Trump’s Golden Sneakers

Trump’s Golden Sneakers

Trump’s Golden Sneakers

Okay, we’ll have a little fun today with Trump’s golden sneakers. Donald Trump showed up at Sneaker Con to announce his new sneaker line. And the golden collectible sneakers sold out within hours.

Granted, there were only 1,000 made, but don’t fret; the real sneakers are coming and can be pre-ordered now.

Of course, people are making fun of Trump for having to hawk some products to perhaps help pay for his outrageous legal fees that are adding up faster than Joe Biden making a gaffe.

Is anyone else getting a Mike Lindell feel with Trump’s new merch? But the real sneakers that are coming that you could actually wear don’t look half bad, to be honest. I’ll still pass on them, though.

The high-tops, which are gold and emblazoned with a “T” on the outside of each shoe, are called the “Never Surrender High Top Sneaker” and are priced at $399 online. The athletic shoes, which feature a “T” and the number 45 on the sides are priced at $199.

The purchase of a pair of sneakers comes with extra laces and a Trump “superhero charm.”

The website selling the sneakers also features a “Victory47” perfume and cologne for sale at $99 each.

The sneakers, perfume and cologne sales have nothing to do with Trump’s presidential campaign or the Trump Organization. The former president’s name, image and likeness have been licensed to CIC Ventures LLC to sell the sneakers.

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign mocked the sneaker launch, with communications director Michael Tyler saying, “Donald Trump showing up to hawk bootleg Off-Whites is the closest he’ll get to any Air Force Ones ever again for the rest of his life.” – NBC

I am just having fun with the first part of this post. But Democrats aren’t, they don’t know how.

Democrats are already salivating to find out where the new sneaks are made. I couldn’t find any information, but I know where they are NOT made: New York.

They won’t be sold there either. Right? If it has Trump’s name attached to it, New York wants none of it. According to Letitia James and Arthur Engoron, Trump can go to hell. And they want him to go to hell broke.

Now, with rumors of truckers refusing loads going to New York, maybe Donald Trump, the businessman, isn’t so dumb. I mean, who bans people from doing business in their state? A mega MAGA mogul at that? New York is stupid. Go ahead and send all the illegals there. They can apparently afford it.

But For Real

We need to touch on something more serious in all of this Trump MAGA merch fun. I have some other letters to throw at you – RJK, JR.

Some people seem to vote on personality instead of policy, and I am talking about the crowd out there who are proud to not be affiliated with any political party. But they loathe Biden right now, and maybe they think Trump is a clown. It’s a total turn-off for them. So in walks Robert Francis Kennedy, Junior, who looks kind of sane and honest to some folks. Again, folks who don’t follow politics or who are not news junkies.

If your choices seem to be between a carnival Barker hawking merchandise or a driveling old man who doesn’t know where he is at any given time, I reckon RFK JR looks sane to some people. As Victory Girl Toni told us in June, don’t fall for it.

Nikki Haley will be done later this month, so Trump will be our candidate. I say embrace all of Trump, every single thing about him; the indictments, golden sneakers, and all. We have to win.

Feature Image: Trump White House Archive/Flickr/Public Domain/edited in Canva Pro

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  • Kevin says:

    You would be flinging feces at the wall like a rabid chimpanzee if President Obama showed up at some event hawking a product emblazoned with his “brand.” All you can do with the “issue” is try to make light of the incident and blow it off because what else can you do? Nothing, because it is so ludicrous, insane, and unbelievable. It warps all reality. The Malignant Tumor is dead serious about these golden tennis shoes. It’s not a joke or satire to the Malignant Tumor. He’s serious and he’s hoping to make enough money to cover the production costs (which is going to be a stretch). Like every other business this “genius” touches, it will go down flames. Did you read the NYTimes this morning about condos in Trump properties have only DECREASED IN VALUE (and they’re using actual comparable sales of condos sold over time buildings emblazoned with his name), not just “made up facts” which is what usually is reported on VG?

    Here’s what I would pay to see … The Malignant Tumor donning a pair of these tennis shoes. Couldn’t you just see him walking out in these shoes with a bag full of NFT’s flung over his solder at some ComicCon event like a carnival barker? It would be hilarious if weren’t so close to becoming fruition; just give it time.

    For Christ’s sake, have a little dignity; just a shred of dignity left for the office of President.

    • Cameron says:

      Poor Kevin. Have you ever thought about not being inferior? I promise that you’ll be happier.

      • Carol Marks says:

        Bless his heart. Kevin made my day.

        • Kevin says:

          What else can you say? It’s so humiliating that you can only respond with a southern slight. You have traveled so far up the Malignant Tumor’s colon that when he says/does something so outrageous and humiliating, you just have to smile and say, “Bless his little heart.”

          Hey, it’s President Day. Happy President’s Day! Did you read this article? “Bless his little heart. Little Donny is doing the best he can.”

          • Oh, I read those lists every time they come out. For the laughs.

            One of the best ones is to see where they put Saint Franklin of the Roosevelts.

            You know, the guy that did things that the Leftists SAY they hate – but secretly LOVE. Things like turning away Jews that were ACTUAL refugees from a genocidal dictatorship. Things like throwing LEGAL Americans into prison camps based solely on their race. Things like adulterously keeping a mistress all through his time in the office.

        • Darleen Click says:

          You know, I think the only time Kev can even achieve a chubbie is when he’s free-associating about Trump.

          Guy’s got issues.

  • BJ says:

    Say, aren’t those the golden sneakers from “Tales From The Hood 3”? A mugger murders a man, steals his golden sneakers, and then wears them himself. This leads to all kinds of unpleasantness, like being damned to Hell for eternity.

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