VP Debate Eve And Tim Walz’s Lies Are Growin

VP Debate Eve And Tim Walz’s Lies Are Growin

VP Debate Eve And Tim Walz’s Lies Are Growin

Last night on VP Debate Eve, a new Tim Walz lie got exposed. The number of lies, like his nose, keep growing and growing. The debate is tonight at nine p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on CBS. You can watch it on your favorite cable or streaming platform, because nobody watches CBS. But, Walz’s lies, like his stolen valor story is just stupid puffery. Twenty eight years in the National Guard should be enough without puffing your rank or lying about your deployment. Now he has been caught out lying about when he was in Hong Kong. Why, Pinocchio?

Does Walz lie because he feels like he is not good enough? Why the puffery when you have so many accomplishments?

Does he feel like his life is about fronting? Is he hiding something? If he covers himself in unearned glory, does he think it will make him more popular? Smarter? From the Washington Free Beacon:

“Tim Walz Said He Was in Hong Kong During the Tiananmen Square Massacre. He Was Home in Nebraska.
Walz’s claims in 2014 congressional hearing are a tall tale, video and local news reports show”

At a 2014 congressional hearing held to mark the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, Tim Walz, then a congressman representing Minnesota’s first district, recalled being in Hong Kong when the Chinese Communist Party crushed the student protests that had roiled the country since mid-April of 1989. The unforgettable crackdown came on June 4 of that year.

“I was just going to teach high school in Foshan in Guangdong, and was in Hong Kong in May of ‘89,” he said. “And as the events were unfolding, several of us went in. And I still remember the train station in Hong Kong.” He went on: “There was a large number of, especially European, I think, very angry that we would still go after what had happened, but it was my belief at that time that the diplomacy was going to happen on many levels.”

That anecdote has since been repeated, without scrutiny, by the New York Times, CBS News, and National Public Radio, among others. In reality, local news reports show that Walz was at home in Nebraska in May and June of 1989, as protests convulsed China and the government’s response turned the world’s attention to its gross human rights violations. He wouldn’t depart for China until August.

Let me just say, before I get accused of hypocrisy, I recognize when Trump puffs too. But, Trump gives us a wink and nod. We are part of the game. We are not the rubes being played. Trump doesn’t flat out lie. Despite what the corporate media says.

Now, back to the Walz pre-VP Debate exposure. The Daily Beast reported on Tim’s VP Debate nerves:

Minnesota Governor and Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz is constantly freaking out that he is going to let Vice President Kamala Harris down and screw up in his debate against Ohio Senator JD Vance this week, according to a dozen campaign staffers who spoke to CNN.

The network reported that Walz—a longtime politician with twelve years spent in the U.S. House of Representatives and five years in the governor’s office—warned his running mate that he is a “bad debater” last month.

“He’s a strong person,” Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who’s known Walz for 18 years, told CNN. “He’s just not a lawyer-debater type. It’s not like he was dreaming of debates when he was in first grade.”

Oh Amy, lend Tim a comb, won’t you?

We’ll chalk this up to puffery too. It wasn’t 30 visits to China. It was only 15.

That doesn’t mean he wasn’t groomed by the CCP or that he didn’t owe it to his superiors in the National Guard? Congressman Jim Banks and Gordon Chang have questions:

Very deeply suspicious. Like the Oversight Committee is on it suspicious.

Congressman James Comer wants some information from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas:

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) subpoenaed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday for information relating to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic nominee for vice president, and a vague alleged connection to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Comer said in a letter accompanying the subpoena — issued on the day before the vice presidential debate between Walz and Republican Sen. JD Vance (Ohio) — that his committee received whistleblower disclosures about “serious concern among Department of Homeland Security (DHS) personnel regarding a longstanding connection between” Walz and China.

Specifically, Comer pointed to a nonclassified chat that DHS employees used on Microsoft Teams titled “NST NFT Bi-Weekly Sync” that he said contains relevant information, in addition to further classified and unclassified documents in the control of DHS. The acronym stands for “Nation State Threat — National Functional Team,” according to the committee.

Comer did not go into detail about what kind of concerns were raised about Walz’s alleged connection to China but said the information came through a whistleblower.

Oopsies. I bet Tim Walz is getting very worried about letting Kamala down. I wouldn’t be surprised is Walz’s lower intestine fall out between this morning and VP debate time. It’s even money.

Featured Image: Tim Walz/Public Domain/Cropped/Augmented

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  • Cameron says:

    I look forward to the highlights but won’t be able to watch it.

  • Scott says:

    You did notice in his lie about Tiananmen square, there was a nugget of truth.. he mentions that the “Europeans” were mad about what was happening, and that they’d still support going. He also says that he was ok with it.. There’s that glimmer of truth.. as a supporter / tool of the CCP, he was perfectly fine with what the Chicoms did to the students.. Just as he’d be fine having similar things happen here to us “deplorables”

  • Why do they lie? It’s simple:

    “Politicians lie for the same reason anyone lies: to get something that would otherwise be unavailable to them on acceptable terms. If a lie is the lowest-cost / least-risk way of getting it, and their morals don’t inhibit them from the approach, they’ll lie as volubly as a teenager caught with one hand wrapped around a bottle of Jack Daniels and the other deep in his date’s panties.”

    I wrote that nearly twenty years ago. It remains the best and most inclusive explanation.

    • Scott says:

      Totally agree with your statements Francis, but I think the question was why do they lie when they don’t need to. The truth is already good enough to get them what they want in the situation, but they lie anyway. It seems to just be a compulsion with them. They can’t help it, like a firebug, they probably get a rush from “putting one over”, they are just lowlifes that deserve nothing but scorn and ridicule.

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