Taliban Commando Unit Mocks Iwo Jima Photo

Taliban Commando Unit Mocks Iwo Jima Photo

Taliban Commando Unit Mocks Iwo Jima Photo

Who knew? Apparently the Taliban has a commando unit, and they’ve been patrolling Kabul, looking for all the world like American Spec Ops.

And why shouldn’t they? They’ve stolen a lot of our stuff, and now since Afghanistan has fallen, they have even more.

The Badri-313 Battalion took its name after the Battle of Badr in 642, in which Mohammed supposedly defeated an army with just 313 men. This battalion, along with the entire Taliban, uses a lot of our stuff, along with gear from other nations.

Forget the stereotyped image of Taliban in turbans riding around in Toyota pickups with Kalashnikov rifles. These guys look for all the world like American forces, which is chilling. Badri-313 forces wear American-style helmets with night-vision, along with body armor and tactical knee protection. They also use tactical radios and drive around in armored Humvees.

Badri-313 and the Taliban also acquired a large cache of attack and intelligence aircraft, such as EMB-314 Super Tucano and AC-208 Combat Caravan light attack aircraft. The Super Tucano also has laser-guided bombing systems.

Those planes are in addition to 35 Black Hawk helicopters, 76 Russian MI-17 helicopters, and 12 Pilatus PC-12 aircraft, also used for intelligence and transport. Well, that’s just swell.

Indian media called these commandos “Taliban 2.0.” And Indians are alarmed, too.

Badri-313 also has an inflated ego, which they demonstrated in a photo mocking the raising of the US flag on Iwo Jima in 1945. Not only that, but they’re also wearing American gear in their photo, too.

Taliban/Iwo Jima

Screenshot: John Cardillo/twitter.

Retired Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata tweeted:

“US Marines at Iwo Jima on the right in iconic photo…Taliban in US special ops gear on the left in #Afghanistan mocking US and the world. This tragedy spans even to #thegreatestgeneration.”

While former DoD Intelligence Operator Tony Shaffer also quipped:

“Quid Pro Quo @JoeBiden has armed the Taliban to the level they are a regional military competitor with Pakistan…”

Meanwhile, Sky News from Australia also reports that “this is the worst day by far” at the Kabul Airport.

So here’s my dream: let our SEALs, Rangers, Marines, and any members of our toughest units shred these goat fuckers to smithereens. And I say that from the gut as the daughter of a World War II veteran.

Yet there are Twitter sheep who still stand by Joe Biden — because he never served McDonald’s to White House guests. Like Trump did, of course.


Instead, Joe Biden served up a plate of military hardware to the Taliban, who are now recreating their own version of SEAL Team Six. That’s in addition to serving up a shit sandwich to Americans in Kabul, Afghan supporters, and our NATO allies. He’s also jeopardized America’s standing in the world. And now the Taliban mocks one of the most iconic images of American military courage and devotion as well.

But hey, no more mean tweets and McDonald’s in the White House, right?


Featured image: David Erickson/flickr/cropped/CC BY 2.0.

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

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  • Kate says:

    They did this to humiliate.
    It also infuriates us further.

    Hunt them down and kill them. All of them.

    • Scott says:

      This x1000 Kate!

      As to the taliban “spec ops”.. They are not, and never will be Seal Team Six.. More like Goat Team 1.. as a child my son put on my bunker gear, but it didn’t make him a firefighter.. these flea infested goat fuckers still wipe their asses with their hands. Just Dementia Joe and his brainless advisors gave them American hardware doesn’t make them any more than they are.. illiterate 9th century thugs, who would get there asses kicked if they went up against a ROTC squad..
      As to hunting them down, I’d rather follow the suggestions of Rob O’Neil and JDAM them every time they tell us where they are.. We missed a golden opportunity when they were partying in the palace..
      I NEVER thought I’d agree with that jug eared F@*ker obama, but he was spot on when he said “Never underestimate Joes ability to F@*k shit up”…
      By the way, there’s not a single thing wrong with Afghanistan… That can’t be cured by the proper application of multiple uncontrolled thermonuclear reactions…

      • Kim Hirsch says:

        No, they’re not the SEALs or the Rangers —- those groups have received elite training that’s been developed over decades. These guys don’t have any of that.
        But don’t underestimate the carnage that can be wrought by heavily armed religious fanatics, either.

  • F.D.R. in Hell says:

    If those animals want to get “nostalgic”… I suggest America dusts off Fat Man and Little Boy for a much-needed reunion.

  • Ty says:

    Who Cares?

    We aren’t going to do anything.

    They are going to start marrying 8 year old girls after they cut their genitals with broken glass.

    They are going to find every gay and throw them off the tallest building.

    Anyone who worked for they US, even the janitors, will be killed along with their whole familes.

    They will kill 200k humans. Rape millions. They won’t take their vaccines!!!

    We aren’t going to do anything.

    If they were smart, they’d round up a few thousand of the Americans we left behind and keep them as hostages for the next 20 years.

    • Hate_me says:

      Whoa, whoa, whoa!

      Do you want us to get militarily embroiled in Afghanistan, again? Biden might just do that if it’s about forcing vaccinations.

      He’s obviously cool with everything else you mentioned; he’ll, he’s probably salivating over his first visit with their “President” and being able to partake in the young girls.

    • Cameron says:

      Oh don’t worry; the “Stern Letter” template on Microsoft Word will be fired up and ready to go.

  • F.D.R. in Hell says:

    As bad as 2020 was, you’d better pray those weren’t “the good ol’ days.”
    Ty appears to have a vision of trouble ahead.

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