Taxpayer $$$ For Trans Liberation And Child Capture

Taxpayer $$$ For Trans Liberation And Child Capture

Taxpayer $$$ For Trans Liberation And Child Capture

In a cultural panic on par with The Great Hunt witch hysteria of the 16th century, this past five to ten years has witnessed the capture of government and cultural institutions by Transgenderism. A sexual fetish masquerading as a minority identity fully supported by government.

Take Washington State, for instance. Taxpayers shelled out money for Drag Queens and their transactivist allies to come “coach” state employees on how to “fight for trans liberation” in a two-hour struggle session as part of larger radical Left DEI indoctrination conference.

The talk focused on political activism, community organizing, and the role that “allies” should play in the “fight for trans liberation,” according to exclusive video of the presentation. Ace Sutherland, a New York City-based board member for Trans Formations Project, told the government employees that it wanted to “direct” the government on how to help in the fight.

“My message is to make sure that you reach out directly to those who are directly impacted, much like you’re doing today, to ask us how you can help us in our fight for queer and trans liberation,” Ace Sutherland, a New York City-based board member for Trans Formations Project. “We know what we want, and we don’t need anyone speaking over us or for us. We have a voice for ourselves and we will direct you on how to best advocate on our behalf.”

Isn’t this just special? If you’re a state employee, not only do you not get to choose to be an “ally” but you will be nothing more than a sockpuppet to mouth whatever radical chic talking points the Men in Dresses issue to you.

The speakers were also quite adamant that state workers take this advocacy home with them. The admonition here was they must try and recruit family and friends to the cause and if reject, then ““If your friends are not on the same path as you, they are not your friends”.

What’s the first rule of cultism? Cutting out the non-believers from one’s life, regardless of bonds of family and friends. But, hey, that’s not all! What little cultfest wouldn’t be complete without an arm-twist or two about donations?

Founder and Executive Director of the Trans Formations Project Alex Petrovina used the taxpayer-funded forum to ask Washington state employees to donate to the 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, providing the attendees with a donation link, QR code, and a way to donate by text.

“You can see we are currently doing a fundraiser, we are, as I said earlier, an entirely volunteer-run organization, which unfortunately is not the most sustainable method of working,” Petrovina said. “Supporting us in this would mean the world and allow us to continue doing the work but not only do the work but do the work more sustainably and protect our people.”

You know, because taxpayer money ain’t really enough.

And it’s not just WA that sees fit to having government advocate against the constitutional rights speech and association of its employees and citizens, California is right there to use its taxpayer-funded Attorney General’s office against parents.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta on Monday announced a lawsuit against the Chino Valley Unified School District [CVUSD] Board of Education “to immediately halt the enforcement” of their mandatory gender identity disclosure policy.

The school board, which … a shocker, for sure … listening to parents decided that keeping the sexual grooming of their children secret from parents was wrong. That parents, absent any evidence of an abusive household, should have priority over strange adults when it comes to the sexual behavior of their minor children.

Pretty radical, eh?

The school board isn’t folding …

CVUSD President Sonja Shaw told Fox News Digital that she is “not surprised” at this move.

“I’m not surprised at the aggressive stance Sacramento is taking against the District for daring to question motives and agendas that don’t sit well with parents and families fighting to keep themselves involved in the life’s of children,” Shaw said.

She continued, “Once again this is government overreach and the political cartel of Bonta, Newsom and Thurmond is using their muscle and taxpayers dollars to shut parents out of their children’s lives. We again had to learn first hand from reporters of their lawsuit. Bonta can’t even cite a law we are breaking in the documents and I find it a joke.”

Law? Law? Sacramento Socialist Democrats don’t need no stinkin’ law! Bonta, like VA Roundheels Harris before him, will run the office based on political considerations whether the law agrees or not.

Rule of Law is only a matter of convenience for Democrats. Just as the taxpayer is little more than a piggy bank for their personal causes, too. Though, there’s a flicker of hope that some California aren’t taking the Transgender Cult’s takeover of their lives without a fight.

California activists on Monday filed three ballot initiatives to counter some of the state’s transgender policies, including those allowing minors to obtain sex changes and requiring high school girls to compete against biological boys. (snip)

Activists see California, which led the way in enshrining gender ideology in state law, as a major battleground in the nationwide movement to safeguard children from irreversible sex changes.

“We have achieved massive wins, culturally, legislatively, and judicially all over the states, but honestly there is no place quite like home,” said Chloe Cole, a detransitioner who filed the first U.S. lawsuit against the California hospital that removed her breasts when she was 15. “My home is now looked down upon because it has become a safe haven for medical experimentation on children by doctors who are looking for cash grabs and political points.”

The fight against this cult is far from over. It’s anti-science, homophobic and misogynist base is formidable not least of wish it shields itself behind the ostensible LGB community.

As VG Toni wrote yesterday, The Trans Radical Activists want to erase the Gays and Lesbians., and they are turning against the “T”.

Now if we can just get government to stop advancing this political, child-mutilating cult.

featured image original artwork by Darleen Click

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