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Unhinged liberals have struck in Albemarle County, Virginia. McCain-Palin supporters are being subjected to theft, vandalism, and intimidation from apparent Obama supporters. I was able to speak to Albemarle County GOP chairman Chris Schoenewald about the thefts. According to Chris, the vandalism and the thefts have been going on daily for the last week and a half to two weeks. Around ten signs have been stolen, and another five or six have had profanity sprayed on them. The most disturbing part is that not only are Albemarle County residents the ones being targeted, they’re receiving hate mail.
Two couples that put up signs expressing support for GOP candidates have had their signs stolen and have been receiving hate mail. And while Chris told me they’re used to seeing some level of this kind of activity, this is the worst. “Large billboard signs that people are putting onto their property are being vandalized or stolen,” Chris said. “In past years, we haven’t seen that happen. We’ve been putting them on private property where the owners have been asking us to put them there. We’ve never seen a situation where there’s been this level of vandalism and theft. This is the first time that we’ve really seen this scale of activity.”
Aside from intimidation, this has a financial affect on the Albemarle County GOP. “Because we have to replace all of the signs that are disappearing, it really limits our ability to spread our signs throughout the rest of the county. It’s having a financial affect on us because it costs money to keep replacing them.”
So far, they’ve only gotten one sign back. “It was the first one stolen,” Chris reported. “It says, ‘Virginia is McCain Country’. We had one stolen off of Route 29, and later that afternoon after we filed the police report, someone called and reported that someone dumped a large McCain sign in her yard, and it was our sign.”
Albemarle County Democrats are claiming no responsibility for the thefts and vandalism, and have condemned the effort. “I have talked with the local Democrat chairman, and he doesn’t support the activity, the thieving or the vandalism. I dont think the local Democrat committee is in any way involved. I do suspect that it is a group of overzealous Obama supporters, or possibly Tom Perriello supporters, are behind this.”
Albemarle County is apparently not known for this kind of activity, either. “It seems out of character for the area. In town there is even a monument to free speech that everyone makes a big deal out of, so it definitely is something we aren’t used to seeing. It’s very unusual to see someone trying to squash free speech.”
What is interesting is that apparently, they are fans of the website Bush’s Last Day. Bush’s Last Day is a website that popularized the countdown to January 20th, and most of their merchandise includes the logo “1.20.09”. The site has been featured by The Seattle Times, Rolling Stone, CBS News, US News and the New York Times, not to mention being promoted by celebrities like Rosie O’Donnell and William Baldwin. The DUmmies are fans, too. Bush’s Last Day is obviously not some fringe website. Are they behind the attacks, or is it just someone who happens to like them? Whoever it is, they’re doing it in their name. I’ve called the number listed on the website and put in an e-mail to see if they had any comment, but I’ve yet to hear back.
I have the pictures, but because they include a good bit of profanity, I’ve posted them after the jump, along with the letter the vandals have been leaving. If anyone has any information about who has been doing this, please e-mail me and I will pass on the information.
UPDATE: I’ve just been informed that the signs the Albemarle County GOP replaced this weekend have already been vandalized — in less than 24 hours. Obviously, there’s no sign of this activity stopping anytime soon.
Here is what the letter says:
You have chosen to support continuation of a regime of fucking idiots, who have probably already destroyed what remains of a once-great country!
By placing those disgusting and crude signs on your property, you have proved doubt, that you are as useless as your candidates!
Bush’s Last Day
Earth. Water. Air.”
These are the signs that were replaced yesterday and vandalized in less than 24 hours:
When I see someone getting out of a car with an Obama bumper sticker, I approach them with the O Salute and say “Hail Obama! Obama is going to free the men and women that are being held captive by the failed American prison system, and the poor and oppressed will take what is rightfully theirs, Hail Obama” and by that time if they haven’t tried to mace me or run off screaming I throw another Hail Obama in there and start going off about how “Dear Leader Obama going to make our country perfect and will have tolerance camps for people that don’t agree with what Dear Leader Obama says. “
The county seat of Albemarle County, VA is Charlottesville, home of the University of Virginia. Otherwise known as a gravitational field for moonbats.
It is also the home of Thomas Jefferson. One of the original champions of free speech.
Typical tolerant liberals.
I’ve seen similar defacing of signs in this area. The people displaying these signs should leave the defaced signs up, so everyone can see the type of people we are dealing with on the other side. Better yet, put up signs next to the defaced signs, with arrows pointing to them, that say “Do you really want to elect the candidate supported by the people who defaced these signs?”
Anyone with a brain has seen this race for what it is for a long time: children on Obama’s side, adult’s on McCain’s side. The signs are just more proof.
Liberals, it would appear, detest the democratic process and will not tolerate dissent from their platform.
Perhaps they would be more at home in Saudi Arabia, North Korea or Iran. Not tolerating dissent in these places is rewarded, and these assholes should be rewarded with a pair of handcuffs and a night in the cell with Big Bruno.
I live in Houston, TX and live in a pretty liberal part of the city. My car is FILTHY so I wrote in the dust on my back bumper using my finger “McCain 08″… car was parked on the street and I was sitting on my balcony and saw a guy on a bicycle ride up to my car and begin to wipe off my bumper with his hand..I started to yell at him to get away from my car and he yelled something back and rode off…for fear of my car being vandalized I went and washed it and parked it elsewhere…this is what we have to deal with to support the RIGHT candidate…..
Someone should tell those leftis that it is not Bush and the war that make europe hate US. Leftis in the rest of the world have allways hated US, it is not something new. If they believe that making obama to president will change that they are up for a suprise.
I am sick and tired of these Thugs trying to tell me that I am worse than dirt for supporting a canidate for President who just happens to have an “R” next to his name. This type of behavior shows how dangerous Barack Hussein Obama is and how Barack Hussein Obama would be if elected. I do not want this country to become the equivilent of the Early Soviet Union.
These actions will do nothing more than further my support for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Ask a couple of Marine snipers to sit out there for awhile and that kind of bull-excrement will stop!
Hi everyone, this will be slightly off-topic, but I don’t know where else to post. I just discovered your blog. I’m one of the liberals you love to hate. I am trying very hard to understand the other perspective (I am NOT trying to convert you, just reaching across the aisle to understand you). Please be patient with me, and please respond to this post.
I think both parties are equally hateful, and we need to STOP BLAMING EACH OTHER. Here are some sources to back that up:
I want America to focus more on what we have in common and stop hating and blaming our fellow Americans. Both sides want America to prosper. Both sides want peace and democracy for the world. Don’t assume someone is evil just because you don’t understand them. For example, on abortion, republicans agree that government should stay out of our lives as much as possible, but wonder why democrats would want to kill a future baby; democrats agree that abortion is bad, but wonder why the republicans want MORE government intervention in our lives.
Let’s start citing sources and giving reasons for our opinions so we can separate fact from fiction and understand each other.
Does anyone know of a website that cites sources and gives a good representation of the republican perspective? I need one that doesn’t assume you already understand and agree with it.
Thanks in advance for your comments.
During the 2004 elections I lived on Long Island and there were more than a few people I knew directly who’d had their cars “keyed” by one of the open-minded left wingnuts who have taken over my former home town. “Keying” involves taking a key or other sharp metal object and dragging it down the side of someone’s car, or across a body panel. The most common remedy is to have the entire side/trunk lid/hood or whatever repainted at a usually not insubstantial cost. One of the reasons I don’t put political stickers on my vehicles is that I might have to grab my Mossberg 5 shot 12 guage and do a little re-education with some old school rock salt.
These liberals are so compassionate and tolerant of diverse viewpoints.
How about installing video cameras pointed at the signs? You will have the picture of perpetrators, sufficient to use in filing charges.
The vandalism is all over. And Conservatives are the usual victims.
On a recent trip, my friend’s car was keyed with “Leave you F-ing SOB” when we stopped to eat at a restaurant in Seattle, WA. It was a surprise because we parked in a lighted lot and there were lots of customers who must have seen them form the letters. Nobody admitted to seeing the thugs. We reported it to police, by phone. We were unable to wait for them to come, but a waiter took pictures of the car with his cell phone. He promised to give them to police.
Yes, we had a McCain/Palin ’08 bumper sticker.
Obama/Biden signs have been destroyed here in Loudoun County. It’s not just McCain/Palin signs. Does no one remember that a Democratic campaign office was destroyed and a person killed?
You don’t have a corner on this one. Things are happening from your side too.
If it’s any consolation, Obama signs in my yard have been (1) stolen and (2) defaced with racial slurs. So you see, demented people exist on both sides. I don’t remember this from past elections, but I never had lawn signs before. It’s a sad commentary on our democracy.
I’ve had my Obama sign torn to shreds and it’s replacement stolen. It’s insane that people can’t just allow others to express their views without resorting to damaging other people’s property. It’s pathetic no matter which candidate one supports to resort to such stupidity. God Bless America and our right to speak our minds.
We live in Ohio and are supporting McCain/Palin. We decided to put the bumper-stickers on our old truck, instead of our sports car for fear of possible damage. So far, the truck is O.K., but we’e had Obama supporters, (some with, some without Obama bumper-stickers), tailgate us while screaming and cussing, ride our tail, then jerk in front of us to show-off their bumper-stickers, and one even try to run us off the road while flipping the bird,(this was a black WOMAN).
Liberals are not the only vandals in the political arena. It would seem that conservatives are equally guilty. Consider this car that was vandalized in opposition to one Obama supporter:
The news also (briefly) covered other stories of vandalism to supporters of both candidates.
If there’s going to be prejudice, it would probably be better to categorize “extremist political fanatics” together rather than incorrectly attributing such behavior to one faction (consisting of millions of people) over another. In other words, rather than saying “Liberals, it would appear, detest the democratic process and will not tolerate dissent from their platform.” (earlier in this thread), it would perhaps be more accurate to say “Some people, it would appear, [….]”
Unless of course the goal is to fuel the antagonism. In which case, feel free to continue making sweeping statements about millions of innocent people because of the actions of a few “nut-jobs.” (which sounds an awful like like prejudice, doesn’t it?)