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Matt Margolis and Mark Noonan are no strangers to politics or writing books. They’ve headed up some of the most successful conservative blogs out there, and Caucus of Corruption, their first book, exposed the hypocrisy behind the Democrats’ “ethics” agenda during the 2006 campaign. These guys are some of the best, and they were gracious enough to talk to me for a bit about their new book, “150 Reasons why Obama is the Worst President Ever.” While to many of us it’s not a surprise that there are that many reasons why Obama is the worst president ever, Margolis and Noonan actually had to whittle the list DOWN to 150 reasons—and yet his supporters blindly follow. Here’s what the authors had to say.
Kit Lange: For conservatives, the idea that “there’s a long list of reasons why Obama is the worst president ever” is not news, and it’s also true that much of the time conservatives are the ones reading conservative books. Obama has created a cult of personality, so to speak, and his followers are not really interested in facts. It’s a safe bet that you want to reach those who do support him, and hopefully educate them. How do you plan to even get the book in front of them? What is it about YOUR book that will interest them where so many blogs and articles and other media have failed?
Matt Margolis: Obama fans, more than any other group, should read this book. These are the people who believe Obama has done nothing wrong during his tenure, and that anything negative that has happened or will happen can be blamed on Bush or Republicans in Congress.
As much as they should read our book, I doubt they will. They don’t want to believe that Obama is anything less than the best president in history, and show no interest in having their beliefs challenged.
In 2004 I ran Blogs for Bush, and Mark was a major contributor. It made a name for us in political blogging as diehard Bush supporters. But, that didn’t stop either of us from either disagreeing with President Bush or openly criticizing him. We never claimed that Bush was the best president the way many Obama supporters do for their Chosen One.
But the reason Obama supporters should read our book is so that they can at least prove they consider Obama’s record open for debate, and not settled fact. The book is a challenge: do liberals dare read something full of unflattering facts about the presidency of Barack Obama?
Mark Noonan: When you think about the fact that Obama was given a Nobel Peace Prize despite having done absolutely nothing to earn it, it’s clear to many of us that there’s an overwhelming desire for Obama to be perceived as successful. And hey, if he had accomplished what he claimed he would when he first ran for president (cut spending, halve the debt, fix the economy, unite this country, keep us safe, etc.) it be hard not to give him the credit he deserves for it. I would love for an Obama fan to read this book and try to refute the facts we spent months researching and compiling. Maybe then, even if they still support Obama, they’d stop treating him like a flawless deity, and realize that he is, in fact, human, and has made many mistakes.
KL: Following in that theme, it seems that your book could also be used to give conservatives real facts to combat the Obama spin machine, whether they’re bloggers reaching a large audience or just the average guy trying to ‘do battle’ at the workplace watercooler. Was this something you were trying to accomplish as well?
MATT: My idea for this book came shortly after Obama was reelected. I was depressed and could not comprehend how someone with such a bad record could possibly been given a green light to keep going another four years. It occurred to me that there’s a lot about Obama’s record that was not talked about, even forgotten, because of the passage of time. The federal government’s lousy response to the BP oil spill was a prime example of poor leadership and incompetence on part of the Obama Administration to solve a crisis. It was often called “Obama’s Katrina” and that’s fairly accurate… not that the media let Obama take any responsibility for it. It never came up during the election.
There are lots of books about Obama, but they focus on one particular thing, like corruption in his administration, his upbringing, Fast and Furious… there will certainly be at least one book about Benghazi and the cover up… These books all have their place when it comes to documenting Obama’s presidency, but our book covers all aspects of his record, boils them down to the key facts, and puts them all in one place. It’s an almanac of sorts, of the Obama presidency thus far. Conservatives need to read 150 Reasons Why Barack Obama is The Worst President in History so they debate every aspect of Obama’s record.
MARK: You certainly consider yourself highly informed of what’s going on in this country and around the world, just like Matt and I do. But, we don’t have photographic memories. It’s easy to forget things. In the first few days after the idea of this book was conceived, we came up with a list of fifty or so items from memory. It took time and research to build that list up. Some things required more time to remember. Some times we even shocked ourselves by what we unearthed: things which were, indeed, reported but very quietly, with no follow up and which thus dropped immediately off radar. By the time we finished the first draft, we had a little over 100 and could see no end to it. Eventually, so many reasons presented themselves to us that we had to dwindle it down to 150.
KL: The Obama administration has a long list of failures, to be sure, but many of these require careful research and a willingness to sift through the fawning mainstream media. One could talk for hours, for instance, on why Obamacare is such a horrible fiasco alone. How did you and Mark Noonan manage to distill what are admittedly sometimes complex legal and Constitutional questions to put this in plain language for the typical “low information voter?”
MATT: Well, as I noted before, some issues could easily be the subject of an entire book. But we’ve tried to boil down each item to its essence, present enough salient facts to prove our point, and go on. When one reads this book, they’ll have enough information to debate any Obama supporter on any aspect of his record.
KL: In your opinion, of the 150 reasons on this list, which are the most damaging to America’s future? If someone said, “Hey I don’t have time to read the whole book but just tell me the five ‘big ones,’ which five would you choose and why?
MARK: Well, if the number one issue to you is the economy, there are plenty of economic reasons that would be your “big five.” If you feel Constitutional issues are the most important, we have plenty of examples of Obama trampling the Constitution. The thing is, once again, the entire pattern. Had Obama just messed up the economy, he wouldn’t be the “Worst President.” But when you take the messed up economy, the alienated allies, the coddled enemies, the constitutional abuses, corruption, and so on, it’s obvious thet he’s earmed the title. We’ve made it easy for everyone by putting it all into a single book.
KL: We talked before about the Cult of Personality that Obama has fostered. Some say it’s because he’s never stopped campaigning, some say it’s because he’s far more charming than he is knowledgeable. Where do you think his “personality power” comes from? Why, even in the face of smaller paychecks, less jobs, and borderline chaos in this country, do so many people refuse to read the writing on the wall?
MATT: This may not be politically correct to say, but I believe it comes from the desire of many to see “the first black president” be a success. Lots of people voted for him so they could say they were “a part of something historic,” as if voting for Obama because of his race is the same thing as marching for civil rights with Martin Luther King Jr. or something similar. The desire to be right about Obama, the desire for Obama to be what he claimed he was in 2008 has made Obama’s Cult of Personality a success. But the fact remains that Obama was the most inexperienced, unqualified candidate of both parties in 2008, and has, not surprisingly, been a disaster in the White House.
KL: Why did you choose stimulus failure as #1 instead of Benghazi or even Obamacare?
MARK: As noted earlier, the book is divided into chapters, separating the 150 reasons into categories. We have chapters on the economy, national security, domestic issues, and several other area. Obamacare was such a big issue that we had to give it its own chapter! Since we saw the book as being a handy reference tool, we felt that proper organization of the reasons and demonstrating the pattern of failure was more important than ranking any particular failure as “number 1.”
KL: This country has withstood presidents with mafia contacts, extramarital affairs, sexual assault accusations, and even corruption ties and murder suspicions. Couldn’t a book like yours be written about JFK, or Clinton, or even Johnson?
MATT: There is no doubt that many presidents have had failures, been corrupt, etc. etc. Hell, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, despite being praised in the history books for ending the Great Depression (a false distinction, by the way), did many things that hurt the country over the long term. But, under Obama, we’ve seen an unprecedented government takeover of healthcare, and shocking usurpations of the Constitution that could alter the power of the presidency forever.
MARK: I think what really separates Obama from his predecessors is that he has no apparent willingness to accept limitations of power as defined by the Constitution. Other presidents have gone outside the Constitution or usurped Legislative or Judicial powers, but Obama, in a rare instance of being true to a promise, wishes to fundamentally transform the United States.
KL: In your opinion, what could Obama do —if anything— to change your belief that he’s the worst President in history?
MATT: It be nice to believe he could. We actually addressed this possibility in the last chapter of the book, which is called “Second Term Preview.” It goes into troubling things we saw in the first couple months of his second term before the book went to press. It’s pretty clear, from what we’ve seen so far, that Obama is set in his ways.
KL: Last question…if someone says, “Ok so who are you? Who gives you the right to write a book disrespecting the President when he’s not even done with his term yet?”….how do you answer? What are your final thoughts on this?
MARK: We are just a couple of interested and informed citizens. We’ve been blogging for more than 10 years in various formats and have written and commented extensively on public affairs. We are citizen-journalists who simply believe we have a duty to add to the public debate and, perhaps, provide some different ideas for how best to solve our national problems.
It is true that the full story of Obama won’t be known until long after the end of his second term. But our desire to write this book was based upon a conviction that not even part of the truth was coming out during Obama’s term. Bits and pieces would be presented and then hidden away either by outright ignoring them, or distracting the people with nonsense. We both believe that a good part of why Obama was reelected is that most Americans don’t have a full picture of what Obama has actually done. Obama’s record should have crushed him under a 1980-style landslide. Instead, he got 51% of the vote. Something was clearly missing, this book is designed to provide the missing information.
MATT: This is about respecting the truth, not disrespecting the president. If the history books get it wrong, and claim Barack Obama was a good, successful president, future generations will not learn from our mistakes. Whoever takes office in 2017 is going to have a hard enough time fixing Obama’s mess.
No one should ever be afraid of the truth. We have produced a book which merely presents the facts – massively sourced. If we are lying about Obama, then so are The New York Times, The Washington Post and even The Huffington Post. This isn’t a book of secrets, this is a book of facts – but facts which have been hidden or disguised or shoved aside in favor of canonizing someone for all the wrong reasons.
Pick up your copy of 150 Reasons Why Obama is the Worst President Ever, even if you’re an Obama supporter…or should I say, especially if you are.
I may get the book just to see how in the heck the narrowed that list down to just 150.
It wasn’t easy. But the truth of the matter is that if people could remember EVERYTHING wrong Obama has done this book wouldn’t be necessary. I hope you enjoy the book! If you think we missed anything, let us know by emailing !
Sorry. while Obama is a bad president, it is unlikely that we will ever have a worse president than James Buchanan, who sat bemoaning his inability to do anything as the Republic dissolved around him.
Obama as second worst president I can accept, but up until the time that states actually begin seceding again, Buchanan holds the crown.
Here are some Bible verses that Pres. Obama avoids:
Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): “It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury – how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!”
Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under “a servant who becomes king.”
And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: “let thy words be few…a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words.”
Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he’s destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!