Fired former FBI Director James Comey once called President Donald Trump “crazy” regarding his wiretapping claim. Comey then sent a kinda-crazy and totally self-serving “farewell letter” to “select” former colleagues at the FBI. It is hard to say whether the Trump/Comey affair works better as a swamp or circus analogy.
President Donald Trump greets FBI Director James Comey
The is reporting that the now-fired Comey called Trump “crazy” in March over the wiretapping allegations. From The Hill’s article:
Former FBI Director James Comey reportedly told associates in March that President Trump was “crazy” for suggesting former President Barack Obama had wiretapped him.
Comey also called the president “outside the realm of normal,” according to a report from The New York Times on Wednesday.
OMG, Donald Trump used the old-fashioned word “wiretapped” instead of the more digitally-correct “surveilled”. Why don’t we ask disgraced General and Trump Administration National Security Adviser for all of five minutes about “listening” and unmasking”? Former President Barack Obama had that phone and pen and Susan Rice to cover and unmask for him. Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett politicized everything. Everything that everyone does or says gets vacuumed up and it’s just a matter of “unmasking” and your future is ruined. Remember the movie “Enemy of the State” starring Will Smith? Well, “crying” Chuck Schumer told us all we need to know about Trump being surveilled in his “six ways from Sunday” comment. Remember this:
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