Ground Zero Mosque Supporter to Holocaust Survivor: “Obviously He Didn’t Learn His Lesson”

Ground Zero Mosque Supporter to Holocaust Survivor: “Obviously He Didn’t Learn His Lesson”

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: The running meme on the Left has been that Americans who oppose the Ground Zero mosque are bigoted, anti-Islamic hatemongers. No…

Conservative Refocus News Facebook shutting down conservatives?

The Other McCain Why Joe Miller won

CNBC Economy caught in a depression, not a recession

Washington Post CIA sees increased threat from Al Qaeda in Yemen

Upset In Alaska: Miller Defeats Murkowski?

The media narrative was that Joe Miller was a long shot candidate. Lisa Murkowski was ahead in the polls. She outspent him and outpolled him. Not many…

Military Track At Blog World Expo, This Year Featuring Me

The annual Blog World and New Media Expo is gearing up to take place this October in Las Vegas, and if you aren’t planning on coming, you…

Michelle Malkin Russell Simmons can’t read… or figure out the concept of a hyperlink

Sorry Charlie: Meek Set To Destroy Greene Tomorrow

Charlie Crist needs Kendrick Meek to lose tomorrow if he wants to have a prayer of making it to the Senate. Unfortunately for Crist, Meek is set…

Newsreal Why we fight: the worst Islamofascist terrorist attacks since 9-11

Abortion Butchers Women, Both Pre- and Post-Roe

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: It’s long been predicted by the pro-abortion extremists that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, women will have to go back…

Philadelphia To Charge Bloggers $300 To Exercise Their Freedom of Speech

Philadelphia was once a beacon of freedom and independence. Home of the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, Philadelphia was the of the Constitutional Convention took place in…

The Daily Telegraph France surrenders… to driftwood

The Local Prosecutors withdraw rape warrant for Julian Assange

BBC Julian Assange accused of rape and molestation

EMILY’s List Ewoks Get An Epic Fail-Sarah Palin Wins Again!

EMILY’s List Ewoks Get An Epic Fail-Sarah Palin Wins Again!

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: Sarah Palin has had the femisogynists hopping over the past year. The media tried to destroy her in 2008 and failed….

Right Wing News Happy Cost of Government Day!

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Ava Gardner