Time Magazine’s Person of the Year 2010

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Time Magazine’s Person of the Year 2010

So who do you think it will be? Who would you choose? Here is the list of candidates for you to go vote on in alphabetical order and for your sake, I have left off caustic individual commentary:

Julian Assange
Glenn Beck
David Cameron
The Chilean Miners
Arne Duncan
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Jonathan Franzen
Lady Gaga
Robert Gates
Tony Hayward
Hu Jintao
LeBron James
Steve Jobs
Hamid Karzai
David and Charles Koch
Liu Xiaobo
Barack Obama
Sarah Palin
Nancy Pelosi
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert
The Unemployed American
J. Craig Venter
Elizabeth Warren, Mary Schapiro and Sheila Bair
Mark Zuckerberg

Last year they chose Fed Chair Ben Bernanke with runners up being General Stanley McChrystal, The Chinese Worker, Nancy Pelosi, and the world’s fastest man, Ursain Bolt. Frankly, Time’s choices have been rather dopey over the years. In 2006, they chose YOU, yes you; in 1979, the Ayatullah Khomeini. In ’38 and ’39, they chose Hitler and Stalin. Apparently, Time has a thing for despots, dictators, and murderous thugs. But to their credit, they have also chosen such giants as Churchill, Gandhi, Lindbergh, Truman, Eisenhower, and GI Joe. You can go here for their entire archived list of winners over the years.

My opinion? Beck.

UPDATED, December 15, 2010: Time has chosen Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as their person of the year for 2010. That’s fine I suppose. Facebook has made an impact on many of us over the last few years — look at how even politics are dealt with on FB. But in the big scheme of things, there were so many others who would have been better.

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  • Sam-I-Am says:

    Time should choose President Obama for his courage to pursue an agenda good for the country inspite of the fact that the rabid Right hates it.

  • Ken says:

    LOL!!! That’s priceless Sam!!! I love it!! Oh, wait……you were serious?

    Never mind.

    Obama has neither courage nor an agenda that is good for the country. I’m not sure what you’ve been smoking, but it must be good!

    Personally, I couldn’t care less what a left wing rag like Time Magazine thinks.

    I choose the people of the U.S. military as “Person of the Year 2010”. Without them, the rest of this is a moot point. We would have no free press to choose their “Person of the Year”.

  • David says:

    Good point, Ken!

  • Micky says:

    The guy who busted Obamas lip gets my vote

  • jeff says:

    I was going to say Chris Christie, but I like Mickey’s suggestion, too.

    Time should spend their last ounce of relevance and credibility by nominating (and ceremoniously awarding) Andrew Breitbart as POTY.

  • Micky says:

    NBC’s Man of the Year…
    Imam Rauf

  • David says:

    Just to be clear… the “Man/Person of the Year” by Time Magazine is the person who they feel has had the most IMPACT – be it good or bad, they say. It’s not necessarily, they say, who they WANT to succeed or whatever.

    So, even though I don’t LIKE Time, it’s important to note what they claim.

  • Lady GaGa??? It was never on point for the most part…Time and it’s Person of the Year has jumped the shark.

    My vote – Glenn Beck. Possibly Sarah Palin.

  • Ken says:

    “Just to be clear… the “Man/Person of the Year” by Time Magazine is the person who they feel has had the most IMPACT”

    Very true.

    I remember the movie “My Fellow Americans” with James Garner and Jack Lemon. They were both ex-presidents, one Republican (Lemon) and one democrat (Garner). During one argument Lemon says to Garner, “There was something you never got, I was Time’s ‘Person of the Year’!!”

    To which Garner replies, “So was Hitler!!!”


  • Robert says:

    I’d like to see Imam Rauf because he’s bucking a.juggernaut of dissent to build a house of worship and a visitors center aimed at educating a country ignorant to the beliefs of one of the World’s great religions.

  • Sam-I-Am says:

    It’s ok to have a different opinion here right? Or do you want to just sing to the choir?

  • Marsha says:

    This is predominately a list of really ridiculous people published by a really ridiculous AND IRRELEVANT magazine but if I had to choose, I would pick Sarah Palin and/or Glenn Beck. Their impact this past year has been almost immeasurable.

    Robert: Imam Rauf is a freak who should move back from where he comes — he is no American. There. I said it.

    Sam-I-Am: You’re back again? Jeez. Signed, a member of the Radical Right.

  • kate says:

    sam you know the drill.

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