Feministing on why “heteronormative” dating sucks

Why do feminists hate the concept of a “normal” relationship, or what Feministing blogger Samhita dubs “heteronormative” dating? I dunno, because they hate men? 1. You are…

Murtha on Russell: “No goddamned way will a Virginia carpetbagger represent my district”

Classy: I’m sure that statement will further endear Murtha to his racist, redneck constituents. Although, I’m still a little puzzled as to how he’s been reelected year…

Quote of the Day

From Ed Morrissey: Barack Obama claims to champion the consumers of America. This demonstrates worse than just callous disregard of financial security; it looks like a deliberate…

Inspirational story of the day

As if their service in the Marine Corps wasn’t inspiring enough: Before Cpl. Dan Lasko lost his left leg from the knee down as a result of…

Even the French think Obama is arrogant, immature and vapid

French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Obama: French President Nicolas Sarkozy is very critical of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama’s positions on Iran, according to reports that have…

Celebriteez has teh smarts

Check out the utter genius of actor Jamie Foxx on why he’s voting Obama: Oprah introduced me to him and I just loved how cool the brother…

America-loving Democrat attacks a Marine for going to Iraq

America-loving Democrat attacks a Marine for going to Iraq

Josh Mandel is an Ohio State Representative. He is also a U.S. Marine. After he was elected, Rep. Mandel was asked to return to Iraq, because he…

obama be thy name

obama be thy name

another obama anthem for your ‘enjoyment.’ all i know is that i am standing clear when the lightning bolt comes down. thank god they weren’t dancing around…

My girl crush on Megyn Kelly grows

This video of Megyn Kelly of Fox News taking on Obama spokesman Bill Burton is beyond awesome. Best line? “You may have the rest of the media…

Fun with feminists: No more choice for you, business owners!

Hey, you! Yeah, you reading this, that owns your own business. Did you know that you aren’t allowed to run your business the way you see fit?…

Hey, white people shouldn’t be allowed to vote if they don’t support Obama!

Why is it that white people need to be denied the vote? Why, because they’re racist, of course! But hey, the idiot pundit calling for this is…

R.I.P., Dean Barnett

Sad news for the blogosphere today. Dean Barnett has passed away after his fight with cystic fibrosis. William Kristol reported the news today: It’s my sad duty…

jamie foxx, idiot.

jamie foxx is just the latest in hollywood moonbats to try to explain why barack obama would be the best choice for potus. What makes you such…

forget the star spangled banner…

forget the star spangled banner…

if, as some are saying, obama has already won the election (um, isn’t that still 7 days away?), will this be our new national anthem? as mark…

Hey look, more proof that Obama is a socialist

Hey look, more proof that Obama is a socialist

This video has me shocked. Shocked, I tell you! Stop the ACLU has the transcript: If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights…

keep it classy dems!

at the obama rally in denver this weekend, children played in their fornication t-shirts! drunkablog has way more pics you won’t believe. h/t gateway pundit

fun bumper sticker

my cotillion sister, sam, saw this bumper sticker at her local grocery store and snapped a picture. take that peggy noonan!

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Ava Gardner