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I had to check the calendar and make sure this wasn’t April 1st. After all, would any sane person think a return of Joe Biden to the political scene could be anything but a joke? Well, unless your last name is Biden, of course. But it seems that good ole Joe, probably with the influence support of Doctor Jill, thinks he’s just what the Democratic Party needs to stage a comeback against Donald Trump and all those who support him.
According to NBC News, Biden wants to help with fund raising. Not only that, he wants to help “rebuild” the party. Think about it. The man who dropped out of the race for the presidency against Donald Trump now wants to help rebuild the party that lost the support of many of its followers during his administration.
It seems Biden’s been busy the last couple of months, talking with different leaders in the party, including the new head of the Democratic National Committee, Ken Martin. He wants to help. Anyone want to bet he’s also reminding them that they were the ones who pressured him to drop out of the race? Or has he forgotten about that? It hasn’t been all that long since he was blaming the party leadership, including Nancy Pelosi, for forcing him out of a race he still says he could have won.
But it gets better (or worse, depending on your point of view).
Dr. Jill wants to help too. After all, she did soooo much as First Lady. She “recognizes that serving in the capacities that she served is an honor, and it comes with responsibilities to the party. And she’s prepared to help in any way she can.” I have a suggestion: learn from previous First Ladies who have gone down in history for their philanthropic and charitable works by staying away from politics after they left Washington DC.
Showing an almost unbelievable amount of common sense, the Dems are no more excited about the Bidens returning to the spotlight than the rest of us are.
“The Bidens are still living in an alternative universe that revolves only around them,” a onetime senior White House adviser told The Post in response to the NBC report.
“Their irresponsibility, family ego and selfishness put the Democratic Party in this position in the first place … The Biden family — and the disconnected reality that they and their ineffective little circle live in — is responsible for the Trump sequel and the wilderness the Democratic Party finds itself in today,” this person said.
Oh, there’s yet more.
Both Bidens are planning a book (hey, maybe Hunter is as well. Think about the things he could “teach” us). Won’t those be sizzling reading? Especially since Biden’s still trying to come up with a “theme” for his memoir. Pardon me, but wut?!? He needs to “develop” a theme and he needs to consult with former administration members like Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti. My first reaction is why does he need help developing a theme and then who’s going to ghost write it for him?
The one shining (?) point to all this is that the Dems seem to be no more excited about a potential Biden return to the spotlight than the rest of us are. It shows there are at least a couple of folks over there with more than a single working brain cell. A major reason for the loss of support for the Democrats the last few years is Biden, his family, his policies, and how he and the party screwed up (their opinion) the last election.
The truth is that Biden is a proud man who refuses to admit he would have lost the election. He refuses to see the role he played in the party’s current situation. He wants to preserve his place in history and sees playing the savior of the party as a way to do so.
Reality is that he is a part of the past. His time in the spotlight is over. He should take a page out of Jimmy Carter’s book and turn his attention away from Washinton and to something that would help others more needy. Perhaps he needs to take a hint from this MSNBC and start riding Amtrak again.
Who knows? He might meet a few real Americans–you know, those who aren’t politicians and or members of some political action committee–and see what’s really important and of concern to the country.
One can hope, but I won’t be holding my breath.
Featured Image: Joe Biden caricature by Donkeyhotey. “This caricature of Joe Biden was adapted from a photo in the public domain from the U.S. Secretary of DefenseFollow’s Flickr photostream.”
Is this a joke ??? Who, but “Dr. Jill” could support this??? For the good of the country…and for his own good, Sleepy Joe should remain out of the limelight forever.
That said, I am sure there are still tons of dimwitted Dems who would support the parading of Old Joe for the good of the party & country…..those same Dems who continue to support Hellary…Tampon Timmy…Kamala…AOC…the “squAD”…et al.
Sad truth is, Joe can’t do anything useful, never could. He’s NEVER done anything except play politics.
Oh please.
Joe Biden has no idea this is happening.
This is all Dr. Jill.
She’s board being a regular citizen again for the first time in decades.
She wants to flitter around the country on private jets paid for by someone else, she wants to go on The View and trash talk ORANGEMANBAD and everyone’s new favorite Hitler – TESLAMANBAD.
Uncle Joe will show up on a few short heavily edited videos.
The videos will be AI, now that he’s of no use to her, my money says she smothers him with a pillow inside 6 months.
If I were Joe I’d keep my head down and my mouth zipped. If he gets aboard the D’s crazy train Trump may decide to return the favor and have him prosecuted for bribery or worse.