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According to Jerry Nadler and others, there is a new lifeblood of America, and it is the illegal alien. That’s right, with all the illegals streaming like a busted pipe and flooding over our border, the illegal alien is the new lifeblood of this country.
The 76-year-old U.S. representative for New York’s 12th congressional district, Jerry Nadler, sat in a hearing and proceeded to tell the good, hard-working people American people that the illegals are the backbone of America.
Not the truckers, small business owners, farmers, factory workers, health care providers, or utility tradespeople.
Not hardworking Americans who continue to build this country. Not doctors and scientists who continue to improve our quality of life. Not dedicated teachers who actually teach our kids, rather than those who attempt to indoctrinate them with left-wing groupthink.
Nope. Illegal aliens, who continue to surge across our southern border, exactly as Joe Biden has willingly allowed to happen since day one of his disastrous presidency. –RedState
It’s the illegals who come here for a better life, you know, to pick our vegetables so they don’t rot in the ground.
“Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants… many illegal immigrants” – Jerry Nadler
After that quote, I’m convinced Democrats are about a step or two away from being pro-slavery again.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) January 12, 2024
Good heavens.
Oh, but Jerry’s not done. He has more to say about the illegals coming to America.
“We need immigrants in this country,” Nadler said. “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants. The fact is the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level which means our population is going to start shrinking.” – Real Clear Politics
“Our population is going to start shrinking.” He walks right up to that line of the Great Replacement Theory, didn’t he?
It is incredible to think that our government is allowing people from other countries to break our laws by crossing the border to America just because and to live on our dime and take over our schools. What’s next? Oh, you know what’s next. You’ll take strangers into your house and let them live with you.
I am leaving you with the above video because sometimes we just need to laugh to keep from crying.
Feature Image: U.S. Department of Agriculture Photostream/Flickr/Public Domain
Democrats have always liked having slaves. They’ve been trying to get the institution back since 1865.
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