Some Yelp Reviewers Are Miserable Low-Lifes

Some Yelp Reviewers Are Miserable Low-Lifes

Some Yelp Reviewers Are Miserable Low-Lifes

If you’re looking for an interesting study of the current condition of humanity, check out reviews on Yelp for the Altoona, Pennsylvania McDonalds where Luigi Mangione was arrested. Be prepared.

We’ve heard Taylor Lorenz and her justifications for feeling “joy” at the death of UnitedHeathcare CEO, Brian Thompson. We’ve heard the dummies who echo her sentiments for a “national” healthcare system cheering on Mangione.

What we were not prepared for, were the Yelp reviews calling out the workers at the Altoona, Pennsylvania McDonalds. Why? They called the authorities when Mangione was spotted ordering a Happy Meal.

There’s rats in their kitchen. You can’t trust that you’re not going to get food poisoning there.”

In fact, these idiots are mad that someone didn’t mind their beeswax and keep their mouths shut.

Why go here when Taco Bell is just across the way and knows how to keep their mouths shut?

Whenever I’m in Altoona I steal (sic) clear of this place ever since they called the police on Superman.”

Superman? Really, jackass? “Superman” would not shoot someone in broad daylight and run.

Never eating at this McDonald’s again. Imagine going to grab a Big Mac and witnessing Officer Snitchy McSnitch (Employee of the Month) calling the Feds on a HERO. Dude was just trying to enjoy his McNuggets after literally uniting Americans, and this cashier speed ran dialing 911 faster than he’s ever assembled a McFlurry.

The fries were cold, just like his heart.

P.S. The Hamburgler would be ashamed of you, Officer McSnitch. AT least he only stole burgers, not people’s freedom.”

A HERO? How dare an employee call the cops who did not allow Luigi Mangione the dignity to finish his Chicken McNuggets! Speaking of the police…eff them. Eff all of them. Luigi Mangione united Americans.

Rotten meat with a side of snitching.”

What is it with these people? My guess is that some of these Yelp-ers were the very same people who ratted out their neighbors for having their families over during the holidays in 2020. Luigi Mangione was a “polite”, young, “gentleman” who-executes people he doesn’t like-was “just minding his business and craving some Mickey D’s”, they said. Some individuals on Yelp were actually marveling about his “calm” demeanor and how he was not “bothering anyone”. Well, thank God, he didn’t have any sites on anyone else he wanted to shoot in the back. They mused about how well “put-together” he looked and that he is an “educated man”. Luigi Mangione, folk hero to the anti-Capitalists-a TRUE CHAMPION FOR THE WORKING MAN!

What they fail to take note of is the working people at that particular McDonald’s. For one, it was not an employee who recognized Luigi Mangione; it was a customer. But this does not matter to these jackalopes. All of this about the so-called “heroism” of an Ivy League, privileged, frat boy who spent his time “working remotely” in a surfing community in Hawai’i. These Yelp-er lowlifes gladly stand up for Luigi Mangione with complete and utter disregard for the McDonald’s employees who may never see the inside of an Ivy League university or take a trip to Hawai’i or be able to have a job where they can work from home or on the beach.

More insanity does not bring on the sanity. And, it seems the left is still on the very opposite of rational thinking on many an issue. This is just one more illustration. Luigi Mangione is a troubled individual and this is obvious. Applauding his actions is absolutely mad. I’m hoping, for the sake of these McDonald’s staff members, that there is some security detail in their building. I’m willing to bet some individuals who work there would have been perfectly content to have an uneventful day, collect a paycheck and go home but a murderer showed up. These Yelp-ers are not fearing for their safety when they utter “snitches get stitches”. They do not seem to care whether these McDonald’s workers will make it home to their families unscathed. Instead, they call them “rats”. This is what the left thinks about. This is what they think of service industry workers.

DO NOT COME HERE. You may lose your freedom and confidence in humanity! Hope the money you will never see was worth it for you and your sh*t-stain of an existence. Bootlickers.”

Honestly, I have lost my confidence in humanity reading some of these Yelp reviews. Next up: Luigi Mangione takes the cover story in Rolling Stone. Mark. My. Words.

Humanity: Some people do have sh*t stains of existence. 1 out of 5. Would not recommend.

Photo Credit: Pogrebnoj-Alexandroff, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Edward Lunny says:

    When vile turd creatures tell you who they are………believe them. And, avoid them, they are toxic.

  • Wfjag says:

    Do any of these persons chanting “He’a Hero!” understand that the driving force behind high hospitalization insurance costs is Government regulation (federal and state statutes enacted by Congress and legislatures, and then the implementation regulations issued by federal and state agencies)? To put it in a one word example – ObamaCare (which was named The Affordable Care Act).

    The CEO of UnitedHealthcare was doing what these laws require. There’s also the law of economics — There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. All those mandated coverages cost. Or, you can have a Government provided healthcare system like Canada, and if you want to get the health care in your lifetime and can afford the insurance to pay for it, buy that “expensive” insurance from an American insurer and come to the U.S. for your treatment.

    Would the ignorant fools praising the perp on social media be so enthusiastic if the perp had killed any of the public officials responsible for ObamaCare? I think that’s doubtful.

    Ignorance has high costs. That’s the lesson here.

  • rbj1 says:

    And what if next time it’s an Amer Alert on a little girl. Or if “something just doesn’t look right” with that little girl who doesn’t speak English and the “adult” with her? Trafficking kids has been known to happen.

  • Scott says:

    Rbj and wfjag, you both are using facts and logic, and lefty morons like the ones cheering this shitbag don’t do well with either of those..

    • Wfjag says:

      Scott, while I agree that addressing those who are lionizing this perp would largely be wasted effort, why do you think that I am addressing their ignorance?

      If you look at the Home Page of UnitedHealth Group (the parent of UnitedHealthcare) you will find an organization fully committed to Woke values:

      There are other words which can be spelled with the letters D-E-I. It shows great ignorance of psychology and the lessons of history to believe that appeasement works – for cultures, for nations, for businesses, or for individuals. And, Ignorance has high costs.

      • Scott says:

        I agree completely. My remark was primarily sarcasm, and ridicule towards the ones you were addressing. I didn’t mean anything negative towards you or rbj.

        There is no question that this toxic ideology needs a bright light shined on it, so that it can be properly and completely excised from our society.

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