Utah House Passes NSA Nullification Bill 71-2

Utah House Passes NSA Nullification Bill 71-2

The state of Utah has some cojones.  Their House has not only been debating a bill that would turn off the water to the NSA’s huge data center (which would basically shut it down, since data farms such as that require liquid cooling), but they actually passed a bill that says all electronic information cannot be used by law enforcement.

HB0128 would make any electronic data obtained by law enforcement inadmissible in a criminal proceeding. This includes data gathered by the NSA and shared through the super secret Special Operations Division (SOD) or fusion centers. The legislation also stops Utah law enforcement from obtaining phone location data without a warrant.

Wouldn’t that just put a dent in the overreaching government?  The bill moves on to the Utah Senate now.  Why is this important?

We know that, through fusion centers, state and local law enforcement act as information recipients from various federal departments under Information Sharing Environment (ISE). We also know that ISE partners include the Office of Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella covering 17 federal agencies and organizations, including the NSA. State and local law enforcement share data up the chain with the feds.


This data sharing shoves a dagger into the heart of the Fourth Amendment. HB0128 will prevent state law enforcement from gathering cell phone location data and sharing it up the chain, and it will make information vacuumed up by the feds and shared down the chain inadmissible in court, stopping a practical effect of NSA spying.

It doesn’t matter where you live—the Utah legislature needs to know that we support their efforts to safeguard our liberty.

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  • wow says:

    Your blog makes me sad. I can’t believe there are people out there like you that are so close-minded and bigoted. I hope you can learn to open your heart and eyes.

  • vander says:

    @Kit…it’s just one of NSA’s bots trying to discredit anyone who values privacy.

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