Use Of The Word “Riggers” Triggers Al Sharpton

Use Of The Word “Riggers” Triggers Al Sharpton

Use Of The Word “Riggers” Triggers Al Sharpton

President Donald Trump used the word “riggers” to describe the cretins who, possibly, allegedly, rigged the 2020 elections. MSNBC host Reverend Al Sharpton was immediately triggered. It is axiomatic that racists of the world are ignorant of history, culture and language. We know that Al Sharpton is terminally ignorant. The word “riggers” has nothing to do with the “N” word as Sharpton claimed. It is a perfectly fine word and YOU may even have met riggers in your life.

I would feel sorry for Sharpton’s ignorance, but it has made him bank.

Sharpton has claimed that “riggers” is a dog whistle and that Donald Trump really wanted to use the “N” word that rhymes with riggers.

It is a fact that people who rig elections would be riggers. Sharpton, though, hears a dog whistle.

You hear Mika B. cheeping in the background saying “Exactly”. What a dumb cluck she is. What else would you call a person who “rigged” elections? What other words may we no longer use?

I am always happy to help educate the intellectually myopic. So let us look up a certain job description:

Rigger (Industry)

A rigger or slinger is a skilled tradesperson who specializes in the assistance of manual mechanical advantage device comprising pulley, block and tackle or motorised such as a crane or derrick or chain hoists (chain fall) or capstan winch.
The term comes from the days of sailing ships, when a rigger was a person who worked with rigging, that is, ropes for hoisting the sails. Sailors could put their rope skills to work in lifting and hauling. In an era before mechanical haulage and cranes, ropes, pulleys and muscle power were all that was available to move heavy objects. A specialized subset are telecommunication riggers, entertainment industry riggers. In time, rigging became a trade in itself, giving rise to modern usages with some original terminology remaining, with its roots all but forgotten.

Those “R” word men and women maneuver those big storage containers around on cargo ships, work on oil rigs and rig up your telecommunications.

I personally have a heart for those “R” word types. I have one in my family.

Al Sharpton should be grateful that these men and women protect his flabby backside. I hope I don’t “trigger” Sharpton.

Featured Image: Chad Davis/ Commons

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  • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    Nothing new. This from 1999:

    And then there was Alice Huffman, former player in California Dem circles and head of the state NAACP, saying she was “offended” by the last two syllables of Gov. Awnuld’s last name.

    I am constantly amazed at how much of politics today hinges on people feeling “offended”. Such is feminism’s contribution to contemporary public discourse.

  • Anna A says:

    Perhaps we can trigger (which also rhymes) him with chiggers. Both are nasty creatures

  • Lewis says:

    Reminds me of the uproar over the word nigardly which means stingy, ungenerous!

  • Cameron says:

    Rigger, please.

  • Cameron says:

    Dear Al,

    I find it offensive that you don’t pay your back due taxes.
    I find it offensive that you slander white people with made up accusations without consequences.
    I find it offensive that you are responsible for the murders of several Jews in NYC and never apologized.

    But I’ll let you take comfort in the life you lead here and hope for your own sake you beg God to forgive you of your sins before it’s too late.

    • Scott says:

      I find it offensive that Al is stealing air that could be used by good, honest, hard working Americans..

      He and others like him are nothing more that racist grifters with room-temp IQ’s

  • Locomotive Breath says:

    I used to work in a shipyard as an electrician. I was amazed at the big stuff that the riggers moved safely and effortlessly. They were astonished that all us electrical types didn’t electrocute ourselves. Then there were the pipe fitters, welders, machinists, etc. Al should know this. He would know it if he’d ever worked an honest day in his life.

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