Do Women Still Deserve Gentlemen?

Do Women Still Deserve Gentlemen?

Mark Tapscon at Acculturated has a post up about how to be a gentleman, and why.

In an age in which pop culture teaches us that bad behavior gets rewarded and quiet dignity gets ignored, why bother? In a time in which – Ms. Fagan aside – many young women take offense at being treated like ladies, what’s the incentive? Why be a gentleman?

Because being a gentleman elevates you above the mass of men around you. Not in the shallow sense that knowing how to order a drink with confidence makes you more suave than the other guys in the bar; but in the substantial sense that conducting yourself according to an honorable code of behavior sets you apart from the crowd and sets the standard for other men. It isn’t about your looks, the kind of car you drive, your financial standing, your education, or any other superficial factor; it’s about, if I may borrow from Martin Luther King Jr., the content of your character. And character, to borrow from Heraclitus, is destiny.

Tapscon is correct on both counts: men need to act more like gentlemen, and women don’t seem to want to be treated like ladies. It’s a nice thought, the resurgence of gentlemanly behavior. But there’s just one problem. Women don’t deserve gentlemen anymore.

It is apparently offensive for a man to say that on a date, men should be on time, help her with her coat, pull out her chair when she sits down, wait for her to get safely inside before driving away. At best, it was dismissed as quaint but unnecessary; at worst, it was infuriating and sexist. Ann Friedman and Dana Goldstein, so-called “feminists”, dismissed chivalry as sexist. And we’ve got the “feminists” of the 60s practically grooming their daughters to be sluts — and then, of course, crying about it when it inevitably happens. But what else can you expect when 10-year-olds are taught about anal sex, when mothers write long, flowery letters to their daughters about vibrators and orgasms, when middle-schoolers are being taught not sex ed, but about how to have good sex and the importance of “experimenting”? Even the Girl Scouts are no exception. Will girls raised this way grow up to become women deserving of gentlemen? It’s possible, but not likely. Add in the fact that in today’s society, it is perfectly acceptable to mock and humiliate men, whether it is on TV, in the latest New York Times bestseller, or just among our girlfriends. Most people don’t even really date anymore. Sure, the man might not be asking the woman out on an actual date either, but we as women are accepting the text message requests for booty calls or a night at a bar. We’ve replaced romance with hooking up, chivalry with disrespect. We constantly deride and disrespect men, and the behavior of too many women is not deserving of gentlemanly behavior.

How can women act this way — be so disdainful of men, so insulting and dismissive, and our own behavior so crass — and yet still complain about how there are no good men left, about the death of chivalry?

Far too often, women don’t want a man anymore. They don’t want someone who can be the head of the household, who can be strong or (heaven forbid) take charge. They don’t want a man to treat them with chivalry and respect. What women far too often want today is a man they can mold, someone who is not respectful, but submissive. They want a man to behave a certain way — that may vary from woman to woman — and if he doesn’t, then they’ll wear him down until he inevitably changes. Women today want men to basically be women. We ask for men to be feminized, and then ask where the gentlemen went.

This isn’t to say that men should just shrug their shoulders and give up. Be better than we are, guys. The second wave feminists insisted on dragging women down to the level of the worst kinds of men, and look at how that has turned out. As Tapscon points out, being a gentleman elevates you, and shows character. But ultimately, this isn’t a call for men to man up and be gentlemen (although, of course, they should). This goes out to the women. If you want a gentleman, then act in a manner that would make you deserve a gentleman. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Don’t allow men to put in the bare minimum in order to get in your pants. Don’t drink like a man or sleep around with wild abandon. Show respect for men, and don’t constantly insult and mock them. Be someone that is worth chivalrous behavior.

If we want to see the return of gentlemen, then we must also demand the return of ladies.

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  • Dignity implies accountability.

    Accountability conflicts with the primacy of self.

    Until the concept of accountability, and yes, the grooming of the heart of a servant become commonplace again, you’re not likely to witness a wholesale return to either gentlemen or ladies.

    Heck, I consider it a personal victory when the boys remember “Please” and “Thank You”, and “Sir” and “Ma’am”…terms all sadly lacking in my own upbringing.

  • says:

    Good Lord, what a breathe of fresh air to hear. I have been telling women for years to stop buying the “I am woman hear me ROAR!” BS from the feminists.

    If that is the case, then ladies; find yourselves some women to fix your plumbing when it breaks, wire your house for those new outlets in your addition, pour asphalt on your roads to fix the potholes and build your office buildings in the hot sun. There must be a ton of them out there.

    We each bring something to the party, and trying to change us just pisses us off. If you met us and we liked to shoot and hunt, and watch football, then we aren’t going to give it all up to go antiquing and shoe shopping because we are married 5 years on.

    All we ask is that you be worthy of the time we invest in loving you, and that sure is hard nowadays.

    • Amberlynn says:

      I can do all of that sweetheart. Its so nice of you to point out that there are females out there who can do the same job as the males can. 🙂

      • Racist says:

        You might do some aspects of the same “jobs” as some DIY Nancy-boy does, but I guarantee that neither you nor any other woman could do all of what I do, let alone at the same pace and for the length of time! And I’m an average size and strength guy for my caliber of man. I have worked with some guys who could do their job while carrying me on their backs while i’m doing mine! So, how fast do you suppose you could get 20 or 25 squares of shingles up a 40′ ladder and onto a 3 story roof with a 10/12 pitch? There’s 3 bundles per square @ 80 lbs per bundle. We generally carry 2 bundles at a time to minimize the number of times we have to make that 40’climb up and back down. Of course that’s after we’ve torn off the existing 20 square and cleaned the roof deck… and just before we commence to laying the new ones! And we won’t even factor in the neighborhoods where you have to run the crackheads off and then make sure they don’t try to sneak back and snatch the ladder out from under you as you climb thinking they can sell it for scrap aluminum if you are incapacitated and can’t chase them down! Sorry Ma’am, but your insinuation that women can do anything men can do is just offensive and wrong, period.

      • serfer62 says:

        Oh Amberlynn it so nice to see a femminazis contempt just dribble for your thin tight lips…good luck with that reroof job

  • Elvis says:

    US gender-feminist are going to continue to pervert American law enforcement, until we reach the point where hetero-sexual relationships become a legal liability for guys, and they are forced to go “MGTOW” just to keep their basic civil rights.

  • Jen says:

    I remember a time when men never swore, much less used the F word in front of women.
    We have unfortunately, raised an entire generation of women now who outswear, outscream, and dress like, well….and the men seem to have given up. Vulgar language in public is so commonplace today out of both sexes. It is just another sign of the cultural decay…..
    Just tonight, hubby and I were out at a local casual dining spot…and our waitress(or waitperson, isn’t waitress sexist?, LOL) was wearing tight stretchpants, a halter top with most of the back out of it, a black bra, and shoulder blades full of tattoos. I couldn’t believe that her employer felt she looked acceptable, and I can’t believe that SHE felt this was appropriate.

  • ALman says:

    If it were possible, I would just as soon go somewhere to live in a cabin in the woods. I’ve shaken my head so much these past years it’s a wonder I don’t have whiplash. I think we all recognize that we live in a society suffering from severe compound “fractures”.

    We are witnessing attempts by those who think that they can “heal” these through the imposition of laws and regulation, manipulation, intimidation, shaming, and even persecution. Sad to say that these people do not realize nor understand history. Compulsion only works so long and then it fails.

    With great and grand speeches women were told how they had it wrong and it was the fault of man. Of course, some of these included statements about how allowing abortion would make things so much better. Yea, right. We now see the fallacies of much of what was perpetuated upon the country. It will take, I think, about as long to correct as it did to get to this point. I’ll never live to see the “course correction.” I’m tired; well, really weary. So, if a woman gets all huffy with me when I attempt to respond to her as a lady, well I just remember that her reactions says more about her than me.

  • Merle says:

    From what I see things are worse in big cities; there are still some ladies in the country & small towns. I treat them as they deserve, but I never open hostilities. I’m neutral & polite until they (male or female) do something to establish the boundaries.



  • Eric says:

    Very good article. But there’s no need for gloom. The best advice I could give in this arena is to ignore the feminists entirely. Don’t debate them, argue with them, or even acknowledge that their “Position” has any validity at all. The only “Power” they have is the power of imtimidation, and if our side refuses to be intimidated, they lose all of their power.

    In this one sense (and putting aside all other problems I have with their religion), I have to admire the way the Muslim world has stood up to the Left. They simply refuse to take any crap from them and won’t yield an inch to their ideological agenda. They won’t let feminists tell them how to raise their children, socialists tell them they can’t get rich through trade and commerce, GLAAD tell them they can’t call sexual immorality sinful, the global warming kooks that they can’t drill for oil, and so forth. Whatever flaws Islam has (and it has a lot), it certainly doesn’t lack for guts. Or guile. What could be more clever than to deflect all criticism of your religion and your culture by creating a word called “Islamophobia”? You take the whole left wing notion of “Tolerance” and turn it on its head, so that, instead of your religion being accused of intolerance, it is your left wing critics who are the truly intolerant ones. And being accused of “Intolerance” is a most effective way of making a left winger back down, or at least shut up.

    Anyway, if my last paragraph seemed a bit off-topic, it’s still part of a larger point. Feminists (and left wingers generally) cannot intimidate us if we refuse to be intimidated. Single people of both sexes should, if they desire it, behave like ladies and gentlemen and not give a fig if the feminists approve of it or not. Ditto if you’re married and raising children of your own. If you’re raising a daughter not to be a slut, and some feminazi chimes and and tries to scold you for “Slut shaming”, simply respond that there’s a reason sluts are shamed and that’s because they SHOULD be! And then walk away while the feminazi is too inflamed with pure shock to respond.

  • CJ says:

    The biggest aspect missing from every contemporary discussion of chivalry is this: it was a code of behavior for BOTH sexes. What has remained in the societal consciousness is what the man was expected to do, but the woman was supposed to have her complementary role. In part is was to be worthy of her man’s protection and love but it also involved charity and kindness and a certain noblesse oblige.

    Too many women want the men to do their part without fulfilling their end of the agreement.

  • the.past.and.future.truth says:

    liars and thieves, all of you so-called victory girls. cheaters who stole by proxy and expect forgiveness without returning what’s been taken. and you want me to think you’ve repented? you dare to even think you’re entitled to a ‘want’ after all that’s been done?! you don’t even know the half of what has been done, nor what’s been lost for everyone, not just you. words cannot describe the hell that has been made for us all to walk in, all because of the greedy gluttonous hate women have for each other.

    oh, for sure, i won’t be you, but only because i have no choice. i’ll forgive and forget and find faith again and again. i will rebuild the planets and hold all up. but i won’t resume my position until after you give everything last thing back and prove to me you won’t take what’s not yours ever again. until that day, you’re lying little liars; falsely penitent without paying any penance of substance. maybe you’ll convince some knave-men or their better half-achievers, but the best will never return until this comes to pass.

    go ahead, eat some more, revel in your false sorrow, do everything and anything but speak the whole truth. lie to me some more and expect my eyes to ever look upon you with hope again. do it! do it now! post! reply! answer the complete picture for once in your licentious lives!

  • GWB says:

    By the way, ladies, my cult will insist on chivalry. Promise. 😉
    (It’s one way to filter out the ‘unbelievers’!)

  • Seriously says:

    Not the ones that are out there today.

  • John says:

    Some women deserve gentlemen, most don’t. To all the good women out there – I’m very sorry, but you’re going to have to convince your sisters to clean up their acts before we’ll approach any of you. It’s gotten downright dangerous for a man to interact with a woman. Between harsh rejections, false accusations, and that fact that a woman can wake up with PMS and have a family court take your entire life away, it’s too dangerous to be with you. Until the benefits of a relationship exceed or even equal the cost, things will remain as they are.

    • Luke says:

      Well said. In short, ladies, we need to be able to trust you and your love for us before we make that leap. Since so many women out there are so emotionally and mentally scatterbrained, since they seem irretrievably self-centered and entitled, men have every right and every reason to stay away these days.

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