United Crew Deplanes Mom Over “Transgender” Slur

United Crew Deplanes Mom Over “Transgender” Slur

United Crew Deplanes Mom Over “Transgender” Slur

We shouldn’t be surprised, should we? The crew on a United Airlines flight deplaned a Mom, her son and her Mom over an alleged “transgender” slur. The bully Trans Activists have cowed the elites into being their jack boot thugs while us poor schlubs are just out here trying to get from here to there before our toddler has a meltdown and we have a nervous breakdown. You ever traveled by plane, boat, train, car, or footpath with a 16 month old? Your
goal is to arrive at your destination with everyone in your party alive, little discomfiture to the surrounding living creatures and your own sanity intact. Pronoun awareness is NOT a priority. We will drag United Airlines.

Now, we could speculate on dear Jenna being a White, Liberal woman, she is from Austin, Texas and she is a hormone and women’s health expert, but she was traveling with a sixteen month old, so we give her a great deal of grace. Here is the story:

Jenna Longoria, a women’s health and hormone expert from outside of Austin, Texas, claims she was denied boarding on a United Airlines flight at San Francisco International Airport on Wednesday morning. Longoria, who was travelling with her 16-month-old son and mother, accidentally misgendered a flight attendant multiple times while boarding the plane.

“When (the flight attendant), who identifies as a woman, gave me our boarding passes, I said ‘thank you, sir.’ That is it. That is it,” Longoria told The Post, still perplexed by the incident. The flight attendant became upset and prevented Longoria’s mother, who had been assisting with her son, from proceeding past the gate.

Another male flight attendant corrected her, saying, “she’s wearing a dress.” Longoria, focused on getting her crying son safely on the plane, admitted on social media that she’s “not very versed with pronouns.”
Ultimately, Longoria, her son, and her mother were not allowed to board the plane, which departed with their luggage and medications still on board. United Airlines claimed in a statement to The Post that the family was prohibited from boarding “following a discussion about having too many carry-on items,” which Longoria vehemently denied.

Miss Jenna took to social media to document this flustercuck:

Really? Too much carry-on stuff? Get out of here. Enter Gabriella:

Gabriella explained that the captain’s decision to remove Longoria from the flight was final and that she needed to gather witness statements to “fact find.” When pressed for clarification, Gabriella said that Longoria was denied boarding “for what came out of your mouth” and mentioned hearing about “transgender comments” and “derogatory comments about being a bigot.”

Like this:

Jenna is far calmer than I would be. Not that United has a good history with small living creatures. Our dear Amanda wrote about the “unfriendly skies” when United killed a puppy.

In Jenna’s case, United Airlines doubled down on obtuse. From BizPacReviw:

But this is where the story takes an unusual, somewhat inexplicable turn.

How so? The airline has formally claimed in a statement that Longoria was booted from the flight for having too many carry-on items.

“A party of three traveling out of San Francisco today was not allowed to board following a discussion about having too many carry-on items,” an airline spokesperson said to the Daily Mail. “‘The matter was resolved and the customers took a later United flight to finish their trip.”

What!? Not only does this narrative contradict what the official said, but it also contradicts the fact that Longoria eventually got home by just buying some American Airlines tickets.

Thanks to United’s response, it’s now also facing accusations of being a lying airline.

Jenna and her son made it home tired, but safe:

Come on, United. Do the right thing for once.

Featured Image: Colin Brown/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Carol Marks says:

    I’ve been listening to a lot of Kellie-Jay Keen YouTube videos, especially her TERF Talk Tuesdays. I was amazed at all the liberal Democrat women, and especially older lesbians, against all of this stuff. No men in women’s spaces. We’d do well to reach out to them. Unite on this single issue.

  • Que says:

    Looks like United may be getting the Bud Light treatment soon.

  • Cameron says:

    Al Gayeda does not tolerate heresy.

  • HH says:

    I no longer fly, but I suggest to those who do to skip any and all pleasantries with airport and airline personnel. If you don’t say—out of habit and courtesy—“Thank you,” or make similar remarks, that will help keep you from mentioning their sex, too. You could, with a nod to the French Revolution, address them as “Citizen,” which is sex neutral.

    • GWB says:

      But, in many cases, if you’re in an “international” airport (at least the bigger ones) they will not be citizens. And that’s a whole other kettle of lutefisk.

  • GWB says:

    she “misgendered” a nonbinary flight attendant
    Here’s the crux of this problem. If you want to pretend you’re a woman, that’s no skin off my nose. Except when it comes to what should be secure places for women… and, customer service. If you are in the customer service realm, AT ALL, you are there to make the customer happy. PERIOD. You must put up with angry people, abrasive people, people who don’t have a clue about your product or service, and all the other jerks out there. But the one thing you will absolutely have to suck up is when someone doesn’t want to play along with (or doesn’t even realize) your need to act adverse to normality. “Isn’t that a lovely orange sky?” “WTF are you talking about? The sky is blue. Now give me my hammer and nails so I can get out of here and back to work.” I have called customer service agents the actual wrong gender on the phone – woops – and they have gently corrected me. If they had then said “You will have to hang up and call again… I would – directly to their supervisor and give him/her a reaming.

    I think a lot of these people go into customer service jobs BECAUSE they want to force customers to validate their mental illness. And they should not be allowed to do so.

    Having said all that, I will hold back judgment on the issue of “too much baggage” because I have seen that actually happen WAY too often. I saw a guy who had a “carry-on” that was WAY too big to qualify (a huge rolling duffle bag) who was using the “We’re always oversold so we’ll offer people free planeside check of their carry-on” to avoid the charge on checked bags. I would have told him I would planeside check it, but at the regular fee of $50. And with kids, it can be easy to do, as your stroller (which they will happily planeside check for you) disassembles into 14 pieces that you now have to carry down the aisle and cram into the overhead bin. A large number of parents don’t know how to pack for a toddler or smaller child for an airplane trip and end up carrying the entire nursery with them on the plane. So, United might be right about that.

    It’s not the way I’d bet, though.

  • Jane says:

    Along with Southwest, United is now on my No Fly List! You go woke for a small fraction of the people, rather than the normal majority of customers, you will go broke! Adiós!

    • Betsy says:

      Hey, Jane!
      Our daughter had a terrible run-in with Southwest too, a few months ago. They refused to let her board a plane because she was weeping over a personal tragedy which she did nothing to inflict on anyone else; the boarding crew simply did not want to let her board the plane. It was an awful mess and ended up costing her a lot. What the hell is going on with these people???

  • Mike Reininger says:

    What ever happened to the old saying, “Don’t sir me, I work for a living!”, lol?

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