How George Soros and Marijuana Are Bringing Down America

Whatever you may think about television and radio host Glenn Beck, I have to say that he got it right several years ago when he spoke of…

A Smidgen Of Corruption on Obamacare Numbers – 15-20% Have Not Paid

While Obama and the Dems are cheering a major victory for reaching their goal of 7 million Obamacare signups, the real numbers are starting to trickle in….

Censorship by CAIR Mirrors Obama Regime’s Tactics

Censorship by CAIR Mirrors Obama Regime’s Tactics

On Monday evening (March 31) Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly had a segment on her nightly television program that dealt with disturbing news. Kelly exposed the recent…

How Anyone Can Hunt You on the Internet

Over the last year, our notion of privacy has been turned on its heel, as Snowden showed us all that the “government is listening” conspiracy folks weren’t…

Plymouth High School Bleachers: Whatever Happened to Civil Disobedience?

Plymouth High School Bleachers: Whatever Happened to Civil Disobedience?

Every time I open up the Interwebs, I am greeted by headlines like these: Department of Education Order Plymouth High School to Tear Down Bleachers, And then…

DHS: 68,000 Illegal Immigrant Criminals Released in the US Last Year

Disturbing news from The Hill: An internal Department of Homeland Security document compiling statistics on arrests and deportations in 2013 showed that ICE agents encountered 193,357 illegal…

April Fools: Obamas, Rachel Ray, Kathleen Sebelius, Obamacare Top the List

The precise origin of April Fools’ Day is a bit mysterious, but one thing is patently clear: We are surrounded by fools, and we here at VG…

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Ava Gardner