Saturday’s Story Sequels, Plus What Obama is Blaming on Climate Change Now

It’s Saturday again, so that means another follow up with our Story Sequels! We start first today with a very detailed report on former Oregon Governor John…

Is Rand Paul Paranoid When A Facebook “Bug” Tracks Non-Users?

With the recent addition of Rand Paul to the 2016 GOP Candidate pool, I have been thinking a lot about issues that I agree and disagree with…

Kansas Man Who Joined U.S. Army Arrested After Plan To Launch Fort Hood-Style Attack

Kansas Man Who Joined U.S. Army Arrested After Plan To Launch Fort Hood-Style Attack

John T. Booker, a 20-year-old man from Topeka, Kansas, has been arrested following an FBI investigation that began last year. Booker reportedly joined the U.S. Army last…

Cop Killer Receives Get Well Cards From 3rd Graders

Yes, you read the headline correctly. The 3rd Graders weren’t writing letters to someone like Bon Jovi, or Governor Christie. Nope. Instead, the “Get Well Soon!” letters were written to…

Protestors Rail Against Catholic School That Refused to Hire Openly Gay Teacher

Not content to target bakeries, photographers, florists, and pizza shops, the gay lobby is taking aim at what they consider their ultimate trophy: the Christian church. Dowling…

Sasha and Malia Obama Have Nothing in Common With Military Children

For military spouses, one of the most well-known websites intended to be a place for support is SpouseBuzz. An offshoot of, SpouseBuzz covers a variety of…

John Kerry Gives Weak Warning to Iran About Yemen Involvement

Remember all those famous lines in the sand that the Obama Administration used to draw and then never enforce when pushed? Well, folks, they’ve drawn another –…

Victims react to Boston Marathon bombing verdict

The victims of the Boston Marathon bombings gave a press conference reacting to the guilty verdict for terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tsarnaev had 30 charges filed against him,…

Verdict in Boston Marathon Bomber Case: GUILTY

The jury has come back with a verdict in the federal case against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: GUILTY. There were 30 charges against Tsarnaev, and the first 18 were…

Russians Hack the White House Through the State Department

Wow, if we lived in a world where the White House Press Corps did their job, this would be a big deal. Russian hackers behind the damaging…

Brian Williams and his lies

As I am sure everyone knows by now, NBC’s Brian Williams lies. He could in fact be the compulsive liar in old Saturday Night Live skits. Except…

He’s In: Rand Paul Officially Announces He’s Running for President (VIDEO)

He’s In: Rand Paul Officially Announces He’s Running for President (VIDEO)

Surrounded by supporters, in a room filled with electric anticipation, and following a compelling and emotional video complete with a song from John Rich of the country…

Prayer Breakfast: Obama Bashes American Christians, Ignores Christians Slaughtered in Kenya

Prayer Breakfast: Obama Bashes American Christians, Ignores Christians Slaughtered in Kenya

Last week in Kenya, al-Shabab Islamic militants massacred 148 Christians at Garissa University College, first separating the Christian students from the Muslims and then shooting the Christians….

Senator Rand Paul to Announce Presidential Candidacy Tuesday

Senator Rand Paul to Announce Presidential Candidacy Tuesday

While the Left is busy readying its coronation of Queen Hillary who currently looks to have no solid primary opponent—they’re the party of “choice,” doncha know—the GOP…

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee Flies Communist China’s Flag At State Capitol

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee Flies Communist China’s Flag At State Capitol

Jay Inslee, the first-term Democrat governor of Washington state, is not exactly the brightest guy in the room. His biggest go-to issue during his campaign and his…

Rolling Stone Admits Failure in UVA Rape Story, But No One Is Fired

When both sides of the journalistic aisle simultaneously do a double-take, that’s when you know something bad really happened. Back in November, Rolling Stone published a story…

#Easter2015:  Unrepentant and Unafraid, The People of The Cross

#Easter2015: Unrepentant and Unafraid, The People of The Cross

Christians everywhere are observing the Easter holiday this weekend. Some of us here in America will be in church; singing songs and thinking of Sunday dinner, while…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner