The Approaching Death of Women’s Sports

The Approaching Death of Women’s Sports

The Approaching Death of Women’s Sports

What Title IX did for girls in the 1970s was give them hope. Hope to finally get to do the activities denied to them either through neglect or hostility. Today that hope dies from demands of the Transcult’s capture of Leftist government and institutions. If the spectacle of 6 foot 1 inch Lia Thomas towering over his female competitors on the winner’s stand, every inch a male save for the female swimsuit, wasn’t grotesque enough, it was the abuse and harassment heaped on anyone with the temerity to point out the obvious — Thomas is male.

Kim Russell, Oberlin College’s head women’s lacrosse coach, is one of the latest to share what she was put through for daring to congratulate the girl who came in second to Thomas as “the real winner”.

When Russell saw that transgender-identifying swimmer Lia Thomas from University of Pennsylvania won the 2022 NCAA swimming championships, beating top-ranked female swimmers, she felt empathy for the athletes whose hard work had been unfairly erased. After all, Russell had been a female athlete her whole life—from gymnastics to lacrosse and field hockey to yoga, boxing, and more—and has coached girls and women for decades.

So on March 20, 2022, Russell shared a post from another Instagram user that read “Congratulations to Emma Weyant, the real woman who won the NCAA 500-yard freestyle event,” to her own personal Instagram story.

All she added to the post was her own brief commentary, reading “What do you believe? I can’t be quiet on this… I’ve spent my life playing sports, starting & coaching sports programs for girls & women..”

Little did she know, a player she said she was quite close to screenshotted the post and sent it in an email to Natalie Winkelfoos, athletic director at Oberlin College and a member of the president’s senior staff. The following day, on March 21, Russell was called into a meeting with Winkelfoos and Creg Jantz, assistant athletic director, where she was chastised for sharing her beliefs on Instagram.

And that was only the beginning of her Russell’s descent into the Orwellian hell of Transgender Maoism. Russell was pulled into several struggle sessions and regardless of her celebrated coaching and her dedication to female athletics and sports, she was browbeaten and not allowed to answer.

After Russell chose not to pen a letter of apology, Winkelfoos called another meeting. There, Russell faced what she described as a two-hour “struggle session” with her entire team, Winkelfoos, the athletic department’s Title IX director and its diversity, equity, and inclusion representative, as well as the Title IX director for the entire college. The Title IX director instructed Russell to listen, not respond, and repeat back what she had heard each individual say.

“That meeting turned into anybody being able to say anything they didn’t like about my coaching style or my assistant’s coaching—anything,” she said. When Russell finally got the floor to explain her position, she said her perspective wasn’t welcome.

And what was Russell’s horrible perspective? That women exist. That males and females are biologically different. That girls’ and women’s sports will not survive male competitors.

For that, Russell was called any number of names and accused of being unsafe to be around.

Part and parcel of this kind of Maoling mobbing is demanding that individuals have to publicly atone for their heresy and never express their own opions on the subject ever again. If women’s sports are to be the consolation prize for any mediocre male athlete willing to tuck his genitals and say the magic phrase “I am a woman” and everyone around him has to obey? Sports for girls is done.

Earlier this year, Biden’s administration demonstrated its fealty to the Transcult with basically wiping out Title IX. And we’ve seen over and over the Newspeak take over the plain language of English whether it’s pronouns or the erasure of women as mothers, since mother is one of the hateful gendered terms.

And for every time we’re told that this stuff is rare, it becomes ubiquitous.

n coaching women, Russell says it’s important to honor female biology and nature since it can affect athletic performance. In 2018 and 2022, for example, Russell invited a professional who specializes in menstrual cycle wellness and training to speak to and work with her team.

“If you know this stuff, it is going to help you perform in every area of life, including on the field,” Russell said, explaining how, at certain times of the month, it’s beneficial for a female athlete to eat different kinds of food or get more rest.

She recalled her players giving great feedback to the sessions. But, after the string of disciplinary meetings, Russell said Winkelfoos told her, “No more period talk.” Russell said that demand left her speechless.

Because, you know, females don’t have menstrual cycles, there are just people who bleed.

This has got to stop. With extreme prejudice.

featured image, modified, Adobe Stock standard license

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  • Carol Marks says:

    This is maddening. What is it going to take to make this stop? Or can it be stopped? It is unbelievable. It’s like I’m watching a stupid B movie. But I’m not! Why is this happening?

    • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

      Under the current political state in this country, I am not capable of being stopped. The Left has put in decades of work in destroying our country, and they seem to have succeeded. That is the only explanation for the victory of people like Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Newsome, Schumer, Waltz, Evers, and Whitmer.

      Intelligent people would never vote for people like them, but after sixty years of the teachers unions seeing to it that the populace is stupid , and happy to be so, their elections are assured.

      But this will not last. The pain of the economic and legal destruction is causing people to finally start paying attention. It took decades for us to get in this situation, and it will take decades to get back, but I believe we will get there.

    • Scott says:

      It can be stopped, but it will NOT be pretty..

  • Hate_me says:

    I agree wholeheartedly that this needs to stop.

    The rub of watering the tree of liberty, however, is it isn’t just with the blood of tyrants. It’s awfully difficult to make a real stand in this country when you cannot count on the average American to stand behind you. Sadly, the average American of this day and age has proven to be a largely fair-weather friend.

  • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    She should sue, but the school is already tapped out from the Gibson case. Perhaps we are seeing the approaching death of Oberline.

  • Cameron says:

    Women need to simply stop acknowledging the trannies. Refuse to train with them or compete against them. And more coaches should come forward like this woman did.

  • Locomotive Breath says:

    What Title IX did for girls in the 1970s was give them hope. Hope to finally get to do the activities denied to them either through neglect or hostility.
    Starts off with a false premise “denied to them”. To disprove this premise walk down to the local community basketball court. Anyone can play a pickup game with no barrier to entry. Pure equal opportunity. All you need is a ball and some friends willing to play. You will almost never see a pickup game with girls/women. Boys/men all the time, but not girls/women. Name any other sport where public facilities can be used free of barriers. Who is voluntarily out on the playing fields? Who is throwing around the football? Who has got the baseball and mitts to play pitch and catch. You know the answer.

    Could it be that whole testosterone thingy that comes with a Y chromosome that means that boys/men are much more interested in the rough and tumble of competitive sports? But wait, despite that clear difference Title IX means we must apparently enforce the same outcome between boys/men and girls/women.

    A male competing with females is the natural conclusion of trying to enforce the same outcome between males and females. If there really is no difference, then just throw them all in the pot together and let the winners emerge. We all know the winners will always be the male.

    What Title IX really did was to enforce equality between the number of athletic scholarships awarded to males and females. The idea was that women were being denied the opportunity to attend college because the athletic scholarships were not available to them. Regardless of the inherent interest, it was affirmative action for women’s sports.

    Today, about 60% of college degrees are awarded to women so I’m thinking mission accomplished. Of course, when males aren’t getting college degrees try finding someone worried about that disparity.

  • Bucky says:

    Self-styled transgender women stand at the intersection of toxic masculinity and rabid misogyny. Not only do they demean natural women but they demonize traditional feminists as TERF’s with the approval of former women’s libbers.

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