Tennessee Legislature May Expel Riot Leader Members

Tennessee Legislature May Expel Riot Leader Members

Tennessee Legislature May Expel Riot Leader Members

Yes, I know. There is a Big Orange militarized vehicle at the top of this page. I am not implying or suggesting violence of any sort. I wanted a featured image that would show that Tennessee is tough. Tennessee doesn’t play. Go Big Orange. Go Vols. Go Tennessee Legislature. Tomorrow, Thursday, April 7, 2023, the Legislature will vote whether or not to expel three members who led an anti-firearm riot in the wake of the Covenant Christian School shooting. The three Democrat members have been stripped of their committee assignments. That’s a fine start. Normally, I think voters should have the representation they voted for, but there are times and situations when people behave so egregiously they must be stripped of their assignments, expelled and, preferably, shunned.

After the Covenant Christian School shooting, Nina wrote up the “peaceful” protest at the Tennessee State Capitol:

It wasn’t fiery, but we are supposed to believe the protest at and within the Tennessee Capitol was “peaceful” according to the media.
Chants of “Save our children!” echoed noisily in the hallways between the state Senate and House chambers, with protesters setting up shop inside and outside the building. Some silently filled the Senate chamber’s gallery, including children who held signs reading “I’m nine” — a reference to the age of the kids who died. Most protesters were removed from the gallery after some began yelling down at the lawmakers, “Children are dead!”
You see, because NARRATIVE and REASONS, it’s completely ok for protestors to push their way inside the Capitol and onto the legislative floor. Because they are screaming for gun control and yelling for the loosening of any and all restrictions on transgender issues, the media is scurrying to their defense. Those protestors are the RIGHT kind of protestors. Anyone who was in D.C. on January 6? They are the baddies.

The Tennessee Legislature riot was not an insurrection and neither was January 6, 2021 at our Nation’s capitol. Both were riots of mobs egged on others for their own purposes. January 6 was led by organizations infiltrated by Federal agents (and Ray Epps). The Nashville Legislature riot was led and egged on by three Democrat members. From Not The Bee:

When protestors took over the Tennessee Capitol and impeded state business, Democrats were at the forefront of the crowd, including three Democrats who got carried away and are now having to face the consequences.
From The Post Millennial:
Reps. Gloria Johnson of Knoxville, Justin Jones of Nashville, and Justin Pearson of Memphis interrupted last Thursday’s legislative session by approaching the podium without being recognized to speak and using bullhorns to share their message. The trio also led protestors in the galleries in a series of chants.Members of the GOP decried their actions, with one member going so far as to refer to it as an “insurrection.” Resolutions calling for their expulsion were introduced Monday, with Republicans arguing that, they “did knowingly and intentionally bring disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives through their individual and collective actions.”

I wouldn’t say the Democrat lawmakers got carried away. They brought in a megaphone. I think they were at least aware and encouraged the protest. Am I wrong?

From the Knox News:

Johnson stood with freshmen Jones and Pearson when they took over the well of the House chamber and began chanting through a megaphone.
The demonstration remained peaceful throughout – there was no property damage or arrests made, according to the Tennessee Highway Patrol.
Sexton immediately recessed the chamber, halting legislative business for nearly an hour before it resumed, and ordered security to clear the House galleries.
On April 3, hundreds of demonstrators came back to the Capitol. In one clip, posted on Twitter by Johnson, the demonstrators chanted “thoughts and prayers are not enough.”

Sky News Host James Morrow used video of the Nashville Capitol riot to make snarky remarks. Thanks Gloria Johnson, you helped make us a joke:

Mr. Morrow was spot on about the narrative of the dominant media. And, maybe no damage was done to the Nashville Capitol building. Damage WAS done to the Tennessee Legislature.

Now I am going to give Pearson and Jones a half pass on this because they are freshman legislators. Gloria Johnson is a bitter ghoul, I give her no quarter. Johnson and Jones were on MSNBC with Joy Reid: Accordg to these two, the Tennessee Legislature owes an apology to the “children” that Speaker Cameron Sexton was demonizing simply because they want to live. Some of those children must have taken growth hormones, if you take my meaning.

If the three Democrats are in favor of an unarmed citizenry, fine. Make proper arguments and follow order. Gloria Johnson has aspirations and loves being a flamethrower. By the way, she is not my State Representative; Jason Zachary is.

Since Pearson and Jones are Freshmen stripped of their committee assignments, they should have a stern warning. Johnson should be expelled. She certain should know better. Go Vols. Show the nation how to do this.

Featured Image: Joel Kramer/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • GWB says:

    All three should be expelled. They broke the rules of the house and encouraged disorder and chaos.

    Honestly, though, I’m glad to see the disruptions occurring. We need more of this, holding the people’s representatives to account.

    However, if the majority did this, it would be a “violent insurrection” and Dems would call out the state National Guard. Because this isn’t a game we’re playing over some laws and bits of governance. This is an existential fight, and the Progressives are determined to destroy Christian civilization so they can bring about their utopia.

  • Cameron says:

    This is what happens when you allow hippies to remain unclubbed.

  • Locomotive Breath says:

    Really nothing new. Up until 10 years ago, ever since the end of reconstruction, NC had been a one-party state with Dems in complete control. Then in 2013 the legislature and the governor were all Republican controlled. The so-called “Moral Monday” protests entered the Capitol with the stated intent of disrupting the legislature and preventing the conduct of business. They were led by our own local version of Al Sharpton pretending to be MLK. Many were arrested and got a slap on the wrist. They were celebrated, of course, by the local leftist newspaper.

    They’re trying to start it up again and all the people decrying the so-called insurrection of January 6th will egg them on.

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