Never Trust A Doctor Under 30: DEI Is Going to Kill You

Never Trust A Doctor Under 30: DEI Is Going to Kill You

Never Trust A Doctor Under 30: DEI Is Going to Kill You

The Left’s march through Western institutions in the forms of DEI/CRT, “social justice”, and all manner of woo-woo wokeism has consequences. Let’s take schools of medicine for $200, Alex.

One of the premier medical schools, UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine, is failing.

Up to half of UCLA medical students now fail basic tests of medical competence. Whistleblowers say affirmative action, illegal in California since 1996, is to blame.

The medical school has dramatically changed since 2020, when this female was appointed as dean of admissions:

Lucero isn’t just heading up admissions but is also chairing for DEI. You know, the racially-charged programs that are anti-white, anti-Asian (and increasingly anti-Jew) at a premier educational institution in a state that barred affirmative action via Proposition 209 since 1996. Her shennigans, outbursts and bullying of dissenters has gotten so bad that whistleblowers are trying to get public attention where appeals to the university are ignored.

“I wouldn’t normally talk to a reporter,” a UCLA faculty member said. “But there’s no way to stop this without embarrassing the medical school.”

Within three years of Lucero’s hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th place in U.S. News & World Report’s rankings for medical research. And in some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.

The medical school has shifted its priorities from training a top-notice doctor to producing a social justice activist “doctor” with a sheepskin.

The collapse in qualifications has been compounded by UCLA’s decision, in 2020, to condense its preclinical curriculum from two years to one in order to add more time for research and community service. That means students arrive at their clinical rotations with just a year of courses under their belt—some of which focus less on science than social justice.

First-year students spend three to four hours every other week in “Structural Racism and Health Equity,” a required class that covers topics like “fatphobia,” has featured anti-Semitic speakers, and is now the subject of an internal review. They spend an additional seven hours a week in “Foundations of Practice,” which includes units on “interpersonal communication skills” and, according to one medical student, basically “tells us how to be a good person.” The two courses eat up time that could be spent on physiology or anatomy, professors say, and leave struggling students with fewer hours to learn the basics.

“This has been a colossal failure,” one professor posted in April on a forum for medical school applicants. “The new curriculum is not working and the students are grossly unprepared for clinical rotations.”

This push for color charts over qualifications not only puts the public at risk from medical incompetence, but it taints any one of the favored melanin-du-jour as less-qualified regardless of their own merit. They will be judged by their group identity because Lucero and her ilk care nothing about individual students.

At a meeting in February 2022, according to two people present, Lucero demanded that a highly qualified white male be knocked down several spots because, as she put it, “we have too many of his kind” already. She also told doctors who voiced concern that they had no right to an opinion because they were “not BIPOC,”

Lucero is on a mission, and it isn’t to produce the best doctors in the world.

Yet, surely, you may think, these young people who can’t tell the difference between an artery and a carburetor will be failed out? Right? Right? No one seems to know. And that may get you killed as surely as a DEI pilot at the helm of the plane you’re booked on.

Indeed, how many people have to die before we get rid of DEI?

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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