Moonbats vs. the National Anthem

Moonbats vs. the National Anthem

Liberals love to claim that they love their country. Does anyone actually believe that? For those of you that are holding out hope, I offer this video…

Right Wing News’ Favorite Blogs for the Quarter

John Hawkins at Right Wing News has released his top 40 blogs for the quarter, and I made the list… at number ten! Very exciting for me…

“it’s ok to laugh at him”

john stewart, one of the prince’s of the left, has given the faithful permission to laugh at the obamessiah!  i sure hope hell isn’t freezing over too.  this…

the hags from code pink at it again!

well the witches in pink are at it again. this past weekend code pink decided to hold another one of their countless protests at the berkeley marine…

“Brainstorming” banned for the more P.C. “thought showers”.

Christ Almighty. It seems like Britain sinks more into moonbattery every day. Stories like this make me think that Rachel is right: A council has banned the…

Q&A Friday (again), and I’m going on vacation!

I’ve decided I’m going to do another Q&A Friday this week. I did one once before, and said I’d do it occasionally. Well, that was all the…

I’ll jump on the Sarah Palin bandwagon.

I recently suggested Sen. Jim DeMint for McCain’s running mate. Now, let’s be honest, that’s not going to happen. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing —…

Even Obama knows his resume needs a little padding.

Even Obama knows his resume needs a little padding.

This is one of my favorite quotes from this election season. Surprisingly enough, it’s from Hillary Clinton: “I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring…

another big endorsement for Obama!

team obama must be wetting their pull-ups about now over their latest evil dictator endorsement.  yep.  that loveable, fluffy not fat, nuclear weaponry-obsessed, bad boy tyrant of…

Obama wants you to declare your independence.

Obama wants you to declare your independence.

Over two hundred years ago, a group of patriots wrote a Declaration of Independence to assert their freedom from an oppressive tyrant. Our wonderful country was born….

Another humiliating Haji video.

You’d think they’d want to use videos of them doing something, you know, successfully. But no. Videos like this one are way better to them. I guess…

When REAL feminism works: Iraqi women training to join the Iraqi police

Some real empowerment for your Saturday: The training program designed to strengthen Iraqi Security Forces and employ women in the fight against terrorist activity has expanded in…

A glimpse of healthcare under President Barack Obama

One of the truly frightening things about this upcoming election is that if the worst happens, then Democrats will have complete control over Washington — and our…

Thaddeus McCotter teaches us how to speak Democrat.

Thaddeus McCotter teaches us how to speak Democrat.

Best quotes: The rich means you. For example, Democrats will only tax the rich. Translation: Democrats will only tax you. Diplomacy equals magic. “Democrats will protect America…

Democrats call to nationalize the oil industry.

It was only a matter of time before something like this came out. What’s surprising is not that they think this way; it’s that they were stupid…

17 teenagers make a pregnancy pact and are happily knocked up.

Usually, teen pregnancy is seen as something negative. Sexually active girls dread getting pregnant. Parents worry about their daughters ruining their lives. Boyfriends fear being tied down…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner