Obama admits he’s on the side of Illegal Immigrants (Video) and Weekend Links

Obama admits he’s on the side of Illegal Immigrants (Video) and Weekend Links

With every passing day, more and more Americans are becoming deeply disturbed by the illegal immigration chaos on our southern border. From the high cost of resources used in detaining the illegal immigrants swarming us, to the public health concerns (despite attempts to suppress the information), to the massive relocation efforts to move the illegal immigrants from border states to locations around the country, we’re furious at the counter-productive “efforts” made by this administration. They simply can’t be trusted to keep us safe and secure any longer. Further, we have repeatedly seen that the president of the United States supports this border chaos through a “nonenforcement” policy, which many are calling illegal.

And even though the vast majority of Americans want to see more deportations of illegal immigrants, especially ones that have committed additional crimes, that’s clearly not what Barack Obama wants.

Whilst in Texas this week, to take a first hand look at our border crisis, to go to (D) fundraisers, Obama was interrupted during some speechifying by pro-illegal immigrant protestors when he mentioned immigration reform. I’m sure you can guess what he said to the hecklers.

Here’s the video:

“I’m on Your Side Man”

Yeah, Obama. We know exactly whose side you’re on.

Obama claims that he wants immigration reform, but we’ve known for a very long time that’s ‘lib-speak’ for open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants. Of the $3.7 billion in supplemental funding he’s requested from Congress, only about 3% would be dedicated to securing our southern border. In fact, according to Pelosi, we’re all Americans …and borders? What borders?

Many, including myself, believe that Obama has created this border crisis through a reckless and intentional disregard for our immigration laws already on the books. He is using this incredible chaos as a political weapon against anyone opposed to amnesty. It is now obvious to everyone that Obama plans to grant amnesty to illegals one way or another.

The administration has a plan and they have no fear.

Without any shame or caution, Michelle Obama before a group of Latinos in New York City, has discussed their plan to simply bypass congressional input and grant amnesty should it come down to that.

More governing by Executive Order.

Our Founding Fathers created a very deliberative legislative process which specifically disallowed the wishes of a president, or the precipitous actions of a small group, to usurp the rule of law. Having just won a painful war of independence against precisely that sort of tyranny, their steadfast goal was to prevent this kind of treachery from returning.

Thanks to Barack Obama – a very dangerous man – it’s clear that no President should ever have this kind of power.

Our “Weekend Links” are below the fold!

Great Weekend Blog Reading Links!

Teach at Pirate’s Cove is blogging about this…“Awesome: WMO Looks To Change Weather Baseline”.

The Other McCain has many good blog posts up including this one by Stacy on “An Omen of the ‘Mystifying Oracle’?”

ST at Sister Toldjah has up this post on “Fearmongering Pelosi: We should “be afraid” of “five guys” on #SCOTUS”.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up this post today on “Pro-Israel student attacked in Boston by anti-Israel demonstrator”.

V the K at Gay Patriot has up this blog post called “Illegal Immigrant Math”.

Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit, has many great posts at his blog hub from all over the blogosphere so go check them out! And you can read Glenn’s latest article in USA Today on “Bled dry by the New Class”, here.

Yorkshire at The First Street Journal has up a great post called “Premeditated Invasion -Revised and Updated Again”.

As always, Michelle Obama’s Mirror has up a great post called “Fight On!”.

Jammie at Jammie Wearing Fools has up this post “Flashback: Obama Tells Troops “You Guys Make A Pretty Good Photo-Op”.

Evil Blogger Lady has this post on “Nature abhors a vacuum: If you remove God from the equation, what do you replace him with?”.

Donald Douglas at American Power has up this blog post on “Illegal Alien Amnesty Fizzles as Campaign Issue for Open-Borders Democrats — #Secure the Border”.

Neo at Neo-Neocon is writing about “The border: Clash of the Titan Interest Groups”.

Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive has up this post, “Benghazi stand down order bogus?”.

Ann Althouse has up a number of great posts, but I like this one – “The last Ramone…”.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has up this post up… “Perry: Rand Paul’s position on Iraq is “disheartening … curiously blind”.

and finally, Ace at AoSHQ has up this post on “Rick Perry Has Filled the Leadership Gap That Barack Obama Left Behind to Play Pool and Drink Starbucks”. Make sure to read the comments, as usual. 🙂

Have a terrific weekend!

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    Yes, this was deliberate. Yes, it is illegal. Yes, it is an impeachable offense. Yes, it is dangerous.

    No, 0bama will not do anything to solve it.

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