Tim Walz Finally Tells The Truth

Tim Walz Finally Tells The Truth

Tim Walz Finally Tells The Truth

Tim Walz opened his mouth and inserted his foot once again. Are we really surprised by this grooming buffoon and his incompetence? In a recent speech, he stood before a Kamala-supporting crowd and said, “We can’t take four more years of this.” Yes, Tim, you are correct; we can’t take four more years of this.

When I first heard about this story, I laughed and laughed. Don’t we all need some comedic relief from this political season?

I never thought I would agree with this man, but he’s right. America is about to bust at the seams, and four more years of “this” will stress the American fabric to a thin thread.

Even Kamala probably rolled her eyes after hearing her Vice Presidential candidate blundering on and on during his little speech at a Pennsylvania pep rally this weekend.

The internet had a ball with this latest from Tampon Tim. As it should.

Does anyone take this guy seriously? Personally, I go back and forth from feeling reasonably confident that the American people absolutely cannot vote this stupid silly man into office. Then I think about what would happen if they actually voted him in with Kamala, and I am immediately filled with gloom and despair.

Gloom, despair, and Agony on Me

We can sit here all day long and make fun of this asshat clown, and rightly so. But at the same time, while Tim Walz can’t control his gibbering yakking tendencies, he is also a very unhealthy choice for America. The Victory Girls have covered Tim’s tendencies extensively.

I’ve been around long enough to hear both sides of the table perform some incredible spin, but now we have deteriorated into outright lying. Here is yet another example of Tim Walz just making stuff up.

This man, Tim Walz, has no problem lying to your face and making stuff up to peddle Kamala’s agenda to finish off whatever life we have left in American traditions and values. Kamala and Tim have been caught so many times for their lies.

If they aren’t continually lying about Project 2025, then they are spreading misinformation about Trump wanting to create an agency to track pregnant women. What in the world? And they are getting away with it.

The video above is yet another attempt to make tyrannical Tiananmen Tim look all rustic and relatable while he continues to spread misinformation about Donald Trump and 2025. I thought Tim was watching the Trump/Harris debate a few weeks ago. Donald Trump tells the ABC moderators, “I have nothing to do with Project 2025.”

Liberal state media continually hold up Kamala and Walz as some sort of beacons of truth. If this wasn’t so egregious, it would be laughable.

Seeing how the state media won’t do their jobs, we need more people like Winsome Earle-Sears to point out the truth.

Tim Walz and Kamala Harris have a problem. They don’t want to go back to a thriving and patriotic America under a Donald Trump administration, and they don’t want four more years of what we currently have.


Come on, man!

Feature Image: Tim Walz/Flickr/Office of Governor Tim Walz/License: Public Domain/edited in Canva Pro

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    They don’t want to go back to a thriving and patriotic America under a Donald Trump administration

    Nope. You aren’t supposed to love this country. You are supposed to loathe it and apologize for its existence. And prospering while having less expensive groceries and gas means you won’t need Big Daddy Government as much.

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