They Are Indeed Coming For Your Children

They Are Indeed Coming For Your Children

They Are Indeed Coming For Your Children

New York City held a pride event with a parade where participants chanted, “We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re coming for your children.” The internet showed it all over social media. Then the news decided to defend the chant, saying it has been used for years in prior pride events. Yeah. Okay. Sure.

From Fox News

LGBTQ activists defended drag queen marchers who chanted “We’re coming for your children” — a chant they claim has been used for years, according to a report.

NBC News published a story Tuesday on how LGBTQ activists claim the chant, which was recorded at the New York City drag queen parade in June, was “taken out of context.”

“It’s all just words,” Brian Griffin, the original organizer of the New York City drag queen parade, told NBC News. “It’s all presented to fulfill their worst stereotypes of us.”

I have to ask, though, does it matter who said it first, how long they’ve been using it, and where it originated from? No. Not only is it threatening, but it is also obscene and gross.

Typically, I believe someone when they show me who they are. Wasn’t it one of Oprah’s biggest lessons she learned from Maya Angelou when she told the bigger-than-life talk show host to believe them when they show you who they are?

Meanwhile, everyone is distracted by virtue signaling and busy fact-checking one another, our children suffer.

Jean M. Twenge, a Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University, is the author of Generations: The Real Difference Between Gen Z, Millenials, Gen X, Boomers, and the Silent Generation wrote an article in Time Magazine titled How Gen Z Changed Its View On Gender, and it is eye-opening.

Today’s teens not only support transgender rights, but arrive home from school excited when one of their friends comes out as trans.

What in the hell is going on here? Social-mass-media-craze. Good heavens. “They arrive home from school excited one of their friends comes out as trans.”

You’ll find some charts in that article that are pretty startling and telling. You can draw your own conclusions.

It doesn’t help that this current administration helps push this agenda forward, too, with phrases like Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul spouted out by Joe Biden himself and where he goes on to talk about transgender youth’s rights being trampled because they can’t mutilate their bodies.

Pride month is nearly over, but it won’t stop the lgbtq+ community from coming for your children. They’ve been coming for your children for some time now. Just ask the San Francisco Gay Man’s Choir.

I remember when all of this started; the questioning of gender and sex. I remember when people shared the above video online and laughed it off. Chuckling nervously as they talked about it online, trying their best to make light of it.

Is This Really Happening?

All too often, most people will laugh something off that they interpret as ambiguous. Or they’ll laugh at something to fit in and be tolerant. I believe that is what most Americans do today with the pronouns and trans ideology.

They laugh it off because 1) it hasn’t yet intruded into their personal life or 2) they can’t seem to believe it as truth, “This really can’t be happening.”

And now look at where we are. Do the math. Generation Z has the highest percentage of people identifying with the trans ideology. And they are our children. So maybe the new mantra of the Dick Levines of the world should be We conquered your children.

Thankfully, though, some people in the media are coming to their senses. Here is Megyn Kelly on why she will no longer use pronouns.

And apparently, some Christians are actually employed by Google.

I won’t lose hope in us yet.

Feature Photo: Pexel/FransA/Legal Simplicity. All photos and videos on Pexels can be downloaded and used for free.


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  • Jeffery Alberter says:

    Pride Month will be doubly interesting next year, right in the middle of a Presidential election.

    • Carol Marks says:

      Goodness gracious! I didn’t even think about that! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!! Much appreciated.

  • NTSOG says:

    ‘“It’s all just words,” Brian Griffin, the original organizer of the New York City drag queen parade, told NBC News.’

    If it’s ‘all just words’ then why do the leftists get all het-up about other ‘words’ that they claim to be hate speech? They can’t have it both ways. Of course the only standard that is held by woke Lefties is a double standard. Unless they start playing straight those of us who hold and respect values that have stood the passage of time and are the basis of stable Western society have no choice but to take them at their perverted word and be on guard, especially when it comes to the possibility of child molestation by a section of the trans alphabet people. Thus “we’re coming for your children” can only be seen as a direct and real threat. Playing such ‘word games’ is potentially to play with fire.

  • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    When I read a poll result that showed 30% of Generation Z support government requiring surveillance cameras in all homes, I can only conclude that America is finished.

  • Cameron says:

    As I have said before, they can’t reproduce naturally so they have to recruit.

  • Cameron says:

    And Carol? Good on you to remember making sure Maya Angelou getting credit for that quote. Kevin whines enough as it is on this page without someone giving him ammunition.

  • Lloyd says:

    The alphabet gang is “coming for them”….Doctors & other “scientists” are mutilating them….What next? We used to regard our children as our most precious resource. Sadly, things have changed.

  • GWB says:

    Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul
    Sadly, he’s right about that. Both hedonism and transhumanism have destroyed America’s soul.

    they can’t seem to believe it as truth
    Yes. Because if they acknowledge it as truth, then their own hedonism and transhumanism will be exposed, and evil never likes to come out in the light – at least, not until it has such a hold on people that it won’t matter.

    I won’t lose hope in us yet.
    Oh, it’s been a long time since I had any hope in us. I’ve come to realize the only hope is from above. And we’d best turn to Him before it’s too late.

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