Veteran’s Day 2012: Saying “Thank You!” and LINKS!

Veteran’s Day 2012: Saying “Thank You!” and LINKS!

Veteran’s Day 2012:  Saying “Thank You!” and LINKS!

Today, we honor America’s veterans, young and old, who enable us to experience life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness as our founders intended. We remember acts of uncommon bravery and selflessness. We remember families who waited for them to come back home. To all who have served both in wartime and peace to keep us safe, thank you. We love you, honor you, and pray for you. Keep the colors flying!

It’s an oldie, but below is the best “Thank You Vets” video ever.

Veteran’s Day Weekend Blog Reading Links

Jonn at This Ain’t Hell has up Thoughts on Petraeus. Go read it.

On this Veteran’s Day, BLACKFIVE has up a post on Unit Mottos! Which ones resonate most with you?

Gay Patriot is blogging about Katrina on the Hudson (& the Atlantic & Long Island Sound) and Barack Obama? Yep, he’s golfing.

Professor Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection has up a post called Post-election Breitbarting. We all need to read it.

The Stalinist at Montclair State is a great post Stacy has up at The Other McCain. Clearly, Totalitarianism is alive and well and thriving in academia. Bah!

We all know that Teach at Pirates Cove has the best link-around every week with his Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup posts. And hey, we’re in it! Thanks Teach!

Nice Deb has up Your Sunday Hymn: The lamentations of Jeremiah sung by Ensemble I Fagiolini. A bit necessary for those of us still reeling from the election on Tuesday.

Ed at Hot Air has up your NFL Week 10 open thread. Go trash talk!

The “It has always been the Soldier” poem is up at Gateway Pundit along with a great tribute to our vets video.

Fausta is blogging about the argument of legal pot and legal cartels.

Sigh. Neo at neo-neocon has up a post about Dover Beach. And a video. Go now.

Michelle Obama’s Mirror is apologizing sort of. Go read “About 1984: Sorry. I was wrong before I was right“. I love those guys. 🙂

Jammie’s blogging about “Russia Helpfully Reminds Obama of His Missile Defense Promise” at Jammie Wearing Fool. Yeah, they’re not forgetting that little comment either.

ST over at Sister Toldjah has up a great post up about job cuts, class warfare, and ignorant liberals.

and finally, your epic read of the day is from The Duffel Blog with their news report on “Ghost of Chesty Puller ‘Won’t Shut The Fuck Up’, Complains Ghost of Dan Daly”. FTW!

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