The DNC, Project 2025 And The Big Book Of Lies.

The DNC, Project 2025 And The Big Book Of Lies.

The DNC, Project 2025 And The Big Book Of Lies.

Last night was the first night of the Democrat National Convention and Mark Halperin on Newsmax assured us that, now that they had dumped Biden for Kamala Harris, the delegates were joyful. He lied. There were waaaay too many angry, bitter women for my taste. Too many lies. A night with a theme of we’re not going back, filled with angry, bitter women and hate for Donald Trump and anything tangentially MAGA does not make for JOY. Midway through the torture/evening, we were introduced to Mallory McMorrow and her faux Project 2025 book.

Lord, help me Jesus. The Democrats have had a burr up their backsides about Project 2025 since the Heritage Foundation released it. It is not associated with Donald Trump. J.D. Vance DID write the forward for a new book on this think tank project, but soooo what. The book has been delayed and it is not a Big Book. It will be normal sized. This is what the original manuscript, published in 2023 looks like:

project 2025

What the hay. Why tell the truth when you can drum up the crowd with a big, scary prop? Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow flounced out on stage, proudly, with her Big Scary Book of Lies:

As a former theater kid, I appreciate the comic effect of dropping the Big Faux Project 2025 Book on the podium. Then, McMorrow began the lies. From the Detroit News:

State Sen. Mallory McMorrow warned thousands of Democratic National Convention attendees Monday of an unprecedented “expansion of presidential powers” should former President Donald Trump take back the White House and implement the priorities of the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025.

The Royal Oak Democrat came to the stage toting a large hardcover edition of the Heritage Foundation’s 900-plus-page Project 2025 book.

The policy proposals, “whatever you may think,” McMorrow said, “is so much worse.”

Trump has disavowed the conservative policy blueprint created by many of his allies and former aides, but Democrats have used the report as a focus of criticism on the campaign trail about what he may pursue in a second term.

What a devious Son of a Sea Cook Donald Trump is! He didn’t become a dictator his first term as President. He “lost” in 2020 so that he could wait for a think tank to write Project 2025 and layout a blueprint for his Special Fascism. Dagum. Let’s take a look at what McMorrow said:

This chick is a Democrat Rising Star. You can tell. She’s not just doing this featurette on Night One (We’re Not Going Back), she promised to come back tonight. Hide the horses and children.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Using a thick book as a prop, Michigan State Sen. Mallory McMorrow warned that the conservative Project 2025 was the “Republican blueprint for a second Trump term” and that it would turn the country into a dictatorship. “That’s exactly what Donald Trump and his MAGA minions have in mind: an expansion of presidential powers like no president has ever had or ever should have,” she said to boos. Trump has distanced himself from the effort.

McMorrow gave a 2022 viral speech on the chamber floor after a Republican accused her of grooming and sexualizing kindergartners. Democrats won control of both houses of the Michigan Legislature later that year.

I am sure the Democrats won in Michigan(!) because of a viral floor speech. And, huzzah, I am a MAGA Minion! McMorrow is definitely a rising star. In case you didn’t hear last month, this is the Official Republican National Committee Platform:

project 2025


In the video, McMorrow says that Page 873 of Project 2025 will end fairness in the Justice Department:

Oh darlin’, ya’ll passed go on that one on Day One of the Biden Junta. Mar-a-Lago raid? Thirty-four felonies?

Page 535 is alleged to allow Donald Trump to fire everyone in the government and replace them with Trump loyalists. Golly gee, I hope he hires us MAGA Minions.

What a group of bitter, angry people, especially the women. I am betting there is more joy with the Fascists, Communists, Anarchists and Pro-Palestinians out in the Protest Corral.

We are looking forward to tonight to see what else is in the Project 2025, Big Book of Lies.

Featured Image: Elvert Barnes/ Commons

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