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Senator Ted Kennedy is dying.
It’s a near certainty. And while this is undoubtedly sad for his family and friends, he’s using his final days to try and maintain his lifelong grip on the power and authority he’s enjoyed his entire life. The family that considers themselves royalty is surely above such things as voters determining who takes his seat, or abiding by laws. And now, the man who murdered Mary Jo Kopechne has sunk to yet another low. In 2004, Kennedy had the Massachusetts succession law upended when John Kerry was running for president, fearful that Republican Governor Mitt Romney would fill Kerry’s seat with — believe it or not! — a Republican. And now that there’s a Democratic governor, he wants that succession law reinstated, probably to ensure that another Kennedy gets his seat.
Kennedy wants the Legislature to upend the succession law it passed in 2004, when – at his urging – it stripped away the governor’s longstanding power to temporarily fill a Senate vacancy. Back then, John Kerry was a presidential candidate and Republican Mitt Romney was governor; Kennedy lobbied state Democrats to change the law so that Romney couldn’t name Kerry’s successor.
They followed his advice with gusto. When the final vote took place, the Boston Globe reported, “hooting and hollering broke out on the usually staid House floor,’’ and House Speaker Thomas Finneran acknowledged candidly: “It’s a political deal. It’s very raw politics.’’
It still is. Now that Massachusetts has a Democratic governor, Kennedy is lobbying to restore the gubernatorial power to name an interim appointee. That would guarantee Democrats in Washington two reliable Senate votes from Massachusetts, even if Kennedy isn’t there to cast one of them.
Kennedy has already been out of the Senate for the most part for the last 15 months due to his battle with brain cancer. He’s missed most of the votes in the Senate anyways; if he’s so concerned about the people of Massachusetts having two voices represent them in the Senate, then he should resign, and let the people choose who fills that seat. The Kennedy family has already claimed the seat as their own. And while Massachusetts voters idealize the Kennedy family as their version of “Camelot”, they are in reality far from it and our Founding Fathers surely would not want this kind of corruption taking place.
Kennedy himself was the one who stripped away the gubernatorial power to temporarily fill a Senate seat. To turn around and change it now, simply on his whim, is wrong. At some point, enough simply needs to become enough. When are the voters of Massachusetts going to tire of this kind of corruption and tell the Kennedys to get lost?
Mary Jo Kopechne is unavailable for comment.
I hope the drunken adulterous reprobate spends the remnant of his godforsaken existence (none dare call it a “life”) in exquisite agony as the cancer eats away at his pre-enbalmed brain. But first I hope the cancer metastasizes to his prostate and colon.
Don’t die yet, Ted. You haven’t suffered enough. You’ll be Satan’s bitch soon enough.
I don’t wish what he has on anyone, even him. However, I do hope the last thing he sees before the imps drag his soul to hell for eternity is the soul of Mary Jo.
I won’t miss the drunken murderer Ted Kennedy.
Hypocrisy in a Kennedy??
I’m shocked. Shocked!
Be sure to ignore the pleas from ANY of his blood, or in-law, relatives that have politically “colonized” areas outside of the alternative energy free waters of Camelot’s scenic back yard.
In fairness, In My Humble Opinion, judging the recent history of pernicious DCSS, and “Beacon Street” news flash/spend your money on OUR “health” bills, instead of your own propaganda, ANYONE from New England who has currently bestowed the title Democrat upon themselves ought to voice their scripted opinions ONLY through approved (by ME) channels.
The problem with Ted Kennedy? Well, for starters, he’s a disgusting drunken cowardly slob. I should probably add hypocritical too. Also…what Sic Semper said…
That family needs to be put out of their misery, and end the misery they have induced in others. Ever since old Joe the bootlegger had his daughter lobotomized because she was too frisky the rest have succumbed to his malign disease… Go away Kennedys, just leave now.
I’m betting every morning Ted Kennedy looked in the mirror he told himself if he seized power and was made president of the United States he would be so good for the people. He knew he could seize power; if it were not for all those people with damm guns.
Wow, did you know somehow?????
I guess she did. Let’s try and guess the silly reason his “last wishes” will be forcibly vindicated.
Nonetheless, let’s hope his family still had a chance to say proper farewells. Death is hard to swallow no matter who you are.
My momma always taught me to speak good of the dead.
He’s dead.
Instead of changing the law every time there is a new governor, why not just write the law so that, “When the governor is Democrat, the replacement will be appointed, when the governor is Republican the replacement will be chosen by election.”
That could save a lot of time.
Too late. He’s gone. I think I’ll try to find the link to the Peanut Butter and Jelly song…
I told my mom earlier this morning when I heard he croaked that “Oh good. Now he can explain some things to Mary Jo.”
In addition, maybe Teddy can explain a few things to Ronny about why he sided with the KGB to try to get rid of him (though not in the literal sense).
Stay classy, kid.
FYI Kennedy left a legacy in America that is hard to deny. His actions 40 years ago were bad but they were not covered up from the American people. The people of MA had a choice to re-elect him or elect someone else. They chose Kennedy – again and again. And he responded with such things as the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act, the Kennedy-Hatch law of 1997 [which put 250,000 people into community service], No Child Left Behind of 2001 [with Bush] and he drafted a supplemental military budget to improve armored vehicles for troops. The first major military boost of its kind since the Korean War.
There is such a think as redemption, forgiveness and such things as good works and helping the poor. It’s a big part of Catholicism and not too far from the basis of Christianity – in case you didn’t know.
Stay classy, kid.”
Yeah, I’ll try to remember that when a conservative passes away. Perhaps you’ll say the same to Koskids on their website, ok?
“FYI Kennedy left a legacy in America that is hard to deny. His actions 40 years ago were bad but they were not covered up from the American people.”
They weren’t covered up in spite of the Kennedy family’s attempts to do so. As for the legacy, which one would that be? One that will leave this country utterly bankrupt? Yeah, thanks Teddy.
“The people of MA had a choice to re-elect him or elect someone else. They chose Kennedy – again and again.”
Yeah, says a lot about people from that state, doesn’t it? Of course, they’re the same people who chose to implement Romneycare (what happened there, near bankruptcy?) and Deval Patrick and his awesome policy of handing free cars to the poor. Yeah, sweet deals there, if you can get them. New York looks comparatively normal compared that state of lunacy, at least for the time being (of course Patterson’s trying his best, so who knows?).
“And he responded with such things as the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act, the Kennedy-Hatch law of 1997 [which put 250,000 people into community service]…”
Which are essentially giveaway programs. Also, you realize how much money was spent to implement all that? Oh yeah, what’s our deficit again?
“No Child Left Behind of 2001 [with Bush]”
And he essentially backstabbed Bush on that and it was a crappy bill anyway.
“and he drafted a supplemental military budget to improve armored vehicles for troops. The first major military boost of its kind since the Korean War.”
Military budgets are implemented all the time. We have the Bradley and the Stryker. Our military has improved since Vietnam. Why isolate Kennedy for that?
Oh yeah, you might want to recollect how Kennedy talked with the KGB to help get Reagan out of office. Or you could also find out that when Nixon tried to get health care passed back in the 70’s, Kennedy went against it (much to his later regret). Or you might want to remember how he essentially raped a waitress (with good ole’ Chris Dodd). But hey the fact that he passed a few money-laden bills through kinda balances that, right? The guy had no shame, and that’s the problem with you liberals. As long as the guy toes the party line, they can be as sleazy as they want.
Yeah, Republicans have issues, but at least they hold their politicians to a certain standard (and hammer them when they get out of line).
“There is such a think as redemption, forgiveness and such things as good works and helping the poor. It’s a big part of Catholicism and not too far from the basis of Christianity – in case you didn’t know.”
Hey, I’m all for helping the poor, as long as they help themselves. Simply handing stuff (like the $200 to poor people per child in NYS…what they those people learn from that?) doesn’t teach them anything. It just keeps them shackled to the Democrats’ tit. Kennedy never redeemed himself. In fact, just before he died, he wanted Mass. to just appoint his successor. Funny thing is, when Romney was governor, Kennedy wanted the state for vote for the successor. Kinda weird how he wanted everything his way so long as it suited his needs, wasn’t it, ? So let’s talk about redemption, kid. Forgiveness? We live in a society today where someone does horrible things, and we’re just supposed to forgive and forget. No big deal, right? Simply say, “I’m sorry,” and everything’s hunky dory again. I don’t buy that. You may not have standards, but that doesn’t mean I have to buy into that idiocy.
And finally, I may be conservative, but I’m not Christian. I haven’t been Catholic since I was 15, so you can stick that nonsense up your piehole, k? But thanks for caring…
The fact that you write the sentence, ‘We live in a society today…’ shows your hand. Would you prefer a pre-civil rights society? Or one where women don’t have equality? Or where people lose their jobs because they are disabled, or gay or black? You are making an assumption that society was somehow better back in the good old days – which didn’t really exist.
First, I was one of the first on Daily Kos to comment about their poor judgment regarding the passing of Tony Snow. I liked him and found him a decent human being. In fact, ever conservative I know personally is a decent person – as are all the liberals I know personally.
But when we go beyond our own circle of friends and contacts we sometimes become really ridiculously judgmental. You didn’t know Senator Kennedy yet you automatically hate everything about him. But your hatred is based more on politics than it is on reason. Afterall he was liked by plenty of Republican Senators who know and worked with him.
But let me ask you how do you feel about Laura Bush? I like her and find her a good sensible person even if I question her politics. However, did you know when she was younger she ran a stop sign and killed a man? Do you think she deserves redemption and forgiveness? I say yes she does.
Second, your assessment of the ‘cost’ of Kennedy’s programs is laughable at best and heartless as worst. You might be the only person I have encountered who is opposed to the Americans with Disabilities Act, The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act or the bill to protect our troops with better armored vehicles. The cost of human life, dignity and a right to raise or take care of a family without losing a job is priceless. It is far more valuable to our society as a whole than the money it may cost. It’s also used by Americans of all political persuasions – not just Democrats. However, please note, that the balancing of our budget in the 1990’s – after the first two Acts [listed there] passed – was pretty easy to do.
Also do some research on the armored vehicles. Kennedy spearheaded that movement because [believe it or not] he cared for the troops.
Thanks for writing. Peace.
“We live in a society today…” Nice straw-man argument. Matt laments one aspect of modern society, and in your eyes he wants to turn the clock back on EVERYTHING. I don’t think that every change in our culture has been positive, does that mean I want to go back to burning witches?
“Afterall he was liked by plenty of Republican Senators” BFD. I’d say the majority of Senators are corrupt plutocrats. They are only there to enjoy the benefits of ‘the world’s most exclusive men’s club’.
I am the second person you have encountered who is opposed to the Americans with Disabilties Act. That law is just another Lawyer Employment Act. There are wheelchair bathrooms at the top of narrow staircases in the middle of factories, where wheelchairs will never be because of that stupid law.
Then you mention forgiveness and redemption. Forgiveness requires an act of contrition from the guilty party. If I had done something as terrible as drown another person while drunk, probably the first step would be to sober up for God’s sake. Kennedy never sobered up, never gave up his privilege (privilege means ‘private law’ btw), never did anything to atone for his actions.
p.s. Anyone who ends a post with ‘peace’ is a douchebag. That’s rule #8
correction – it’s rule #5 not 8
Mat [not Matt] said; “We live in a society today where someone does horrible things, and we’re just supposed to forgive and forget.”
Let’s keep it simple. We live in a society today that has three strikes you’re out, and that throws people in jail for having an ounce of pot. However, note that many years ago you could commit major crimes [especially race based crimes or against woman] and get away with them simply because a bunch of rich white idiots controlled the world. Please note that Kennedy’s actions were over 40 years ago. Today he would more than lose his Senate seat. So if anything what Mat says is completely wrong. It is actually the opposite today.
Also I’m not saying one should forgive and forget. I’m saying just what I said. The voters put him back in office and kept him there. And he actually did some good. You know he did good but you’re blinded by your conservative mindset.
Anyway your understanding of the Americans with Disabilties Act is woefully uninformed. To you the law simply means wheelchair access is built around hard to get places. Read the frickin’ act dude. Public accommodations [which are important for people with disabilities – don’t you know] are but one part of the act. [And who the heck is opposed to wheelchair access on sidewalks? Do they cause you to trip or something?] A big part of the act is also about discrimination.
Anyway, opposition to lawyers meddling with aspects of the law with regards to the disabilities act is one thing. Opposition to the whole act is, frankly, moronic. Even the ‘corrupt plutocrats’ [who you no doubt vote for] approved and approve of this act.
Thanks for writing. Love.
“The fact that you write the sentence, ‘We live in a society today…’ shows your hand. Would you prefer a pre-civil rights society? Or one where women don’t have equality? Or where people lose their jobs because they are disabled, or gay or black? You are making an assumption that society was somehow better back in the good old days – which didn’t really exist.”
Not at all. But let me put it this way. I’m well aware of how things were for certain groups pre-1960. However, what society is doing now (and let’s face it, the left is at the forefront of this crap) is flipping the hate. Back in the “good ole’ days,” it was chic to hate on blacks. Now, it appears that whites are the ones hated on (and if you tell me otherwise, I’m going to simply laugh). Nor do I buy into the idea that whites did it for so long that it’s our turn now. I’m 36. I wasn’t born then. So to equate me with something that occurred 50+ years ago is nothing short of idiocy. All of the groups that you mentioned have more than enough rights today and they can say whatever they want without any consequence. That’s the reality of the situation. But I’ll remember what you said the next time a black calls me a “cracker” (which has happened a couple of times). It annoys me, and I’m not afraid to admit it.
“First, I was one of the first on Daily Kos to comment about their poor judgment regarding the passing of Tony Snow. I liked him and found him a decent human being. In fact, ever conservative I know personally is a decent person – as are all the liberals I know personally.”
But the beat goes on. My point is that you’re simply a minority who thinks that way. The vast majority of liberals in my experience did otherwise. But good for you.
“But when we go beyond our own circle of friends and contacts we sometimes become really ridiculously judgmental. You didn’t know Senator Kennedy yet you automatically hate everything about him. But your hatred is based more on politics than it is on reason. Afterall he was liked by plenty of Republican Senators who know and worked with him.”
You mistake dislike with “hate.” It’s ok, it’s a common mistake all the time. Most of us don’t really know what true hatred is. You’re right. I didn’t like the guy. I thought he was scum. He did things in his personal life that I would never even consider. So yes, I’ll be judgmental of him. As for Republican Senators, most of them are a bunch of milquetoast RINOs, so what’s your point? The Republican party is run by a bunch of sissies. That’s why they got creamed in ’08 and the only reason why they’ll pick up any seats in the midterm is because the Democrats behaved even more idiotic than they did previously.
“But let me ask you how do you feel about Laura Bush? I like her and find her a good sensible person even if I question her politics. However, did you know when she was younger she ran a stop sign and killed a man? Do you think she deserves redemption and forgiveness? I say yes she does.”
What Laura Bush was wrong. However, she did not enter politics directly, did she? She made a mistake, but she didn’t cover it up. That fat pickled slob you’re so tossed salad over left a woman to die in a car that slowly filled with water (I heard she was alive for up to two hours before she actually drowned). He then didn’t report it until the next day. How…convenient. And then his family had the audacity to try to cover it up, but the crime was so total that it was impossible to do so. Laura may have made a bad mistake, but at least she lived a decent life after. What did Teddy do? His life was replete with scandals (my favorite was the sandwich rape episode with Chris Dodd on a waitress). So you’re really, truly, honestly going to equate Laura Bush with Edward Kennedy? You really have to be shitting me…
“Second, your assessment of the ‘cost’ of Kennedy’s programs is laughable at best and heartless as worst. You might be the only person I have encountered who is opposed to the Americans with Disabilities Act, The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act or the bill to protect our troops with better armored vehicles. The cost of human life, dignity and a right to raise or take care of a family without losing a job is priceless. It is far more valuable to our society as a whole than the money it may cost.”
Ok, well you should explain how laughable it was to people who lost their jobs (no this didn’t impact my family or myself at all) because money had to be spent to cover for those people (and yes, people lost jobs, but hey, it’s progress and nothing can stand in the way of “progress”…or is it “change?”. Stuff like that costs tons of money to implement and you’d better believe that to put all that in place many places had to cut money somewhere else. That often meant jobs. So I find it hardly laughable nor heartless.
“However, please note, that the balancing of our budget in the 1990’s – after the first two Acts [listed there] passed – was pretty easy to do.
Also do some research on the armored vehicles. Kennedy spearheaded that movement because [believe it or not] he cared for the troops.”
Like I said before, what armored vehicles are you referring to? I listed examples, you give me this vague description. As for the balancing of the budget…Ah yes, the Peace Dividend. I remember that fondly. What you seem to forget that that balancing came at the cost of gutting our military and in particular our intelligence ability. You know, that same intelligence community that missed the 9/11 bombers? There was a reason why they missed it, and a good part of it was $$$$$. But hey, Kennedy did care for those troops, didn’t he? I often find that Democrats support the troops in the oddest of ways…
I agree with everything you said.
“Let’s keep it simple. We live in a society today that has three strikes you’re out, and that throws people in jail for having an ounce of pot. However, note that many years ago you could commit major crimes [especially race based crimes or against woman] and get away with them simply because a bunch of rich white idiots controlled the world. Please note that Kennedy’s actions were over 40 years ago. Today he would more than lose his Senate seat. So if anything what Mat says is completely wrong. It is actually the opposite today.”
ModDem, read my reply above and you’ll know that what you just said is complete hogwash. Kennedy’s indiscretions are well know and they occurred at such a frequent pace that his office had to keep a memo telling the press that they couldn’t keep trak of all the “gossip.” It was just more BS damage control, ironically from a rich white male that you so blissfully detested in your last post. Way to be consistent.
“Also I’m not saying one should forgive and forget. I’m saying just what I said. The voters put him back in office and kept him there. And he actually did some good. You know he did good but you’re blinded by your conservative mindset.”
No, Massachusetts voters put him in there because the vast majority of them are liberal hacks and stupid to boot. They’re like that with all their politicians, which is why I laugh when people say Romney’s a conservative. You do not become governor of Massachusetts without being at least moderate-liberal. The same was true for William Weld. Get back to me in 30 years and we’ll truly see how much good he actually did.
” Anyway your understanding of the Americans with Disabilties Act is woefully uninformed. To you the law simply means wheelchair access is built around hard to get places. Read the frickin’ act dude. Public accommodations [which are important for people with disabilities – don’t you know] are but one part of the act. [And who the heck is opposed to wheelchair access on sidewalks? Do they cause you to trip or something?] A big part of the act is also about discrimination.”
Again, read my reply above on this. There was more to the act than you’re implying.
“Anyway, opposition to lawyers meddling with aspects of the law with regards to the disabilities act is one thing. Opposition to the whole act is, frankly, moronic. Even the ‘corrupt plutocrats’ [who you no doubt vote for] approved and approve of this act.”
Of course they approved of this act. They got a lot of sweet backroom deals in the process. It’s everyone else that got screwed. Hardly moronic.
“Thanks for writing. Love.”
Ah yes, peace and love. Of course, you do realize that you’re going with a standard liberal tactic. They can’t really answer the questions, so they fall back on a stinted ego trip. Because Peace and Love are only for progressive people. And let’s face it, that’s the only reason why you put that in there. You wanted to feel smug, so you added that in. Sorry, but that nonsense doesn’t work with me. Try harder next time.
Mr. Kennedy can now be judged as he judged when Clearance Thomas was accused…but, the judge this time will be God. Some questions…Why do you support abortion as a birth control?, etc.
Wow, another lib defending Teddy. Amazing. And forgiveness? For a man who sexually assaulted women his entire life and joked about leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to die? Sorry, he gets no forgiveness from me. I think I’ll pull an Obama here and say that’s “above my pay grade” and leave the forgiveness (or not) to God.
A few articles which may enlighten you to the wonderful character of Teddy:
HufPo Writer: Maybe Mary Jo Would Have Been Happy To Have Died For The Kennedy Cause — UPDATE: You Know What Cracked Teddy Up? A Good Chappaquiddick Joke! []
Mike Kelly on Ted Kennedy []
The Obit Ted Kennedy Deserves []
Here is another one:
Repost with Better Audio: Ted Kennedy Just Loved Himself a Good Chappaquiddick Joke []