Tonight Is The Theatrical Humiliation Of Joe and Doctor Jill

Tonight Is The Theatrical Humiliation Of Joe and Doctor Jill

Tonight Is The Theatrical Humiliation Of Joe and Doctor Jill

Tonight, the Democrat National Convention will “honor” Joe and Doctor Jill Biden and it will be their final theatrical humiliation. It will be a Hollywood-style production with cheering crowds and a handful of men and women wiping tears from their eyes. It will be as bogus as everything else we have seen for the last four years since Joe was installed in The White House. Five minutes after the Bidens leave the stage they will be forgotten, erased, memory-holed. Bon Voyage! It is a fitting dishonor for a couple who have worked hard to earn it.

The Democrat National Convention is not releasing the exact times for speeches tonight but this is what I got from USA Today:

What time is Joe Biden’s speech?
Biden’s speech comes Monday, the first night of the convention. The convention has not released the exact time for his speech, but it will likely come during the main programming portion of the evening, scheduled from 5:30-10 p.m. CT.

The speaker schedule is subject to change and a full list of speakers will be released at a later time.

Not releasing speaking times in advance makes it more difficult to schedule protests within the venue to compete for television time. Won’t work, but nice try. Nevertheless, tonight is Joe’s final bow and The Boston Globe has written up “The DNC will mark one final humiliation for President Biden” for the occasion. The Globe posits that Joe has never gotten the respect he has desired (Hello, Rodney Dangerfield!) and he has a chip on his shoulder:

On Monday he might finally get this moment, but the cheers will be as much for his decision to not run for reelection and to let the party move on as it would be for him as a leader or for anything he did in the White House.
That’s why to understand the Biden presidency is to understand there is a giant chip on his shoulder.


It’s the same disrespect he has encountered his entire political career. He would show everyone, once and for all, that he could run and win. And maybe, just maybe, he could finally get some respect.

But no. Eventually, he conceded to their point and dropped out.

When Biden takes the stage Monday night, he will receive sympathy, applause, and appreciation.

But he will not get that one elusive thing he has always sought: respect. And almost as humiliating, the party he supposedly leads as president will move on to the remaining 75 percent of the convention without him —but with the Clintons and Obama, all the same.

Oh boo effing hoo! My heart broke for Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, when Biden played ugly bully with them. I got nothing for Joe the Bully. The Wall Street Journal took notes in class too:

The hosannas will ring from the rafters for President Biden in Chicago on Monday, as Democratic convention-goers hail him as another FDR with a touch of George Washington for “voluntarily” giving up power. Then they will drop him like a passing fad.

Such is the fate of a President most Americans regard as a failure, and who was headed for defeat in a rematch against Donald Trump. It’s a sad exit for a Presidency that could have been so much better had he honored his campaign promise to unite the country and be a “transition” from the Trump era.

Well, the Journal didn’t take enough notes. Joe is a BULLY. Joe couldn’t unite his family let alone a country. It’s not in his genetic make up.

Doctor Jill’s speech will come before Joe’s. I will honestly be surprised if Jill shows her face. She did/does not want to give up the coveted position she sacrificed so much and so many people for. Yes, her children and Joe were sacrificed for her desire to be first lady. Jill committed Elder Abuse and sacrificed Joe Biden. Remember when Hunter was on trial and Jill flew back and forth from France during the D-Day Remembrances? If you have forgotten, the New York Times has a sympathetic account here.

Jill wasn’t going to let Joe’s humiliation and dropping out of the race stop her from going to the Olympics:

First lady Jill Biden watched on Wednesday night as President Joe Biden told the American people it was time to “pass the torch” on his political career. Then she got on a plane, flying nearly 4,000 miles to Paris, where another torch was being passed.

Jill Biden is arriving in Paris at a monumental time for her husband’s presidency. Stepping aboard her plane moments after the president addressed the nation from the Oval Office, the first lady’s role has rapidly shifted from that of an active and prolific surrogate to a leader racing the clock to the inauguration of a new administration.

Biden is now embarking on a tour of “lasts” in office, starting with her second and final trip to cheer on American athletes at the Olympic Games as first lady.

Keep that grift going. Because I am shallow, I want to address Doctor Jill’s bad fashion sense. The evidence:

And Jill Biden as Your Momma’s Sofa:

I am going to enjoy this humiliation. Joe and Doctor Jill have earned it.

Featured Image: United States Department of State/ Wikimedia Domain

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  • Kevin says:

    Madam President has a nice ring to it. So does the phrase, “the convicted felon, rapist, and fraudster, who led a failed coup to stay in power, who just happens to a former president (small p), will be reporting to a Maximum Security Penitentiary on ….” This man, if you can call him a man, is being driven insane by the upheaval Harris’ candidacy has created in the 2024 Presidential race. He’s been waiting 3.5 years to prove to everyone in America, falsely, that he could beat Joe Biden. Instead, he’ll always be known as the former, one-term, president who couldn’t beat Biden (a one-term president who put his party and the country over his own self interests). The biggest loser doesn’t adequately sum up his performance (which includes candidates he endorses). Once Biden is out, who in the hell knows why he’s running? He can’t stop talking about Biden. It’s like his brain is so old and solidified, he doesn’t have the ability to change the narrative. Could it be, “Biden Derangement Syndrome?” And, when he does pivot to Kamala, the Malignant Tumor says, “I’m prettier than Kamala, aren’t I?” pleading for affirmation and approval from the audience. WTF? This is a race between a strong, assertive, hopeful and forward thinking candidate AND an angry vengeful, narcissist, who needs the adulation from others to perform. It’s tragic to watch this occur in real-time. It’s not going to get any better.

    • Scott says:

      Dude, I’ve dealt with drug addicts and the mentally ill my entire career, and I have NEVER seen anyone as completely delusional as you!

      Question is, are you off your meds, on drugs, or just batshit crazy? Yes, I am open to the possibility of “and”

      Enjoy the show of your terrorist friends attacking the ho and her installation as the dem candidate.. this is the shit morons like you have wrought..

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