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i’ve been a bit reluctant to write about sarah palin and the recent news of her resignation as governor of alaska. i suppose i needed to process a wee bit before i sat down and just ranted. i know it’s long, but i hope you will read it and comment.
of course i am a huge sarah palin fan. i see her as that breath of fresh air that my party has needed for some time. i also see her as someone i can identify with: an evangelical conservative who believes in fiscal restraint, limited government, and a strong defense. i am charmed by her family, love her comfortably unpretentious ways, and deeply relate to her pro-life stance. for all intents and purposes, she is my ideal political representative.
sarah palin
i didn’t see this coming. and when i heard her press conference, i was stunned. i, like many of those on the right, wondered why she needed to really quit before her term was up, rather then just not run for re-election. me? i never quit anything. to my fault, i crawl through broken glass on my tummy to finish stuff. so because i self identify with sarah, i still needed to reconcile this. however, no politician and their family has been through the far left/elitist media crucible like her family has.
it seems common decency left the building when it comes to the rabid left and their feelings for sarah. she is their enemy. she and her family have been hounded relentlessly since september ’08 when she was first announce as mccain’s running mate. from lies, rumors and outright smears to frivolous lawsuits and baseless investigations the conduct of her opponents has been beyond revolting.
i think sarah palin has a lot of people afraid — mostly those on the left who hate every thing decent about her, but also those from the political establishment — those insider elites both right and left from harvard, yale, and columbia who have law degrees and relatives who served as ambassadors and confidants to world leaders. you know the type.
and in politics, there is something magical about being an outsider. political consultants of every stripe sell their candidates as outsiders as if that makes them free from the stain of washington’s good ol boys. ‘outsiders’ work for the people, not for the system, because they have not been bought and paid for by special interests.
you will remember The One was painted as an outsider: young, smart, free from corruption, free from dc paybacks, not beholden to the clinton political machine, not controlled by the dnc – blah, blah, blah. his people used this effectively to contrast him with the cold, calculating demeanor of hillary.
but then came sarah palin — a real outsider in every conceivable definition of the word — and their world was rocked.
even though politicians use the word ‘outsider’ to score points with the average american, the truth is that within the world of politics outsiders are thought of as foolish amateurs, and their ignorance of the system is considered to be a dangerous liability by political veterans. they are shunned frankly.
those political veterans both left and right don’t understand sarah palin’s natural popularity and they certainly don’t like it. sarah may have been ‘sarahcuda’ in alaska politics, but she wasn’t prepared for the nastiness of entrenched politicos – coupled with the rabid fear of the left and their shills, the elitist media. and the sad thing is that the politicos surrounding john mccain have served to fuel this insanity instead of defending her.
sarah palin got into politics for all the right reasons. she didn’t inherit it by birthright like many of our leaders today or look at it as a career path when she did her college application. she started out involved in her local school board because of her kids, then ran for city council and mayor. when she was appointed chairperson of the alaska oil and gas conservation commission, she refused to go along with the established ‘good old boy’ system and eventually filed ethics complaints against the good ol republican boys who were running it. sarah’s commitment to ethics above party politics is a marvel that few political figures are capable of. can you imagine barack obama taking on the chicago democrat political machine in a similar fashion? of course not, he just moved many of them into his administration!
i choose to take sarah at her word when she says that being a lightning rod for the republican party has severely crippled her effectiveness as an elected leader. so what are sarah palin’s future plans? i am not so sure she has plans to run for elected office until her children are older, though some very smart people think she will. but what i do know is this:
the cult of obama has too great a hold on american popular culture for conservatives to simply be ‘against’ his presidency. the conservative movement in this country needs a strong figure to rally around, if for no other reason than to counter the massive cult appeal of The One among the liberal chattering class. i believe that sarah palin could become such a figure, even if she does not run for elected office again. she has the ability to galvanize the conservative movement and organize it around a set of positive, proactive goals, which is what conservatism needs right now.
she’s not going away though, for that we can be thankfully certain.
Palin is her own enemy. She got ahead using her looks and has proven she has no staying power and is a big quitter. She also has proven that she cannot handle the bigger issues of the day because her intellect is just not adequate. Her press conference was a rambling chaotic “ME, ME, ME” event. She will never be elected to a national office after this stunt and good riddance.
The reality is that Sarah Palin is no longer a credible candidate for President in 2012. As much as you may be lamenting this, and you clearly are from the length of your manifesto, that’s the fact. Her meltdown of a news conference, combined with failure to complete even one term as a governor set her fate.
McCain picked her because of her looks. She became Governor of Alaska because of her looks. Her looks have done her pretty good so far and will continue to make her a force in politics and whatever she does (unless its a “Think Tank” in which she will be completely lost). Her looks however doesn’t change the fact that she is an full on idiot. Do you really want that kind of leadership in your party?
Actually, Daniel you are partly wrong. McLame He picked her because she possessed a vagina. They actually thought the angry PUMA-Clinton voters would flock to McCain if he chose a woman. Wrong-o!
Sarah Palin is quitting because it isn’t “fun” anymore. This whole politics thing was great, she loved the limelight, the attention, the perks, the boost to her ego but… all of a sudden, people were expecting things of her. Had questions of her. Expected her to know stuff. Weren’t so dazzled by her. Well, damn!!!
Also, Kate please seek help for your “Palin-Adoration-Syndrome”. You are practically having a emotional breakdown in this post. Shorter posts if you expect people to read them. This one is ridiculously long and laborious to get through.
‘Do you really want that kind of leadership in your party?’
yes daniel. sarah palin is exactly the kind of leadership in the party i want.
pennie don’t use the ‘c’ word on my blog again. be thankful i took the time to change your comment to allow it to post.
Apparently some of you domestic terrorists will defend this idiot wacko to the end won’t you? Her “you won’t have Nixon, er, Palin to kick around anymore” speech was the height of confusion if not hilarity. God she is incoherent! Maybe we’ll get lucky and she will retreat with her promiscuous and idiot children and p-whipped husband to a cabin deep in the woods for the rest of her life.
ok, so which of you all are self made millionaires that have had five children, been govenor of a state, and run for vice president?
well if she is such an idiot, what does that make all of you who are not one one hundreth as successful?
She is a white trash bimbo. Lisa none of the rest of us are trying to be VP or President. Her painful (for us) 15 of cheap fame thank god is over.
If my family had been attacked the way Palin’s family has been attacked I would quit my job in order to hunt some people down. Go get ’em Sarah.
“She is a white trash bimbo. Lisa none of the rest of us are trying to be VP or President.”
again, if she is just a white trash bimbo, you must be a complete wanker to have become such a loser.
Well written, Kate, and certainly not too long for those of us capable of independent thought. I think her announcement could have perhaps been more polished, but image-consciousness isn’t one of those things we (her fans, and fans of genuine leadership) hold dear, as compared to actual substance.
I suspect that her intentions will include more of that which make those vandals that populate the comments here cringe and gnash their teeth. I also think that her personal sacrifice of abandoning the perks of lame-duck governance, in pursuit of effecting positive leadership “on a grander scale” can only mean that she intends to begin her 2012 presidential candidacy in earnest, and in such a way as to not short-change the citizens of Alaska. Which shall compare her very favorably to the O!Bummer-like, pro-fesh-nal politicians that we’ve gotten used to.
I echo Toma above: Go get ’em Sarah.
Oh right. While I choked down listening to her resignation speech I was reminded of some middle school teenage girl who was dissing everyone because they didn’t like her hair! Could someone tell Sarah Palin that the world doesn’t revolve around her and her stupid kids? I am sick of her egocentric behavior. Go away already!!!She’s like a whiny, self-absorbed kid – tiresome and always requiring that we hear her complaints. Oh – and she is one of the dumbest people I have ever heard open her silly mouth. And you who defend her are equally as dumb for being fooled by this bimbo Barbie.
From here on out, Sarah Palin’s name is “Quitter”. She got tired of playing “Savior” of the conservative movement and took her Barbie’s home. WHAAAAA.
“Palin is her own enemy. She got ahead using her looks and has proven she has no staying power and is a big quitter. ”
This is untrue, and just another hopeless predictable regurgitated dig at trying to denegrate her.
I fail to see how a woman who only studied jouralism could actually have a more impressive political career than other politicians who’ve studied law for a decade and be with any logic be called “her own worst enemy” and “a quitter”.
Really, she got to be a mayor, council woman, goernor going on a secong term because shes a quitter ?
You’re own hatred is “YOUR” worst enemy in that it keeps you from performng simple logic.
Paul, Daniel, Kelly, Pennie.
So whats new ?
You guys are like the lemmings who’ve been brainwashed into bashing Palin for the sake of bashing Palin, mob mentallity, “American Idol watching useful idiots”
Your party is always on the pulpit ranting about how you hold diversity near and dear to your hearts and yet when someone who actually doesnt come from ther mold, thinks for herself, doesnt march to the same drummer, is everything your femininst movement says a woman should be but you’re sh**ing your pants because shes just not on your side.
Maybe you could all make yourselves appear like the geniuses you claim to be in comparison to her and actually for once “JUST ONCE” attack her on policy or issues instead of attacking her person, family and creating a bunch of unsubstantiated bullsh*t rumors.
You’re right. This post was way too long and sounds more like a eulogy then anything else which leads me to my comment:
I think that Sarah Palin had a temper tantrum because she was intensely jealous of Michael Jackson stealing the limelight from her darn him! If Soon-to-be-Former Governor Fairy Princess is not the center of attention (and remember: there’s no such thing as “bad publicity”), well, you betcha it’s hissy-fit time and we all have to pay the price of listening to her whines. Go away already and take your retard family with you.
Oh come on folks. Leave little Sarah alone! At least she gave a 2 weeks notice.
Jealous of Michael Jackson ? heh, and you talk about retards ?
Kate, in response to the knee-jerk liberal vandalism so prevalent in your comment section, unbalanced by any rational discourse (or even rational THOUGHT, for that matter) from the left, I would like to propose a “moonbat-free month” wherein all of your usual offenders are banished into blatherings purgatory for a significant time (I’d suggest a month). Have you ever considered putting them all in “time-out” for their repeated childishness?
It’d be so refreshing just to read your posts without having to hear them swoop down from their vulture-perches on the clothesline. Personally, I wouldn’t mind the swooping so much if they ever had anything of substance to contribute. But, when was the last time THAT happened? Seriously.
Wouldn’t it be a lot like having the kiddie-table in another room for a while (or even better…the basement!) where the adults could enjoy grown-up talk without all the crying-baby distractions? Methinks such might serve to bring about some attitude adjustment.
Micky. Of course we differ with her on policy! Do you think you are actually the only informed? Gimme a break. And since you started with the name calling and verbal abuse of commenters here, why don’t you just cram it butt boy?
Palin reminded me a lot of Shrub with all her stammering, confusion, and bumbling around in that press conference of hers. Must be a common issue among you conservatives.
“Micky. Of course we differ with her on policy! ”
You could of fooled me. Please show me any of you previous posts that go to her policies.
I know, your answer will be ” I dont have be bullied by you into giving any answers”
“Do you think you are actually the only informed?”
Next to you, yes.
” Gimme a break. And since you started with the name calling and verbal abuse of commenters here, why don’t you just cram it butt boy?”
You mean to tell me that no one called anyone names before I arrived ?
I’ve made an attempt to bring the discourse to a more respectable level. I cant say that about you since this is twice now you made deragotory reference to my illness.(butt boy) Which once again goes to prove a what a useless waste of thread space you are.
“Palin reminded me a lot of Shrub with all her stammering, confusion, and bumbling around in that press conference of hers. Must be a common issue among you conservatives.
Whats really sad is that I know you’re serious
You’re wonder boy, your messiah, cant get past “good evening ladies and gentlemen” without the aid of a teleprompter. Without it all you you would hear is “UHHH”, “DUH”, “UHM”, AHH, “can you guys raise that prompter a little higher”?
You might want to think a little more on that one.
On the other hand, Palin has gotten huge and favorable reponses for her ability to give substantial speechs, knocking em out of the park, many times without so much as a note pad.
pennie consider this your one and only warning: no more name calling or baiting.
“I would like to propose a “moonbat-free month” wherein all of your usual offenders are banished into blatherings purgatory …”
jeff lol! {hug} i think i have 4 in blatherings purgatory now. maybe 5. i forget. conveniently. 😉
I’m sure freedom loving, independent thinking Alaskans, just like me, are relieved all around the state. The sooner Sarah Palin is out of the news, the less distracted everyone will be.
““I would like to propose a “moonbat-free month” wherein all of your usual offenders are banished into blatherings purgatory …”
While I’m sure we can find examples of the derangement that sits with the left on just about any political blog I have to say the cream of the crop is right here.
Take it as a compliment Kate.
Of all the blogs I’ve been to, I dont know how you do it, you have a remarkable power to draw the most “off the deep end” moonbats I’ve ever seen anywhere.
The quality of you posts only offer the contrast needed to show just how sick these people are.
Kate and all,
As I’ve stated, I think kingmaker Republicans offered Sarah Palin a carrot (book deal, lecture circuit) and a stick (ethical complaints, huge legal bills). She took the carrot. You complain that liberals/the left attacked her, but really, that’s not going to make any difference to her. In fact, attacks from the left would only HELP her standing in the GOP, yes? The attacks that got to her were those that came from Republicans. The kingmaker Republicans DO NOT want her to get the nomination. They’ll destroy her before they let that happen.
Now, regarding Jeff’s comments. You should know that Jeff made a very strange comment in response to a post I made on his blog. And I quote: “…it’s entirely possible that, instead of signing up with blackwater, I could choose to exterminate some of America’s enemies right here at home.”
I figured it was just the ranting of an ignorant, fat redneck who imagines that he is a tough guy hero. But I’m repeating it here so that if anything every happens to me or anyone else who comments on this blog there will be a very obvious place to look for a culprit.
As you know, I try to keep my comments on this blog reasonable. As you put it “sharp elbows are fine.”
I imagine the other lefties on this blog feel the same way I do: if I were to get put in some kind of “blatherings purgatory” I’d never again visit the site. Guys like Jeff live in anger and hatred, imagining that their own personal failings are the fault of other people. They don’t want to hear comments from people that make them face that reality. Lonely and alone. Hell of a way to go through life.
Sucks to be him.
Kate thats fine. However I would like to point out Micky’s constant berating of liberals who visit this site. He calls us names, he ridicules us, he demeans and generally disrespects us with every comment he makes, even before anyone even address him. In fact, I have seen it over and over where liberals ask him to Are your rules only for liberals?
you have never done anything to be put in blatherings purgatory!! in fact, i really don’t do that kind of stuff to people who comment here unless they cross a very very serious line with me. i try to put up with quite a bit (from other lefties here not you) in an effort to promote some sort of debate and discourse.
i think (and hope) we learn from each other when we participate here, even if its masked in slimey stuff. although i appreciate jeff’s sentiment, i would hate a blog that was only for people like me. i may be kidding myself but i sometimes see little glimmers of mutual agreement.
Hi, Kate.
I agree about the glimmers of agreement. Further, I’ve come to like a lot of the people on this blog. You and Ken, of course. And lisab and even nutty Micky.
Let the debate continue!
All you Obama Kool-Aid drinkers are just so afraid of Sarah Palin just like the Chosen one is. If you remember all during the campaign, it was she who called him out justafiably so for his lack of character, inept policies and etc, and he couldnt respond to her, because she had him whipped just like a puppy dog . Sarah knew she had the chosen one on the ropes, and for not for the financial meltdown the one would have been defeated by her assauts. It was the financial meltdown that saved his neck and everybody knows it . The ones that dont are the ones brainwashed and in denial. That is why Mr. Obama doesnt want to face her again. And that is why he and all of you left-wing nuts are so scared. Take that.
Well, the offer was for you to show me some of your comments on Palin that went to het policy. We could pick it up from there and go on to have a civil conversation much like the ones I have with Dade. But since its plainly obvious you have no posts that go to her policy I guess you’ll just continue on with your Palin derangement syndrome. With that thought I’ll say that you have no business whatsoever ragging Kate for her “Palin-Adoration-Syndrome”.
And no, the rules are not only for liberals. I’ve been E mailed and scolded many times by Kate.
I’ve backed up many times and offered to drop the crap with you guys and move on to substantial conversations and all I got was being called a cry baby because I wasnt getting the type of conversations I wanted.
As it stands right now, the way I feel is this.
You my dear have reached a new low I’ve never seen since Jared called Trig a “retard”. Its my Karma to have rectal cancer becuse you disagree with me, or I said some things that offended you ? I desreved this disease because because I’ve used language refering to butts or a$$holes on occasion ?
Trust me baby, I can sling hash with the best of them a hurl some of the nastiest sh*t any one has ever heard, I do apologize for it because like anyone my temper gets the best of me sometime.
But you are the first person ever to tell me that potential death is desreved upon me for simply using some words.
In all my years of living some of the nastiest street life, hanging with some of the most vicsious people on the planet, I cant say that I ever heard something so utterly stupid and mean in my life.
If you’d like to kick things up a notch and actually have a meaningful conversation one day I’ll be happy to oblige you. Until then I’ll remind you as often as I can that you’re a sick POS.
Sarah Palin can no longer be considered a serious POTUS candidate. How can she be trusted with the highest office in the land when she abandoned a lower office?
“And no, the rules are not only for liberals. I’ve been E mailed and scolded many times by Kate.”
ahem! don’t be telling all my ‘super-secrit’ blog secrets now micky. i might lose some of my ‘mystery’. 😉
Well as I said 30 comments ago, Sarah Palin got this far because of her looks. If she were overweight and/or homely, she’d have a hard time getting beyond the municipal level of government. We all know it; some of us refuse to admit it.
“even though politicians use the word ‘outsider’ to score points with the average american, the truth is that within the world of politics outsiders are thought of as foolish amateurs, and their ignorance of the system is considered to be a dangerous liability by political veterans. they are shunned frankly.”
Truer words were never spoken Kate. Great post. One of the best I have read on Palin’s resignation.
Sorry Kate, but you are fair.
“Well as I said 30 comments ago, Sarah Palin got this far because of her looks. If she were overweight and/or homely, she’d have a hard time getting beyond the municipal level of government. We all know it; some of us refuse to admit it.”
Obviously you’ve never seen her in a debate or any other venue other than the hate venues.
By your logic Marey Carry should of won the California governors election.
As I said about a 100 or so posts ago. I gave a long list of her accomplishments that far outshined Obamas that had nothing to do with her looks.
Very good post Kate. Loved the part about Sarah Palin getting into politics for all the right reasons. So true.
I am just curious though to all of the commenters who are griping about a Palin run in 2012…. Has Sarah Palin actually said ANYTHING about running in 2012???? I think not. Wishing thinking on both the right and the left for very different reasons.
kate said: nope. you’re not posting that junk on my site. now scat!
“He calls us names, he ridicules us, he demeans and generally disrespects us with every comment he makes, even before anyone even address him.”
That sounds like every post you’ve ever written Pennie. You’re a hypocrite and not a very bright one at that. Listening to you complain about someone being rude on this site is an absolute comedy.
I love watching the Palin haters rejoice. If they weren’t so afraid of her the media wouldn’t have spent so much time tearing her down, even after the election.
We’ll know why she did what she did soon enough.
The funniest thing is that with her 1 1/2 years of experience as governor she’s STILL more qualified to be president then B.O.!!!!!
“How can she be trusted with the highest office in the land when she abandoned a lower office?”
obama abandoned his senate seat — he is president.
we expected him to serve as senator … he completely abandoned illinois for his own selfish gain.
Isn’t it funny how that works lisa? Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised. We are used to having the looney left go ballistic when a Republican does something, then completely dismissing it when a democrat does the same thing. Nothing new here.
“Barack Obama missed 314 of 1300 roll call votes (24%) since Jan 6, 2005. The graph below shows the percent of roll call votes Barack Obama was absent for during the member’s time in Congress.”
Ahhhh yes.
actually i think the funniest thing is joe biden is vice president !!!
he is easily my favorite member of the current administration.
he is like the fool in king lear … of all the one’s sycophants,
joe will tell the emperor he has no clothes
‘he is like the fool in king lear … of all the one’s sycophants,’
heh lisa! plugs is the obama administration’s village idiot to be sure.
And speaking of crybabies, I wondered how long it would take the Dude Carriage to crawl from under its rock.
I was content to leave that exchange over in my blog arena where it belonged, and haven’t been one to advertise my blog here at Kate’s, but since he (it IS a he, right? I’m not sure…Dade’s kinda a “Postman Pat” person, I think) brought it up, anyone wishes to read those comments, in all their glorious context, here’s the link.
It’s worth noting that he commented on this post of mine when it was over 2 months old, obviously as an attempt to fly under the radar of reproach. It wasn’t the first time he’d visited my blog and each time has ended the same way: A very thorough beating is administered, and he calls me an ignorant redneck. Also worth noting: those beatings are always via the writtten word.
He said: “But I’m repeating it here so that if anything every happens to me or anyone else who comments on this blog there will be a very obvious place to look for a culprit.”
He’s repeating it here because he wants the sympathetic attention. He prefers to pick a fight and get someone else (in this case the “authorities”) to fight it for him. He’s a coward, and a walking disease on society. He can’t win an intellectual fist-fight, so his best tactic is to twist my words to constitute an implied threat. I AM a threat to him, not because I might drive across the country and carve him a new smile with a hawkbill, but because I’m capable of winning a battle of wits with an unarmed person…combined with an absolute intolerance for suffering fools, and the willingness to call an unhinged lunatic just exactly that.
My suggestion to periodically quarantine those of us who can think from those of THEM who only seek to disrupt, absolutely includes the Dude Carriage. His pretense at civilty is just that, and always temporary. His presence here isn’t constructive, and isn’t meant to be. He’s only a different kind of terrorist.
Ignorant redneck? Well, I could donate 15 IQ points to him and still qualify for the Mensa society, so it’s a very small percentage of folks can look down their intellectual noses at me. And I think his application of “redneck” is meant as a synonym for “racist”, qualities of which I’ve exhibited neither, so it’s just really more evidence of his true nature.
Unhinged. Subversive. Crybaby.
Also, apologies to Kate for seeming to presume to tell her how to run her blog. Perhaps it is the bad, which makes us appreciate the good. But, I’d like to sometimes be able to enjoy the good without being infested with that which is bad.
Greedy, I know.
“plugs is the obama administration’s village idiot to be sure.”
I think that’s a slap in the face to village idiots everywhere!!!
Well, they told me that if I voted for Sarah Palin we would have an idiot for a vice president……………they were right!!!!!!!!!
Well, Jeff, if you ever grew a pair of balls and drove across the country to find me, you’d end up in a very bad situation. And THAT is a promise.
“very bad situation”? Telephone tough-guy.
Wasn’t this another of the Saul (do I have the first name correct?) Alinsky moves? When the barrage of inane ridicule doesn’t work, begin threatening, or pretending to BE threatened…?
More diversion/subversion from the lunatic left. Keep bringing your weak crybaby crap. I’ll keep smacking you around.
“PROMISES” from the likes of you? Yeah, folks will line up at the bank ready to cash in on that one.
No, no, no, Jeff. It’s not ME who is talking about “exterminat[ing] America’s enemies right here at home,” or claiming to be “58 and 0” in fistfights, or “driv[ing] rive across the country and carv[ing] a new smile with a hawkbill.”
I’m telling you, if you ever finally lose it and decide you’re gonna try to play out your tough guy fantasies, you’re gonna end up in a place that you don’t want to be.
I make no claims to being a fighter. Not my style. But there’s a whole tribe of Cariagas out here in Oregon and we absolutely HATE dumbass neo-confederate rednecks like you.
You’d be much better off just cramming that pig-shit livermush down your fat gullet, developing your type II diabetes, and fantasizing about what a hero you could have been if the military had lowered itself into accepting you.
hey there.
i appreciate male testosterone a great deal personally, however, not on my blog. therefore i would like 2 of my favorite commenters to knock if off. thanks a lot.
Fair enough, Kate. I apologize to all. I will so no more on the matter.
kate said: fair warning. your comment was deleted.
Sorry Kate…I was typing while you were scolding. Yes, Ma’am.
scolding?!!?? oh dang. i have finally become my mother. 😉
I feel like a fly on the wall in the Bunker home
it is that screwy damaged Y chromosome
“Juneau (Reuters) – In a hugely embarassing moment, alaskan govenor Sarah Palin described Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday as the “russian president”, in a gaffe that is sure to do nothing to halt criticism of the embattled govenor.”
whoopsie 🙂
Wow – so there was an earlier comment with the “c” word in it. I think that says it all about liberal commenters anywhere. No facts, just insults.
Sarah in 2016.
Sarah Palin and her retard family are a walking freak show. She needs to go the hell away.
If there is a freak anywhere it exits in the White House in the name of Barack Obama. Sarah Palin will come back with a vengeance and whip Obama in 2012 He will fall to her feet iafter she humiliates him, and then she will step on him with her high heeled pumps and raise her arms in total victory. Because Sarah is strong and he is weak. And America will be saved.
Hey Bo.
Are those your initials ?
“Sarah Palin and her retard family are a walking freak show.”
Why are you guys so afraid of her?
Oh, and kudos to you on using the “retard” slur again. The liberal/dems are showing their true selves at every corner and it can do nothing but help us.
Yeah, I guess it goes to common logic. If they’re so retarded whats their to be so afraid of ? But then again, smack me, who said anything about about common logic right ?
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