont aside, he’s pretty drawing about 30% among Democrats.
    With the field narrowed down, it will be interesting to see if he can pull more than 50% from the next few states.

    • Amanda Green says:

      Yep. What will be more interesting is to see how much he can pull if Mini-Mike puts his money behind Biden and against Bernie. Remember, in many of the states Biden won or came close to winning last night, he spent very little compared to the other candidates.

  • Rich Vail says:

    If Bloomberg couldn’t buy the presidency for $500million…how did the Russians pull it off with $100k in 2016?

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